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与 bombs 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On July 18, Goodwood began with a massive bombardment from the air—7,700 tons of bombs delivered by 1,676 four-engine bombers and 343 mediums, in what Forrest Pogue, the official historian of SHAEF, called "the heaviest and most concentrated air attack in support of ground troops ever attempted."


Marshal Goering boasted,"This is the historic hour when our air force for the first time delivered its bombs right into the enemy's heart."


Greek fire 希腊火 Much of this revolution, as Mr Hiznay terms it, is due to guidance kits that c an be attached to existing "dumb" bombs.


Our own Embassy officials and those of other countries together with some of the business men who went aboard the ill-fated "Panay" and the Standard Oil boats and other ships just before the capture of Nanking, confidently expecting to return within a week when they left, are still cooling their heels (those who haven't been killed or wounded by Japanese bombs and machine guns) out on the river or perhaps in one of the ports.


Iraqi officials said car bombs were detonated outside the Babylon, Ishtar Sheraton, and al-Hamra hotels.


LZ71 LZ71 LZ101 LZ101 June 29, 1916 1916年6月29日 Stationed in Yambol; 7 attacks dropping 11,934 kg bombs on Bucharest , Ciulnia , Feteti , Galai , Odessa , Mytilene , Iai and Mudros .

驻扎在 Yambol ; 7攻击下降一一九三四千克炸弹布加勒斯特, Ciulnia , Feteti ,加拉茨,敖德萨,米提利尼,雅西和

As a prelude to negotiations in the colony by Lord Louis Mountbatten, the Chief of Defence Staff, ministers discussed the delicate task of ensuring that the Chinese understood that , were they to attack, retaliation would involve the US dropping nuclear bombs.

开头,港督Louis Mountbatten在香港与首相商谈此事,首相保证这是一个精密的计划,使得中国方面明白如果他们进攻香港将会遭到美国的核弹袭击。

November 1944: Ground crew members prepare bombs to be loaded into the racks of the waiting B-29 Superforts, at a US airbase on Saipan, in the Mariana Islands.

1944年11月:地面船员准备炸弹被加载到了等待乙架- 29 Superforts,在塞班岛的美国空军基地,在马里亚纳群岛。

The bombs were placed on trains bound for the cities of Dortmund and Koblenz, but they failed to explode.


At 0600, the German air force, the Luftwaffe, joined in and dropped 570 tons of bombs on the first day.


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Bombs On You
Little Bombs
Jails And Bombs
Chinese Bombs
Bombs Away
Dirty Bombs
Fall Dog Bombs The Moon
Bombs Away
Spanish Bombs
Bombs Up In My Face

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
