查询词典 brown
- 与 brown 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
A dark-brown palatable yeast extract made from brewer's yeast is obtained by method of autolysis on a pilot scale.
Aventurine ranges in color from green, peach, brown, blue and creamy green.
Hence aventurine may be green, greenish-brown, blueish-white, bluish green and orange.
Finally, a stochastic averaging method based on generalized harmonic functions has been introduced and applied to the study of dynamics of Brownian particles.
They were helped by the fact that their meeting place, Hartwell House near Aylesbury, benefits from fine grounds landscaped in Brown's style.
Any of various brown and white dairy cattle of a breed that originated in Ayr, Scotland.
"Outstanding dairy breed s include the Holstein, Guernsey, Jersey, Ayrshire, and Brown Swiss."
"Outstanding dairy breeds include the Holstein, Guernsey, Jersey, Ayrshire, and Brown Swiss."
Of who were highly satisfied with BA cabin crew.
主管乘客满意度调查的负责人对媒体透露:"在过去一年中,英航接待了超过40,000位从上海出发的乘客,其中84%的乘客对英航的机舱服务表示高度满意,而几乎所有使用过头等舱休息室和Molton Brown水疗中心的客人,都对英航的高端产品以及细致独到的服务特色赞不绝口。"
I think the baby will have blue eyes,the same as his father and mother.He won't have brown eyes like me.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Charlie Brown
- Brown Chicken, Brown Cow
- These Brown Eyes
- Pretty Brown
- Brown Eyed Girl
- Brown Liquor
- Sweet Georgia Brown
- Brown Bag
- Book Faded Brown
- Old Brown Shoe
- 推荐网络例句
It has been put forward that there exists single Ball point and double Ball points on the symmetrical connecting-rod curves of equilateral mechanisms.
The factory affiliated to the Group primarily manufactures multiple-purpose pincers, baking kits, knives, scissors, kitchenware, gardening tools and beauty care kits as well as other hardware tools, the annual production value of which reaches US$ 30 million dollars.
The eˉtiology of hemospermia is complicate,but almost of hemospermia are benign.