英语人>网络例句>boom 相关的网络例句
与 boom 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ensuing feeling of relative safety among stalkers led to a massive increase in the number of artifacts sold to Beard, causing his business to boom, while the Skadovsk became almost as popular as the famous 100 Rads bar.


Mr. Chen was the pioneer of the contemporary Neo-boom Printmaking in China. He is also a famous educator, Printmaker and art theorist.


The opening up of the Russian, Indian and Chinese economies, allied to a boom in commodity prices, created a whole new batch of emerging-market plutocrats.


The opening up of the Russian, Indian and Chinese economies, allied to a boom in commodity prices, created a whole new batch of emerging-market plutocrats.


Chapter five summarizes the reasons of the flourishing development of drama in the period of Elizabeth I : it is the result of the three main social powers'(the queen, peerages and the middle-class) conjunct contribution, because these three powers have their own demand and benefit differently under the given historical conditions, their demand and benefit makes them have to do so; it's also the result of drama's successfully syncretizing the cultural tastes of the queen, peerages and the middle-class; what's more, England's school education in the age of Renaissance also reveals its value in the boom of drama.


Chapter five summarizes the reasons of the flourishing development of drama in the period of Elizabeth I : it is the result of the three main social powers"(the queen, peerages and the middle-class) conjunct contribution, because these three powers have their own demand and benefit differently under the given historical conditions, their demand and benefit makes them have to do so; it"s also the result of drama"s successfully syncretizing the cultural tastes of the queen, peerages and the middle-class; what"s more, Englands school education in the age of Renaissance also reveals its value in the boom of drama.


By growing too cosy with their paymasters in structured products—the banks that package them—the rating agencies have ended up hopelessly in knots. A bit like equity analysts during the dotcom boom, in fact.


Koyo Ozeki, the Tokyo-based head of Asian credit research for bond-fund manager Pacific Investment Management Co., argues that comparisons of China's real-estate boom with Japan's speculative bubble are overdone, in part because Japan's economy was much more mature in the 1980s than China's is today.

太平洋投资管理公司(Pacific Investment Management Co。)驻东京的亚洲信贷研究主管Koyo Ozeki认为,将中国的地产热和日本投机性的地产泡沫相提并论有些言过其实,原因之一就在于日本在80年代时的经济比当前中国经济要成熟得多。

Koyo Ozeki, the Tokyo-based head of Asian credit research for bond-fund manager Pacific Investment Management Co., says that comparisons of China's real-estate boom with Japan's speculative bubble are overdone, in part because Japan's economy was much more mature in the 1980s than China's is today.

房产信息太平洋投资管理公司(Pacific Investment Management Co。)驻东京的亚洲信贷研究主管小関広洋认为,将中国的地产热和日本投机性的地产泡沫相提并论有些言过其实,原因之一就在于日本在80年代时的经济比当前中国经济要成熟得多。

Koyo Ozeki, the Tokyo-based head of Asian credit research for bond-fund manager Pacific Investment Management Co., says that comparisons of China\'s real-estate boom with Japan\'s speculative bubble are overdone, in part because Japan\'s economy was much more mature in the 1980s than China\'s is today.

太平洋投资管理公司(Pacific Investment Management Co。)驻东京的亚洲信贷研究主管小関広洋认为,将中国的地产热和日本投机性的地产泡沫相提并论有些言过其实,原因之一就在于日本在80年代时的经济比当前中国经济要成熟得多。

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Boom Boom
Boom Boom
Boom Boom Pow
Blame It On The Boom-Boom
Boom Boom In The Zoom Zoom Room
(I Got That) Boom Boom
Pum Pum Pum (Boom Boom Pow Refix)
Boom Boom Boom
Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Boom-Lay Boom)
Boom Boom Boom Boom

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
