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与 bombs 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When the bombs fell on we harbwe or tyranny threatened the state, her am here to witness a generation rise to wonderfulness or a democracy am saved.


When the bombs fell on we harbor or tyranny threatened the state, her am here to witness a generation rise to wonderfulness or a democracy am saved.


With development and acquisition of guided munitions, land-attack capabilities are improving as well; important developments in this area include antiradiation missiles and laser- and TV-guided ASMs and bombs the Su-30MKK can deliver.


Bater Wardam, a columnist for the Jordanian daily Al-Dustour, wrote: It is always easy to flee to illusions and to place responsibility for the crimes of Arabic and Muslim terrorist organizations on the Mossad, the Zionists, and on American intelligence, but we all know that this is not the case and that those who murder innocent civilians in Iraq after having kidnapped them, those who turned civilian airplanes into destructive bombs, those who exploded trains crowded with innocent civilians and those who fired on children in a school in Ossetia – they came from our midst.

& 约旦日报《宪政论坛报》的专栏作家Bater Wardam 写道:&逃往幻想之地,把阿拉伯人和穆斯林恐怖主义组织犯罪的责任推在摩萨德,犹太复国主义者和美国情报机构身上,总是容易的,但是我们都知道不是那会儿事,那些在伊拉克绑架并谋杀无辜平民的,把民航飞机用作炸弹的,爆炸挤满无辜平民的火车,以及在奥塞梯的一所学校向儿童开枪的─他们来自我们中间。

And if astranger or unwanted relative should make it inside, all of your doors will bewired with bombs.


When Israel bombs Palestinian refugee camps killing many civilians -often without even a pretense of "reprisal"-or sends its troops into Lebanese villages in "counterterror" operations where they murder and destroy, or hijacks ships and dispatches hundreds of hostages to prison camps under horrifying conditions, this is not "terrorism"; in fact, the rare voices of protest are thunderously condemned by loyal party liners for their "anti-Semitism" and "double standard," demonstrated by their failure to join the chorus of praise for "a country that cares for human life", whose "high moral purpose" is the object of never-ending awe and acclaim, a country which, according to its admirers,"is held to a higher law, as interpreted for it by journalists".4


In the upcoming patch, bombs now only do a "Sleep" effect instead of a "Stun" so they will be less effective in PvP and the Gnomish Net-o-Matic has a much greater fail rate than it used to.


When the Second World War broke out in September, 1939, listeners to the BBG World Service waited to hear the sound of highflying planes and the crash of falling bombs as a backdrop to the hourly news broadcasts from London.


When the Second World War broke out in September, 1939, listener s to the BBG World Service waited to hear the sound of highflying planes and the crash of falling bombs as a backdrop to the hourly news broadcasts from London.


Adam Khatib was convicted of conspiracy to murder for helping to make the bombs which would be hidden inside drinks bottles.

Adam Khatib因帮助他们制造炸弹,将炸药隐藏在饮料瓶中而被判共谋罪。

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Bombs On You
Little Bombs
Jails And Bombs
Chinese Bombs
Bombs Away
Dirty Bombs
Fall Dog Bombs The Moon
Bombs Away
Spanish Bombs
Bombs Up In My Face

The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
