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与 brio 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fortunate to work for Brio, a company who is diligent, ethical, and unique from the other Chinese EMS


Appreciated the prompt, courteous and professional service from all Brio employees.


Novax Industries has been working with Canada Brio since 2006 when they made what we thought would be a difficult transition to Asian manufacturing seems easy.


At last, web-based system off-site regulation information system is developed by J2EE platform, using Star join to implement multidimensional data model, and using BRIO as business intelligence application to multidimensional data analysis.


He loosened up such paranoid antitheses by the flair and brio of his writing, and in doing so spoke up for the voiceless, from whose ranks he had emerged.


This action which is later perceived as spoiling the realistic illusion of the cinema, is action which is later perceived as spoiling the realistic illusion of the cinema, is here undertaken with brio, establishing contact with the audience From comedians smirking at the camera, to the constant bowing and gesturing of the conjurors in magic films, this is a cinema that displays its visibility, willing to rupture a self-enclosed fictional world for a chance to solicit the attention of the spectator

这个 行动是后来溺爱的电影现实的幻想被认为是行动是后来溺爱的电影现实的幻想被认为是这里开展的快板,建立与警方在相机面带笑容的喜剧演员观众接触,以不断鞠躬,并在魔术电影conjurors手势,这是一个电影,显示其知名度,愿意破裂自我封闭的虚构世界的机会,争取到注意旁观者

A lovely bit of defiance and brio, as the Doctor tells the Daleks he's going to rescue their hostage — and they're so shocked, they don't even think to execute her.


The orchestra began the first movement, Allegro con brio, in a rising interval of a sixth that soon expanded to a group of themes, each adding grandeur to the piece.


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But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
