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查询词典 blue-green

与 blue-green 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is a main major with blue, merge the metal sense of the cool colour, an outstanding one is young sensation of movement and the advance guard's thought.


One category is the traditional leader in the domestic national brand and other parts have a regional market based on two or three brands of toothpaste products (blue six Hartridge, two needles, etc.), on the one hand, enhance the brand image, on the other hand, for the operation of the reality of costs and profits necessary, the product began from the low-end to high-end depth in advance, so the price system from low to high showed a strong trend of development, with a view to establish a brand image for high-end market, cut the cake.


As an advocator of "Clear Water and Blue Sky Program", the Company has established a garden factory.


In addition, dynamic panels on the page can be hidden from view in thewireframe editor for easier access to widgets beneath them. To hide adynamic panel, click on the blue square to the right of the dynamicpanel name, or to hide all the panels on a page, right-click onthepage name and select Hide All.

进一步,为更方便的访问动态面板下侧的部件,在线框编辑器的视图中可以隐藏页面上的动态面板,要隐藏一个动态面板,可以单击动态面板名称右侧的蓝色方框,如果要隐藏页面上的所有动态面板,可以右击页面名称后选择Hide All菜单项。

The beautiful blue Aegean Sea is a witness to the rapid development of this university.


On April 8, 2004 the first bottle of aerated natural mineral water in China came off the production line at Blue Sword.


A common gradient combo is blue-to-white, which evokes the effect of aerial perspective , creating the sense that the background fades away towards the horizon.


So it is a species of Bacillus.But the spore formed by this antagonistic bacterium can not make the sporangium swollen,and the parasporal crystal can not be formed. The antagonistic bacterium can be dyed equably by Methylene Blue.It can grow in pH5.7 culture medium and 7% NaCl. It is an aerobe,it can not grow without oxygen.


On the distant place of boundless horizon, after the sincere aerosphere, I see a horizontal multi-colored long band of light faintly, and in the band of light there really is smuggling the flame and blue smoking which soars to the sky.


The sky was a burnished aestival blue; estival winds.


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Blue Blue Day
Blue Eyes Blue
Blue On Blue
Blue Of Blue
Blue Eyes Blue
Blue, Blue Day
Blue Flower / Blue Flame
Blue Blue Ocean
Blue Morning, Blue Day
Blue Would Still Be Blue

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
