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与 blue-green 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this case, I was talking about disgusting cheeses. I find blue cheese to be especially yucky.

我是从来没有尝过blue cheese,可是如果连你都觉得yucky的话,那我也就不用尝了。

Using ammonium sulfate precipitation, Blue Sepharose CL-6B psuedo-ligand affinitive chromatography and Sephadex G-75 gel chromatography, we obtained the typeⅠRIP with high purity, the feasibility of this method has been approved by SDS-PAGE results.

结果显示:1。运用硫酸铵分级沉淀、Blue Sepharose CL-6B假配基亲和层析、Sephadex-G75凝胶层析等方法提取、纯化得到了高纯度的苦瓜RIP,并且本方法提取效率较高,所获得的RIP在SDS-PAGE上呈现为单一条带。

Jessy Blue, the combination of Vodka base and citrus juice with lime, lemon and calamansi, fresh fruity combination.

Jessy Blue混合了伏特加、柑橘汁还有酸柑、柠檬、金桔等水果清新的组合。

Methods: Coloclysis the rats with 10% acetic acid solution to create acute colonitis model, after 24 hours, inject 2.5% Evan blue saline solution into the tail veins of the rats. Then, by detecting the photo-absorption rate of the EB in the tissues of the different zones of forepaws to indirectly examine the changes of blood contents in the different areas.

给予大鼠10%乙酸溶液灌肠复制急性肠损伤模型,24 h后从尾静脉注射2.5% Evans blue生理盐水溶液,通过测量前爪不同区域内EB的吸光度值大小,间接了解左右前爪各区域血含量的变化情况。

By 9:40 p.m., a separate fire in Crestline had prompted mandatory evacuations of Twin Peaks, Blue Jay and Crestline communities and closed Highway 330, the route to Big Bear, to all traffic.

到下午9点40分,在Crestline的另一股大火已经造成Twin Peaks, Blue Jay, Crestline乡村地带紧急强制性撤离,而通往Big Bear和其他道路的330高速公路也已被全部关闭。

Horticultural sector in particular has been recognized for the excellent concept of color conifer species - Jinguan Parker (also known as Shannon Parker crown) Cupressus macrocarpa CV and Wheatgrass hodginsii Cupressus glabra'Blue Ice 'National, one of the major breeding base.

尤其为园艺界所公认的优良观色针叶树种--金冠柏 Cupressus macrocarpa CV和蓝冰柏Cupressus glabra'Blue Ice'全国主要的繁育基地之一。

Flexicat yellow/blue catalyst produced by CRI was the fourth dehydrogenization catalyst which was used in Daqing 60KTA styrene equipment. We have taken effective ways and means to prolong the validity-period of the catalyst, including improving in-let temperature, adjusting the radio of steam/ethylbenzen, optimizing the operation of compressor etc.

CRI公司的Flexicat yellow/blue催化剂是大庆石化苯乙烯装置应用的第四批乙苯脱氮催化剂,在延长期采取了合理提高入口温度、合理匹配稀释蒸汽的用量、加强尾气压缩机的操作等有效的操作方法,使该催化剂从装填到卸载共运行了35个月,共生产苯乙烯210913吨,使用周期增加46%,增加经济效益1.5亿元。

The biomechanical tests showed that two kinds of artificial bones had not significant difference on compressive strength and Young\'s modulus(P>0.05),while the flexural strength of nano-nacre artificial bone was less than the control group(P<0.05).3.The results of CCK-8 showed that the difference were not significant in each group,the proliferation of osteoblast reached the peak at the 5th day;7 days after being co-cultured,the total protein content of study group was higher than control group and blank group(P<0.05),while the difference between control group and blank group was not significantP>0.05The difference of alkaline phosphatase activities among three groups was not significant(P>0.05The SEM view showed that osteoblast attached and grew well in two kinds of artificial bone.4.X-ray photography showed that two kinds of powder started to degrade in 2 weeks;this phenomenon became more appear in 4 weeks,nano-nacre powder degraded faster than micron-nacre powder,while the hole shadow was easy to be found;in 8 weeks,all the femoral holes recovered and returned to normal bone mineral density in all groups.Analysis of tetracycline fluorescent double marks in the hard tissue grinding slices indicated that new bone grew fastest around the bone defect area in study group,while most slowly in blank groupP<0.05 SEM(scanning electron microscope observation showed that nano-nacre powder degraded more quickly.The same result can be found through the demineralized sections morphometric analysis,and both of the composite artificial bones made from those two kinds of nacre powder had the good connection with the adjacent tissue in rats body without apparent inflammatory response.5.X-ray photography showed that rabbit\'s bone defects healed faster in study group since NNAB implanted than in control group since MNAB implanted.At 24 weeks after operation,bone density in radial defects had nearly accessed to the normal area,while lower in control group,and turned up nonunion in blank group;The checking of BMD showed that results in study group were higher than those in control group at 8,16 and 24 week(P<0.05), and the difference between the BMD values in study group at 24 week and those in blank group was not significant(P>0.05).The gross specimens showed satisfactory histocompatibility both in study group and in control group,with bone tissue growing from two sides into the center of implanted materials; Normal slices in HE stain and hard tissue grinding slices in Stevenel\'s blue/Van Geison\'s picro-fuchsin stain showed that the bone growth tendency was better in study group than that in control group,and the medullary cavity had been penetrated to the implanted materials in study group at 24 week;Analysis of tetracycline fluorescent double marks in the hard tissue grinding slices indicated that new bone in both groups grew fastest 8 weeks after surgery,while slow down at 16 week.

纳米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨与微米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨分别与成骨细胞共培养后,其各时间点CCK-8法检测值与空白对照无显著差异(P>0.05),成骨细胞均在第5天达到增殖高峰期;培养7天后,实验组细胞蛋白含量高于对照组及空白组(P<0.05),后两者之间则无显著差异P>0.05碱性磷酸酶活性在三组间均无显著差异(P>0.05电镜下可见成骨细胞在两种人工骨上都有良好生长贴附能力。4.X-ray显示两种粉体在大鼠股骨骨洞植入第2周时都开始出现了降解,第4周时更为明显,纳米珍珠层粉较之微米珍珠层粉降解更快,而空白对照组骨洞阴影仍可见,至8周时,则所有组骨洞均己闭合修复,X-ray下已不可见原钻孔痕迹,恢复正常骨质密度;硬组织磨片四环素荧光双标记结果显示纳米珍珠层粉植入组较其余两组在骨缺损区周围新骨生长速度更快,空白组速度最慢P<0.05电镜观察及常规脱钙切片亦可见到纳米粉体降解较快;由以上两种原材料制得的纳米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨与微米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨在大鼠体内均与周围组织结合良好,无明显炎症反应。5.X-ray显示纳米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨植入兔桡骨缺损区后其骨愈合速度较对照组微米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨植入的快,至植入术后24周,实验组骨缺损区接近正常骨密度,对照组骨缺损区密度较低,空白组则呈现骨不连状态;骨密度测量结果显示术后8周、16周、24周实验组的骨密度值高于对照组(P<0.05,24周实验组的骨密度值与术前所测得的正常值无显著性差异P>0.05动物取材大体所见均显示组织相容性良好,骨组织逐渐由植入材料两端向中央生长;常规切片HE染色及硬组织磨片Stevenel\'s blue/Van Geison\'s picro-fuchsin联合染色均可见实验组骨缺损区长势优于对照组,至术后24周,实验组骨髓腔与材料已呈相交通状;硬组织磨片荧光显微镜下观察,两组材料在术后8周处于骨生长最快速时期,16周时速度开始减慢,术后4、8、16周时实验组的新骨生长速度均较对照组的快

Illy Blue College is a professional institute famous for hospitality management, printing, and graphic design, which is well known in Sydney.

ILLY BLUE学院是澳大利亚非常有名的专业学院,以酒店管理、印刷制版、平面设计等专业在悉尼当地享有盛誉。

Methods: A lysosome-targeted singal KFERQ was added to the C terminus of rRTA by DNA recombinant technology. A pKK223.3 expression system in E. coli was used to produce recombinant ricine A chain and rRTA-KFERQ. Recombinant proteins were purified by affinity chromatography using Blue-Sepharose 6B.


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Blue Blue Day
Blue Eyes Blue
Blue On Blue
Blue Of Blue
Blue Eyes Blue
Blue, Blue Day
Blue Flower / Blue Flame
Blue Blue Ocean
Blue Morning, Blue Day
Blue Would Still Be Blue

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
