英语人>网络例句>boil 相关的网络例句
与 boil 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Can boil water, let your baby hear steam generated, or use warm towel baby Fomentation Department of nasion.


This is essentially a process where the polymer solution generally in dimethyl formamide is brought up to a temperature close to the boil ing point of DMF and is then extruded under pressure through spinneretes.


How do you like your egg, fried or boil?


Otitis externa can be divided into two categories for the limitations of otitis externa, also known as the external auditory canal boil furuncle of extrnal auditory ...

外耳道炎可分为两类类为局限性外耳道炎又称外耳道疖(furuncle of extrnal auditory 。。。

The water is be ginning to boil.


Take a tsp of coarsely powdered cinnamon and boil it in glassful of water with pinch of pepper powder and honey .

采取移交被判刑人士的粗糙粉末褐土和煮在 glassful 水夹点辣椒粉和蜂蜜。

Day was at hand. I lit my lantern, and by its glow-worm light put on my boots and gaiters; then I broke up some bread for Modestine, filled my can at the water tap, and lit my spirit lamp to boil myself some chocolate.


I lit my lantern, and by its glow-worm light put on my boots and gaiters; then I broke up some bread for Modestine, filled my can at the water-tap, and lit my spirit-lamp to boil myself some chocolate.


Release 45 green onion, boil the water before the fast Add a certain amount of brown sugar.


And the self-circulation and boil heat exchange decide that the system is running at low pressure and flow rate.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
