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bluish green相关的网络例句

查询词典 bluish green

与 bluish green 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Your country the south circumlittoral Florida beautiful 1 in the mountain City calls the country high school in the bluish green wave high school, also Pu a batch of villages the leadership and parts of officials play with the crime affairs that my daughter in the high school gives birth to continuously for seven years, serious till now I connect to have how much girl is raped how much officials involve to also know not a thing among them, because your country of there is almost no detailed and authentic information in network.


Leaves bluish green with prominent white veins, petiolate; blade 3–4-ternately dissected; ultimate segments linear, plane or falcate.


Blue sky, bluish green water, fresh flowers, greenly, lead to rise your hand ,toward love by the most beautiful expression at the moment,, giving you all life's commitment.


A chemical substance present in the cells of bioluminescent organisms, such as fireflies, that produces an almost heatless, bluish-green light when oxidized under the catalytic effects of luciferase.


A chemical substance present in the cells of bioluminescent organisms,such as fireflies ,that produces an almost heatless,bluish - green light when oxidized under the catalytic effects of luciferase.


Myriophyllum aquaticum Verdcourt is a commonly cultivated, and nearly naturalized, species in Taiwan, characterized as follows: plants dioecious (only female plants known in China); aerial leaves glaucous or light bluish green; all leaves whorled, never entire, pinnately divided with linear segments; bracteoles subulate with 1(or 2) lateral lobes.

Myriophyllum aquaticumVerdcourt一通常栽培的,植株雌雄异株的(只女性的植株被在中国知道);气生叶苍白的或浅蓝绿色;全部叶轮生,从未全缘的,成羽状全裂具线形裂片;小苞片钻形,具(1或)2侧叶裂片。

Removing the parchment, two translucent bluish green coffee beans are revealed, coated with a very thin layer called the silverskin.

消除羊皮纸,两个半透明的蓝色调绿咖啡豆揭示,涂上薄薄的一层非常称为 silverskin 。

Both the PL and EL of PPV are bluish-green emitting, the molecular weight, luminescenceefficiency and brightness of which are obviously higher than the homo-polymers and thecopolymers consisted of 9, 10-anthracene vinylene reported.


It overgrows with original pines and forest. Mongolian tent sprinkles in the bluish green woods, spreading over the bank.


As at Walden, in sultry dog-day weather, looking down through the woods on some of its bays which are not so deep but that the reflection from the bottom tinges them, its waters are of a misty bluish-green or glaucous color.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
