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与 bombs 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although he's bitter as hell, Genn sends you to do one last task - eavesdrop on Sylvannas in the cathedral. As you eavesdrop on her, she is told to cease the application of plague bombs in Gilneas by one of Garrosh's generals. However, as he leaves, Sylvannas tells her High Executor to continue dropping Plague bombs. Well wtf, since when is Sylvannas more of a baddy than Garrosh?


Please note - Unlike many of the larger, tangerine-sized bath bombs that contain only fizzy bicarbonate of soda, these compact-size Moisturising Bath Bombs are highly-concentrated and packed with high quality, natural botanicals of Shea and Cocoa Butter to soften the bathwater and moisturise your skin.

请注意 QUINESSENCE 小浴球和其他许多普通大体积浴球的不同!普通浴球只含苏打等起泡剂,没有护肤作用。而 QUINESSENCE 小浴球却是富含浓缩精华的护肤型浴球!

My own impression of the war was limited to snapshot memories-1940 summer picnics around the wreckage of a Heinkel bomber in the local Bluebell Woods;the infernal organ note of the V-1 flying bombs passing overhead;convoys of drab army trucks rumbling past our country gate;counting the gaps in the American bomber squadrons straggling back each day from Germany;waving to the troopships sailing in June 1944 from Southsea beach to Normandy;and of course,VE-day itself,with the bonfires and beating of the family gong.

我自己对于战争的印象仅限于几个片断:1940年夏天在当地的风铃草森林围着一架海因克尔轰炸机残骸进行的一次野餐;V1飞弹(V-1 flying bombs)自头顶掠过那恐怖的噪音;土褐色的卡车在护送队的伴随下驶入我国国门的隆隆声;每天列出的美国轰炸机中队到达德国的距离数字;1944年6月在运兵船上从南海海滩到诺曼底的航行;还有,当然,那伴随家家户户的锣鼓声和巨大的篝火到来的欧战胜利纪念日。

US lieutenant general Toms Mats said Iran has cutted the supply materials for road side bombs that can penetrate armored vehicles. He says the number of incidents involving such bombs has dropped from 80 to 20 per month. He says the reduction appeared to be the result of decision by the Iran's leads Kurd's force which the US is accusing of supplying the bombs.

美国中将Toms Mats 称伊朗已经切断了可穿透装甲车的公路炸弹原料供应,他说与这类炸弹有关的事件已经从每月80起降低到20起,他说这个减少似乎由于伊朗领导Kurd 力量的决定,美国认为他们提供了炸弹,但伊朗否认向伊拉克运输武器。

The most notable upgrade is a 33% increase in payload capacity increasing the number of bombs for a Vindicator to three and the number of bombs for a Century Bomber up to nine.


Armament, totalling up to 4,000 kg (8,818 lb), includes 250 kg and 500 kg bombs, B-8M1 packs of 20 Ч 80 mm rockets, B-13L packs of five 122 mm rockets, S-250FM 250 mm rockets, KMGU-2 cluster bombs, or podded SPPU-22 30 mm gun with optional downward-deflecting barrel for air-to-ground and air-to-air use.

少了点吧,飞豹都可以达到8吨了),包括250和500公斤炸弹, B8 B-8M1 80mm火箭巢、B13L 122mm 火箭巢、S-250FM 250 mm火箭巢、 KMGU-2集束炸弹、SPPU-22 30mm机炮。…中国本地制造的机型称为歼11…有些后期出口的机型可能拥有升级的雷达和6200公斤的载弹量,据制造商的宣传手册,载弹量甚至达到8000公斤。

With their tanks,and their bombs;And their bombs,and their guns


Zeal Bombs are Zealots dropped from an overhead Shuttle on top of a Tank in Siege Mode. They are called as such because nearby Sieged Tanks and Spider Mines will fire on the Zealot, causing a large amount of friendly splash damage to the target Tank. In large Tank clusters this can be devastating.

Zeal Bombs--狂战士炸弹,指用运输机空投zealot到攻城模式的tank边,这样tank旁边的蜘蛛雷就会来攻击zealot,这样就会对tank造成误伤,如果tank很集中的话,这种误伤将是灾难性的

The wide assortment of weapons that can be carried included the Shafrir 2, Python 3 and AIM-9 Sidewinder short-range AAMs, Luz-1 and AGM-65 Maverick ASMs, AGM-45 Shrike and AGM-78 Standard ARM anti-radar missiles,'Paveway' laser-guided bomb, GBU-15 HOBOS optronically guided bomb, 3,000, 2,000, 1,000, 750, 500 and 250 lb (1361, 907, 454, 340, 227 and 113 kg) free-fall or retarded bombs, cluster bombs, napalm bombs, and multiple launchers for 2.75 in (70 mm) unguided rockets.


The main tactical character of guided bombs is introduced based on the Vietnam War, Gulf War, and Kosovo War. It draws the conclusion that guided bombs will become important weapons of air attack in the future, and also become main targets intercepted by low-altitude short-range aerial-defense missiles.So how to intercept guided bombs is the urgent problem.


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Bombs On You
Little Bombs
Jails And Bombs
Chinese Bombs
Bombs Away
Dirty Bombs
Fall Dog Bombs The Moon
Bombs Away
Spanish Bombs
Bombs Up In My Face

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
