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board of management相关的网络例句

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与 board of management 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Where the specialized committee is established by the board of directors of the securities company concerning associated transactions and remuneration of superior management personnel, the independent director shall be the convener.


It is indispensable to establish a sane council or board of trustees in respect of not only the internal management of a school and the approval norm of a society, but the action required by the law and regulation.


The general manager or any other officer may be dismissed for incompetence or an act of graft or serious dereliction of duty, subject to a resolution of the board of directors or the joint management committee.


As Chairman of the Board of Linkletter Enterprises, Art oversees enterprises involved in the building and management of public storage properties, office buildings, cow-calf operations, real estate development, cattle and sheep stations in Australia, and various oils enterprises around the world.


Iv a name list of the board of directors, an organisation chart, organisation's Constitution or Articles and Memorandum and the audited accounts of the organisation of the previous year or certified management accounts (for NGOs currently not receiving SWD subventions only); and

iv 贵机构董事会成员名单、机构管理架构图、机构组织章程的详细资料,以及机构上一年的经审计的帐目或最近经核证的管理帐目(只适用於目前并无接受社署资助的非政府机构);以及

Please attach a name list of the board of directors, an organisation chart, organisation's Constitution or Articles and Memorandum and the audited accounts of the organisation of the previous year or certified management accounts, please check the checklist in Item 7 for documents submission.


Iv a name list of the board of directors, an organisation chart, organisation's Constitution or Articles and Memorandum and the audited accounts of the organisation of the previous year or certified management accounts (for welfare NGOs currently not receiving SWD subventions only); and

iv 贵机构董事会成员名单、机构管理架构图、机构组织章程的详细资料,以及机构上一年的经审计的帐目或最近经核证的管理帐目(只适用於目前并无接受社署资助的非政府福利机构);以及

2The An explanations about the feasibility of the follow-up development plans of the listed company given on the basis of the strength and professional experiences of the purchaser, and the explanations on the management ability for the normalized operation of the listed company shall also be supplemented if the purchaser plans to alter the company's articles of association, reelect the board of directors of the company or modify or adjust the main businesses of the company


This will be an omni-directional and omni-perspective study of the state of the medicine listed company in our country. Our aim is to benefit the management of the board of the medicine listed-company and the improvement of the performance of the company


In 2002, she was appointed Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations, and member of Executive Management in Novo Nordisk. Ms Kingo serves as chair of the board of the Steno Diabetes Center.

金丽飒还兼任美国社会责任商业联合会的董事会成员、威尔士亲王商业和环境组织的核心成员以及GN Store Nord A/S的董事会成员。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
