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与 bracteate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Flowers small to medium-sized, bracteate and often bracteolate, bisexual or unisexual, actinomorphic or rarely zygomorphic, hypogynous to epigynous, floral cup shallow to urn-shaped, sometimes absent; sepals 4 or 5(–10), sometimes absent, imbricate, usually persistent; petals absent or 4 or 5, yellow, white, greenish or red, often ribbonlike and circinate in bud, caducous; stamens 4, 5, or many, free, rarely arranged in 2 whorls with the inner whorl staminodal, development of polyandrous androecia centripetal or centrifugal; anthers basifixed, thecae mostly bisporangiate, each opening by two valves or a simple longitudinal slit, or monosporangiate and opening by a single valve (Exbucklandia, Hamamelis and the genera of the S hemisphere), connective protruding; disk scales sometimes present between stamens and carpels.


Bracteate, 1-many-flowered. Sepals outside not longitudinally costate or winged.


Inflorescences 2-bracteate, bracts foliaceous and anthers shorter than 1 mm.


Inflorescences aggregations of sessile florets in spikelets or pseudospikelets, branching absent to compound, bracteate or ebracteate; spikelets prophyllate or not, glumes often poorly distinguished from basal bracts and lemmas, not subtending viable buds or branches, or in pseudospikelets subtending axillary buds capable of partial or extensive spikelet ramification; lodicules absent to very many, usually 3, usually ciliate, veined, posterior lodicule usually narrower than anterior pair.


Inflorescence terminal, sometimes also subterminal and thus paniculate, cymose, often corymbiform, sometimes umbel-like, many flowered, bracteate.


Inflorescences axillary, umbellate or fascicled, on short scaly branchlets or spurs, bracteate.


Fruit (9-)12-25(-32)× 0.5-0.9(-1) mm, uniform in width; petals 3-5(-8) mm; seeds uniseriate; racemes bracteate along lowermost portion, rarely throughout

果 ( 9-)12-25(-32)* 0.5-0.9(-1)毫米,相同宽;花瓣3-5(-8)毫米;种子单列;沿着最下的部分具苞片的总状花序,很少全部 1 N。

Flowers 2- or 3-merous, bracteate, with both sexes usually in same head.

花2- 3数,具苞片,在同一头状花序内通常有两种性别的花。

Racemes ebracteate or basally bracteate, rarely bracteate throughout, corymbose, elongated or not in fruit.


Cymes solitary or dichotomously branched, ebracteate or lower pedicels bracteate, rarely all bracteate (flowers extra-axillary).


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But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


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