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与 blue-green 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have a house in LA already which I bought when I was in Blue.


Its patented ingredients, a Blue Lotus – Poppy seeds Complex, and Althea root, help reduce skin micro-tensions, producing a spectacular smoothing and relaxing effect.

它的渗透成份Blue Lotus-罂粟籽及Althea root能助肌肤减少微细而频繁的拉紧,给肌肤柔滑及放松的效果。

Three kinds of BCRC No.51534, 10322 and 10675 would be selected and acted as an experimental sample of Escherichia coli. Results shows that Escherichia coli of No.51534 will appear better performance because the maximum of open circuit voltage, closed current and power density are 1.01V, 22mA and 1342mW/m2, respectively. Concerning the effect of culture time with respect to different phase type on the electricity performance of MFCs, the time points on the intersection between lag phase and logarithmic phase, the middle of point of stationary phase for growth curve of Escherichia coli would appear a good performance of MFCs. In addition, the BCRC No. 51534 Escherichia coli possessing a better performance of MFCs than others would be suggested and applied to further studying. Comparison with the performance of MFCs with respect to electron mediator under different mole number, result shows that electron mediator of methylene blue with 4.63mM would appear a better electricity performance of MFCs than others. Concerning the different material of proton exchange membrane with PTFE-Nafion, Nafion 211, 212 and 117 with respect to the performance of MFCs, result shows that the Nafion 117 applied in MFCs will have a better performance of MFCs than other cases. Finally, the effect of molar concentration on the performance of MFCs would be expected at the studied cases of 0.4M, 0.2M, 0.1M and 0.05M respectively for cathode oxidant, result shows that a good performance of MFCs will happen at the condition of 0.2M. Those observations will be useful to improvement of MFCs in the further study.

於上述电池系统条件下,进行大肠杆菌生长曲线、电子传递介质、质子交换膜、电极与阴极氧化剂对电池电性效能分析;选择编号10322、10675与51534之大肠杆菌为实验菌株,依定量培养之生长曲线取出代表不同时生长特性时期的培养时间,利用亚甲基蓝作为电子传递介质进行实验分析从所测得的电量进行分析,以编号51534之大肠杆菌的微生物燃料电池有最大的开路电压为1.01V及最大闭路电流为22mA;当极化曲线中电压为0.47V、电流为11.4 mA时有最大的功率密度为1342 mW/m2;加以负载有平均工作功率密度294 mW/m2;从生长曲线与电性效能来分析,得知生长曲线的迟滞期与对数期的转变点与静止期的中间点有最佳电性效能表现;对於加入不同莫耳数之电子传递介质methylene blue、neutral red与thionine之电池效能表现,则以加入4.63mM methylene blue电子传递介质的电池有较佳平均功率密度230 mW/m2;另对於质子交换膜PTFE-Nafion、Nafion 211、Nafion 212与Nafion 117之电池效能表现,以Nafion 117质子交换膜的电池有较佳平均功率密度340 mW/m2;对於分析加入不同莫耳数浓度0.4M、0.2M、0.1M与0.05M的阴极氧化剂之电池效能,则以0.2M的阴极氧化剂的电池可得到较佳平均功率密度429 mW/m2。

Xu introduced the whole process of researching Deep Blue. In 1985, as the rudiment of Deep Blue, Chips Test came to exist. No less than its name, Chips Test was not a full machine but just built up by chips and circuitries. Then in 1988, Dr. Xu upgraded Chips Test to be a veriest computer and named it Deep Thought. There were two Deep Thought, Deep Thought I and Deep Thought II.

在之后的长达近两个小时的演讲中,许峰雄博士介绍了深蓝研发的整个过程,讲述了从研制 test chips ,到 Deep Thought,再到 Deep blue遇到的种种困难、软件和硬件的结合问题和一些鲜为人知的趣事。1985年, Chips Test 诞生,作为深蓝的雏形,正如它的名字所标识的那样, Chips Test 仅是由芯片和电路板搭建而成,实际并不能算作是一完整的机器。1988年,许峰雄博士将 Chips Test 进一步升级成为真正的电脑,取名为"深思"。

CT screening costs about $300,"but that cost can be significantly less —$150 or so — or much higher, based on location," Dr. Henschke said. However, some insurers such as Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield in New York are offering to pay for CT screening for some patients.

她表示,CT检验需要花费大约300块美金,但是这项花费在某些地方可能显著地较低,大约150块美金,或是更高;她表示,某些保险公司,例如纽约市的Empire Blue CrossBlue Shield对某些病患进行CT筛检是有给付的。

Labour's senior ex-minister,tony benn,warned that british troops could not continue doing hum anitarian work in un blue berets while united states pilots in blue berets launched the very air strikes which had triggered the hostage crisis.

新闻中的blue berets原是蓝色贝雷帽的意思,在这里指联合国维持和平部队。新闻英语中常见的转喻有

Contrary to Blue who has blue eyes, Tac views the world with beautiful brown eyes; both eye colours are permitted in merles.


In the meantime Duncan - who was in ITV's Dancing on Ice after Blue split in 2005 - is concentrating on preparing for Blue's greatest hits tour, which starts next year.

Duncan 在当时--就是在(什么什么时候啊然后他在什么什么电视台上在冰上跳舞的什么什么的时候。。。。。。)--已经在集中精力在准备着 Blue 在下一年的最好的巡演

Two more Avenue Blue projects were released by Mesa/Bluemoon -- Naked City in 1996 and Nightlife in 1997 -- but after that, he put the name Avenue Blue to rest.

单飞至今,只发过十张个人专辑的他(其他則是以*enue Blue 这个团体名义发行),在这张专辑中,再次遊走在跨界和灵魂即兴爵士边缘,靠着強烈的即兴独奏,让人对他的音乐发展进程再度侧目。

Software Description: About Blue Dragon, In this game you take the role of a pilot in WWII codenamed Blue Dragon.

Blue Dragon 在这个游戏你的飞行员的角色是 WWII codenamed 蓝色的龙,你要成功的回家,必须越过敌人,回到你的船和返回领土。

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Blue Blue Day
Blue Eyes Blue
Blue On Blue
Blue Of Blue
Blue Eyes Blue
Blue, Blue Day
Blue Flower / Blue Flame
Blue Blue Ocean
Blue Morning, Blue Day
Blue Would Still Be Blue

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
