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与 branchlets 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Branchlets mostly terete, rarely slightly angulate, unarmed.


Capsule neither yellowish nor with resiniferous punctate glands; leaves usually concentrated at apices of branchlets

既不淡黄的蒴果也非具resiniferous具点腺体;叶通常集中小枝的在顶端 36

Culms to 1.8 m; culm sheaths leathery, with sparse, appressed setae; branchlets with 4–9 blades

秆到1.8米;似皮革的竿箨,有稀少,贴伏刚毛;有4-9 叶片的小枝 55 Y。

Branchlets opposite. Leaves opposite, exstipulate, veins 3-5, basifugal, margin entire or serrate.


Branchlets, leaves, and calyces with different hairs than above.


Branchlets, leaves, and calyces densely stellate tomentose or stellate lanate.


Cymes sessile or very short pedunculate; branchlets, inflorescences, and calyces densely hirtellous

无柄的聚伞花序或者有花序梗的非常短;浓密的小枝,开花和花萼具微糙硬毛 38 Isodon hirtellus 细毛香茶菜

Cymes conspicuously pedunculate; branchlets, inflorescences, and calyces not hirtellous.


Male inflorescence pendulous, solitary in leaf axils toward base of branchlets or in paniculate clusters on lateral or subterminal shoots; flower solitary and scattered on rachis; perianth calyciform, 4-7-lobed or more lobed; stamens 4-7 or fewer, filaments slender; staminodes small.

托叶早落。雄花序下垂,叶腋单生向基部的小枝圆锥状簇生或在侧或上嫩枝;花单生和在轴上星散;花被calyciform,4-7 有叶或者更有叶;雄蕊4-7或者更少,花丝纤细;退化雄蕊小。

Lenticels of young branchlets obvious; floral disk carnose, shallowly discoid or slightly pillow-form; stamens inserted below disk; fruit large, 8-12 mm wide, widely elliptic, rarely globose

幼枝的皮孔明显;花的花盘肉质,浅盘状的或稍枕形;在花盘下面着生的雄蕊;大的果,8-12毫米宽,宽椭圆形,很少球状 4

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Plunder melds and run with this jewel!


My dream is to be a crazy growing tree and extend at the edge between the city and the forest.


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