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与 bronchial 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Young age and laryngeal or tracheal-bronchial malacia are high-risk factors for complications .


Successful desensitization was defined as the ability to take clopidogrel 75 mg daily without a mucocutaneous, bronchial, or anaphylactic response.


The fully inhibited AMP-induced neutrophilia with residual hypoxaemia observed after salbutamol is likely related to beta-agonists acting on both bronchial and pulmonary circulations.


Furthermore, bronchial biopsy specimens showed a prominent neutrophilic inflammation of the airway.30


Purpose To study the significance of measuring the respiratory impedance in bronchial asthma patients by impulse oscillometry method.


Impulse oscillometry ; bronchial asthma ; respiratory impedance


ZHANG Qin, WAN Li-ya ( Childrens Hospital of Tianjin, Tianjin 300074, China)Pulmonary function test has become an important way to diagnose respiratory system diseases,such as asthma; Bronchiectasis test is wildly used as a way to diagnose, differential diagnose bronchial tube asthma and guide the clinical treatment. Pulmonary function test using Impulse oscillometry is a technique to evaluate the airflow obstruction in respiratory diseases.

目前,临床常用扩张试验前、后第1秒用力呼气流量(FEv1)变化率作为判断指标,也有用呼气高峰流速、最大呼气中段流量变化率作为判断指标,但对于低年龄儿童来说,由于理解能力和配合能力的欠缺,上述参数作为判断气道阻力可逆性反应的指标都存在明显的局限性和一定的漏诊率u J。

The efficacy of empiric uses of inhaled bronchodilator and corticosteroids may be due to the period effect, withdrawal of such therapy and and re-evaluation may be needed for the confirmation of diagnosis, to avoid the overdiagnosis and overtreatment of bronchial asthma using long-term corticosteroids.


The tumor is usually confined to the bronchial wall, although the high-grade form may extend into the peribronchial interstitium or adjacent lung parenchyma.


The conspicuous positive expression of F1ATPase-α on the pericellular membrane of A549 cells was not observed on normal bronchial epithelial cells.


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