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Starting to post for general increase in DPS for berserkers. I will start with the obvious, first off ALWAYS mash frenzy/volley. Postition yourself behind the mob when ever possible to increase your accuracy (mobs will rip/dodge/parry etc in there front and side cones or so). Buffs can also be quite important for DPS, always keep ranger buffs up, pred/hunter line of spells and the CoS line for AC/DS if you want, don't use BSG any atk is better then a small amount of hp.

开始会写一些能让DPS提高的基本东西,首先,要做好一个DPSer, Frenzy和Volley一定是要CD到就按的,其次站在怪物背后提高命中率(正面和侧面有反击,闪躲,格档),同时要保持dps相关BUFF,比如游侠的SOG,GOP,当然还有提高AC/DS的COS,不要用PAL的BSG。

B It's nice to have groups of 7 because if one person in that group gets Storm Cloud then the other 6 will immediately get buffed with Storm Power and can start to put out dps without people running around trying to get buffed.


Mr Maliki is trying to buff up his image as the strongman who can provide law and order.


So 61% of your shots will be without the Master Tactician on.

61% 的时间,你会没有战术大师buff。

Common European brown-and-buff tree creeper with down-curved bill.


Another important effect of Air Superiority is the 20% defense buff the Vindicator receives, which makes bombing runs much safer.


Well-disciplined with daily yoga exercises, and you must have a buff body.


I had to depend on a lot of resurrection and buffs from light magic, and the occasional imbued ballista with destructive magic.


I had to depend on a lot of resurrection and buffs from light magic, and the occasional imbued ballista with destructive magic.


If instead you're just arguing that warriors are weak and need to be buffed, that's a different issue.


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Buff Ryders (Skit)

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
