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Under light microscope, on H-E stain section, four types cells can be distinguish: cells with weak basophilic fibrillar elements; cells with acidophilic granular substance; cells with strong basophilic fibrillar elements and ciliated cells. In the basal lamina region under gland epithelium, there are a few connective tissue; Surface view of the hypobranchial gland could be see by scanning electron microscope, there are cilia and different kinds of secretions distributed. Ultrastructure of the hypobranchial gland could be understand by transmission electron microscope, supporting cells, sensory cells and seven types gland cell were observed to form the glandular epithelium; cells with much rough endoplasmic reticulum,smooth muscle fiber and nerve endings were found beneath glandular epithelium, among basal lamina region.


Sheep embryo with high-purity,high-quality and high security features to extract the cells from the completion of the injection can be divided into three phases:-Using the most advanced chemical and biological equipment from sheep embryos to extract the liver activity of the protein and remove impurities,heat-sensitive eggs White matter and may result in allergic reactions of various types of risk factors-The adoption of advanced technology to extract the cells separated,thus the effectiveness of different cells,such as chest Gland cells,placental cells,liver cells and so on dozens of different types of-Using the most advanced technology to maintain the freeze-dried cells of live sheep-embryo for the first time the use of only afew hours to keep The cell activity,and now,with the continuous development of science and technology,after the extract ion of the cells have been able to keep to five years.


Results: the positive cells mostly included ependymal cells of myelocoele, glial cells, anterior horn motor neurons, and epithelial cells of spinal pia mater and their expressions were mainly located on cell membrane. interestingly, aqp4 distribution in glial cells and ependymal cells showed certain directivity, but the former was mainly in the membrane side contacting with capillary endothelial cells and the latter mostly in the basolateral membrane of ependymal cells.

结果: 免疫组织化学染色和原位杂交结果显示胶质细胞、前角运动神经元、中央管室管膜细胞、软脊膜上皮细胞均表达阳性,aqp4主要分布于细胞膜,其中,胶质细胞和中央管室管膜细胞表达存在极性,前者主要分布在与毛细血管内皮细胞接触的一侧,后者主要分布在中央管室管膜细胞的基底侧膜。

The results of immuhistochemistry show: compared with normal retina, more 3-NT-positive cells and iNOS-positive cells appear in inner nucleus layer of diabetic retina; less eNOS-positive cells appear in inner nucleus layer and vascular endoderm of diabetic retina; less nNOS -positive cells appear in inner nucleus layer of diabetic retina; more ET-positive cells, ETRA- positive cells, ETRB- positive cells appear in inner nucleus layer of diabetic retina; moreα- synuclein- positive cells appear in ocular cone and rod layer of diabetic retina. Conclusions 1. RFDD-PCR is an efficient technique for research diseases genomics as a mass screening to complete gene expression with the identifying of candidate gene related to disease.


RESULT: 1.Ouabain act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens anterior capsular membrane discontinuous,epithelium cells clustered,occluding zonule seperated,lens fiber layers fractured.Under the EM,cells totally hollowed,mitochondria swelling,myelin figure appeared.RT-PCR examine the expression condition of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level,α1、α2 and α3-isoform are all decreased.2.Digoxin act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens cell oedema,linkage distructed,extensive exfoliation.Under the EM,plasma appeared little half-transparant hollow region,mitochondria swelling and ridge disappeared. RT-PCR examine,α1、α2 and α3-isoform are all decreased.3.Amphotericin B act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens epithelium cells linked tightly,arranged in-line,lens fiber layers arranged tightly and regularily.Under the EM,abbundant cellular organes,exuberant cells function indicated. RT-PCR examine the expression condition of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level,α1 and α3-isoform are increased significantly,demonstrated isoform-specific action.4D-thyroxine act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens plasmalemma integrated,cells arranged tightly and regularily.Under the EM,nucleus fission appeared,desmosome half-desmosome and tensile microfilaments linked the cells. RT-PCR examine,α2 and α3-isoform are increased, also demonstrated isoform-specific action.5.Vitamin E act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens anterior capsular membrane continuous and smooth,epithelium cells tightly linked,lens fiber layers appearede hollow region occasionally.Under the EM,lateral membrane high density belt appeared,abundant nucleolus. RT-PCR examine,onlyα1-isoform are increased, demonstrated significantly isoform-specific action.6.DMSO act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens anterior capsular membrane slightly thicker,cells linkage partly distructed.Under the EM,plasmalemma denaturation,mitochondria swelling.RT-PCR examine,α1、α2 and α3-isoform are all altered slightly and haven't significant meanning.


Restrictive changes of TCR Vp repertoire and clonal expanded T cells could be found in peripheral blood T cells from patients with T-ALL. However, the clonal expanded T cells' property (clonal expansion leukemic cells or leukemia antigen-specific expansion T cells) should be further characterized. It may play a certain role on detection of minimal residual disease and design of anti-leukemia idiotypic vaccine. The dominant utilization of TCR VjJ repertoire could be found in peripheral blood T cells from patients with B-ALL, meanwhile clonal expansive T cells were existed. It may be a feature of the host immune response for leukemia-associated antigen. The clonal expansive tendency of T cells in V021 and VP23 subfamilies was rather obvious, which may be correlated with certain malignant B-cell clone. The CDR3 sequences of monoclonal expansive T cell in T cell strains were different, which was the base of developing DNA vaccine.

T-ALL患者外周血T细胞的TCR Vβ谱系出现限制性改变,均可检测到克隆性增殖T细胞,尚需进一步鉴定其性质(肿瘤性或抗原特异性增殖),对于研究微小残留病变检测和设计抗白血病独特型疫苗均有一定的意义。B-ALL病人外周血T细胞的TCR Vβ谱系呈现优势利用的特点,并存在克隆性增殖的T细胞,这可能是机体对白血病相关抗原产生的特异性免疫反应;Vβ21和Vβ23亚家族T细胞发生克隆增殖改变的趋向性比较明显,可能与B-ALL相关抗原刺激有关。T细胞株中检测到的肿瘤克隆其CDR3序列具有高度的特异性,是构建DNA疫苗的基础。

However, in 2 cases with intestinal tuberculosis, another chronic inflammatory disease of the large bowel, reticulum cells and countless neutrophilic leucocytes were seen in both cases , and plasma cells , atypical epithelial cells, and multinucleated giant cells in one case, In 7cases with amebic colitis countless neutrophilic leucocytes were seen in 2 cases (28.6%), plasma cells, reticulum cells, atypical epithelial cells, and multinucleated giant cells in one case (14.3%) respectively.


Neuraxon of type B neurosecretory terminals contain a lot of small clarity vesicles. Adcnophyphophysis is mainly composed of anteriorticrticotrophic cells, prolactin cells, growth hormone cells, thyrotrophs cells, gonadotrophic hormone cells, melanophore-stimulating hormone cells, periodic acid-Schiff-positive cells and one non-secretory cell type-stellate cells.


Neuraxon of type B neurosecretory terminals contain a lot of small clarity vesicles. Adenohypophysis is mainly composed of adrenocorticotrophic cells, prolactin cells, growth hormone cells, thyrotrophs cells, gonadotrophic hormone cells, melanophore-stimulating hormone cells, periodic acid-Schiff-positive cells and one non-secretory cell type-stellate cells. The ultra-structural characteristics of pituitary in Sinperca chuatsi during procreating season are discussed.


Light microscope and transmission electron microscopy showed that SMMC-7721 cells induced by SAHA had undergone the restorational alteration in morphology and ultrastructure, which were different from those of nontreated cells but were similar to those of normal cells, and the changes were as follows: the cells turned to be flat and spread; the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio lessened and nuclear shape became rather regular; the number of nucleolus reduced and its volume lessened; euchromatin increased while heterochromatin decreased in nucleus; in the cytoplasm, mitochondria grew in number with relatively consistent structure and well-developed mitochondria cristae; Golgi complex turned to be well-developed and typical; rough endoplasmic reticulum increased. Immunocytochemistry assay showed that the expression of AFP and PCNA were declined significantly. FCM analysis showed SAHA could arrest SMMC-7721 cells in G0/G1 phase, with an accumulation of the cells in G0/G1 phase while a decrease of cells in S phase. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR detection revealed that the expression of p21WAFl mRNA was upregulated remarkably in the cells treated with SAHA.

结果:倒置显微镜和透射电镜观察显示,经SAHA处理的细胞增殖速度显著减慢,细胞体积增大,细胞核较小,形状较为规则,核仁数量减少、体积变小,核内常染色质增多而异染色质减少,核质比例减小,细胞质内线粒体数量增多、线粒体嵴发达,高尔基体较为典型,粗糙型内质网增多,呈现出与正常上皮细胞相似的形态变化;MTT比色法测定结果显示不同浓度(2.5、5.0、7.5、10.0uM)SAHA对SMMC-7721细胞的增殖均有抑制作用,并有明显的剂量依赖和时间依赖关系;免疫细胞化学检测显示SAHA能显著降低PCNA和AFP在SMMC-7721细胞中的表达;流式细胞仪检测结果显示,SMMC-7721细胞经SAHA处理后,G0/G1期细胞明显增加,S期细胞则明显减少,细胞被阻滞于G0/G1期;RT-PCR检测结果表明,SAHA作用12h后SMMC-7721细胞中p21WAF1 mRNA的表达即有增加,24h后更为明显。

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