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A woman of medium build, breast base diameter of 10-12 cm, the breast height of 5-6 cm, is the most beautiful breasts.

一个中等身材的女性,乳房基底直径为10-12厘米,乳房高度为 5-6厘米,是最为美丽的乳房。

Results: It was found that there were significant differences between MGMT and Survivin in breast adenoma and breast cancer.


All of experimental, we found the leave of Ampelopsis revipedunculata and Cayratia japonica have good effect of antioxidation and anti-breast cancer cell, Ampelopsis revipedunculata leave inhibit human breast cancer cell MCF-7 effect reach over 82%.


Sir, sir, I am sorry for Marie Antoinette, archduchess and queen; but I am also sorry for that poor Huguenot woman, who, in 1685, under Louis the Great, sir, while with a nursing infant, was bound, naked to the waist, to a stake, and the child kept at a distance; her breast swelled with milk and her heart with anguish; the little one, hungry and pale, beheld that breast and cried and agonized; the executioner said to the woman, a mother and a nurse, 'Abjure!


After the baby sucking a rubber nipple, oral movement different in breast-feeding, artificial feeding in the baby's sucking in infants than in breast-feeding effort, the infant will appear nipple illusion, refusing to have milk, irritability and so forth, resulting in difficulties in breast-feeding So was born 4-6 months of exclusive breastfeeding of infants should be to prohibit the use of rubber teats and bottle 2, children have yet to develop to improve the digestive system, stomach small and flat, cardia sphincter to relax, once feeding properly, swallowed a large number of air, easily lead to吐奶; feeding when the infant nipple, milk flow not too hasty.


Objective To explore the effect of mammography in the diagnosis of early breast cancer.Methods 33 early stage breast cancer patients were confirmed by surgical operation and pathology and diagnosed by mammography at the same time to analyse the relationship between the signs of X-ray and early stage breast cancer.

目的 探讨乳腺钼靶摄影对早期腺癌的早期诊断价值,提高腺癌的早期诊断率方法总结近3年经乳腺钼靶摄影确诊同时经手术病理证实的早期腺癌33例,分析钼钯摄影的X线征象对早期腺癌的诊断价值。

FDS examination has an advantage over the breast X-ray photography, ultrasonography and cytology. It is very valuable in the diagnosis of breast intraductal hyperplastic disease, and can enhance the early diagnostic rate of breast cancer. After FDS examination, all the patients had no pain and intraductal subsequent infection, so it can be used as a routine examination of patient with nipple discharge.


The singer has worked to raise money for breast cancer over recent years and has regularly worked to publicise Breast Cancer Awareness Month.One of her skimpiest bras was sold at auction for a record ?2,400 three years ago for Breast Cancer Care.


PartⅢDiagnostic strategy of Breast Lesion using combination of dynamic contrast-enhanced and diffusion-weighted imagingPurpose:To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of a combination of dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging and diffusion-weighted MR imaging in characterization of breast lesion and to find the strongest discriminators between malignancy and benignancy.Materials and Methods:223 patients with 236 pathology-confirmed breast lesions were examined using EPI-DWI,FSE-T2WI,SE-T1WI,DCE-MR imaging were performed using VIBRANT sequence.

第三部分磁共振动态增强扫描结合扩散加权成像诊断乳腺癌的策略研究目的:分析乳腺良、恶性病变的形态学表现、血流动力学表现,结合ADC值,采用单变量和多变量分析,挖掘有意义的恶性MR征象,制定乳腺癌的诊断策略,探讨动态增强MR(dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging,DCE-MRI)结合DWI对乳腺病变的诊断和鉴别诊断价值。

If you do have a baby, however, you may want to breast-feed, and the longer the better; studies have found that breast-feeding reduces the risk of breast cancer.


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Robin Red Breast
Beauty Queen Breast Stroke
Squeeze Breast
Savage Breast
Breast Specialist

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
