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与 breast 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results: Breast pain: Thirty two women (60.4%) experienced cyclicpremenstrual mastalgia, lasting 4 days. Average serum 〓 level and serum progesteronelevel of women with cyclic breast pain in luteal phase were higher than that of womenwithout breast pain.


Materials Methods: Beast ultrasound was performedduring luteal phase and late follicular phase in 50 women, aged 25~45, with normalmenstrual cycle and no distinct breast disease; Serum estradiol and progesteronelevel were measured by enzyme immunoassay on the day of ultrasound performed. Onehundred of twenty nine menopause transition women and 318 menopause women wereselected. All of them had ultrasound of breast and serum estradiol report. Breast pain wererecorded. Sixty menopausal women aged 56.8 yr. and menopausal aged 8.2 yr. participated1-year double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled and 2mg 17β-estradiol continuouscombined with 1mg norethindrone acetate clinical study. Mastalgia was diaried. Breaststructure changes tested by high-resolution ultrasound at the 0 and 12 M.

资料和方法:征集身体健康,没有明显乳腺疾病的正常月经妇女53名,分别在月经的晚卵泡期和黄体期进行超声检查和测血清雌二醇和孕酮水平;收集有HRT前乳腺超声检查和血清雌二醇水平结果的绝经过渡期妇女129名和绝经后妇女318名,记录既往乳腺胀疼、过渡期乳腺胀疼、绝经后乳腺胀疼和既往乳腺病史。17 β-雌二醇2mg加醋酸炔诺酮1mg连续联合治疗和安慰剂随机双盲平行对照临床研究1年的60名参加者,分别在用药前后各进行一次乳腺超声检查,乳腺症状按同一表格由病人日记及经培训的一名医生定期随诊记录乳腺胀疼出现、消失的日期及持续的天数;超声检查用同一方法测量乳腺腺体层厚度、导管宽度、乳腺腺体结构及血流。

The risk factors of breast carcinoma includes family history (The likelihood of developing breast cancer for a patient, if one of whose mother or sisters does, will increase by 1.5 to 3 times.), age, BMI, hereditary factors (The risk of developing breast cancer for a female whose BRCA1 gene has been mutated reaches 50-85% in her life.), female, contact history of the endogenous and exogenous estrogen, past history of chest being exposed to the radiation, dietary pattern, benign mastopathy and environmental factors.


The dietary intake was recorded for 3 consecutive days during the 4th and 6th month of the infants,and the infants were divided into 4 groups with di fferent feeding patterns,namely exclusive breast feeding,breast feeding as the only milk source with other supple- mentary food,mixed feeding(breast and formula feeding plus other supplementary food),and bottle feeding.


Objective To study the expression of epithelial-cadherin in breast cancer cells and the microvessel density in breast cancer mesenchyma, and to analyze the correlation between two factors and metastasis in breast cancer.


Major pathological changes are duct ectasia and obvious periductal inflammatory changes.The clinical manifestations of PCM are breast mass and inflammatory changes,which should to be distinguished with advanced breast cancer and inflammatory breast cancer.


Methods:The changes of serum CYFRA21-1 level were detected by RIA method in 34 patients with breast benign diseases,47 patients with protopathic breast cancer before and after their operations and 56 patients with breast cancer only after operations.

采用放免法测定 34例乳腺良性疾病患者术前、47例乳腺癌患者术前和术后 4周及 56例乳腺癌术后随访患者的血清 CYFRA21-1 水平,进行对照分析。

Methods:The changes of serum CYFRA21-1 level were detected by RIA method in 34 patients with breast benign diseasesˇ47 patients with protopathic breast cancer before and after their operations and 56 patients with breast cancer only after operations.

方法ˇ采用放免法测定 34例乳ˇ良性疾病患者术前、47例乳ˇ癌患者术前和术后 4周及 56例乳ˇ癌术后随访患者的血清 CYFRA21-1 水平ˇ进行对照分析。

All the LOH on 〓 and 〓 was observed in invasive ductal carcino- ma, carcinoma simplex, medulary carcinoma and scirrhous carcino- ma, no deletions at these sites were observed in any invasive lobular carcinoma and others. These results imply an etiological difference.P53 gene is a hot point gene in the occurrence and development of breast, cancer. PCR-SSCP analysis was performed to detect P53 gene point mutation in the region between exon 5 and 8, 5 of 12 (41. 6%) stage I breast cancer patients contain mutation of P53, 3 of 5 patients were accompanied by 〓 deletion. These results suggested that point mutation and allelic loss of P53 gene are two vi- tal genetic events in earlier stage of breast tumorigenesis.


CHICAGO - Automated breast ultrasound can detect new breast lesions as well as confirm findings preiously found on mammography, according to the phase II results of a screening trial at the Elizabeth Wende Breast Clinic in Rochester, NY.

芝加哥——根据纽约Rochester,Elizabeth Wende乳腺门诊的筛查性研究的二期临床测试结果,全自动乳腺超声可以发现乳腺的新发病变,证实既往乳腺摄影发现的陈旧病变。

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Robin Red Breast
Beauty Queen Breast Stroke
Squeeze Breast
Savage Breast
Breast Specialist

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
