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与 bracteate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Racemes few to many flowered, ebracteate or rarely lowermost flowers bracteate, elongated in fruit.


Inflorescence axillary or arising from rhizomes, cymose or reduced to a solitary flower, bracteate.


Inflorescences terminal or axillary, cymose paniculate, sometimes bracteate.


Racemes bracteate throughout; fruit 4-5 mm wide; seeds 3-4.5 mm

具苞片的总状花序全部;果4-5毫米宽;种子3-4.5毫米 1 E。

Cymes terminal or axillary, crowded or often dichotomously branched spreading panicles, bracteate or ebracteate.


Fruit 3-10(-15)× 1-1.3 mm, widest near or at base; petals 1-2.5(-3) mm; seeds often subbiseriate at basal portion of fruit; racemes bracteate throughout or rarely only along proximal half

果 3-10(-15)* 1-1.3 毫米,宽近的或在基部;花瓣1-2.5(-3)毫米;在果的基部的部分的种子通常subbiseriate;只下半部的在整个或很少具苞片的总状花序 2 N。

Cymes scorpioid, solitary at stem apex or terminating stems and branches and forming a panicle, usually elongated in fruit, bracteate.


Inflorescences umbellate, corymbose, paniculate, or a solitary flower, bracteate and bracteolate.


Inflorescence a drepanium, elongated after anthesis, bracteate.

叶互生 花序drepanium,花后伸长,具苞片。

Inflorescence bracteate, partially iterauctant, composed of 1–7-spikeleted racemes gathered into fascicles or globose mass subtended by a tiny, membranous, 2-keeled prophyll, 0 or 1 gemmiferous bract, 2–6, gradually enlarged scaly bracts, and 2–7 spathiform bracts.

具苞片的花序,部分iterauctant,由1-7 spikeleted组成,总状花序进束簇聚集群众以极小,膜质,龙骨状的2被包着的或球状,小穗具2-7小花,顶生不育。

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