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blue sea相关的网络例句

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与 blue sea 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Above all this scenery of perfect human life, rose dome and bell-tower, burning with white alabaster and gold: beyond dome and bell-tower the slopes of mighty hills, hoary with olive; far in the north, above a purple sea of peaks of solemn Apennine(5), the clear, sharp- cloven Carrara mountains(6) sent up their steadfast flames of marble summit into amber sky; the great sea itself, scorching with expanse of light, stretching from their feet to the Gorgonian isles(7); and over all these, ever present, near or far--seen through the leaves of vine, or imaged with all its march of clouds in the Arno's stream,(8) or set with its depth of blue close against the golden hair and burning cheek of lady and knight,-- that untroubled and sacred sky, which was to all men, in those days of innocent faith, indeed the unquestioned abode of spirits, as the earth was of men; and which opened straight through its gates of cloud and veils of dew into the awfulness of the eternal world; a heaven in which every cloud that passed was literally the chariot of an angel and every ray of its Evening and Morning streamed from the throne of God.


The broad sea-farming area also holds in store abundant resources such as Tuba False Fusus, Anthocidaris crassispina, Seriola aureovittata, ascidian, etc., worthy the name of "blue submarine bank" and "northern natural sea food resource storehouse".


Economic fish red snapper, two long-spine sea bream, golden thread fish, sardines, mackerel, blue round scad and cephalopods, sea snakes, oysters, pearl shell, sun, moon shell, dugong, etc..


When first time steps in Hainan this piece of boundless sea level the beautiful coconut tree island, I awaken suddenly, this land, since the horizon south, also has blue the sea soul.


That the scenery here is very good, a good look at True, the sea is blue, the day is blue, the beaches are golden.


A few clouds of startling white dotted the blue of the sky, and the sun shone down from among them, revivifying and rejuvenating, reflected in dancing facets from the imperial blue of the sea.


Then Ai is Optional las blue blue sky and endless sea water is crystal clear.


To this end the original 'Blue Fox' radar is replaced by Ferranti 'Blue Vixen' coherent pulse-Doppler track-while-scan radar to improve acquisition and look-down capabilities, and other improvements are a MIL 1553B digital databus (making it possible to carry Sea Eagle anti-ship and ALARM anti-radar missiles) and the installation of the Marconi Sky Guardian 200 RWR, the JTIDS for secure voice and data links, two additional underwing hardpoints, wing tip stations for two AIM-9 Sidewinder short-range AAMs, wing improvements, a revised cockpit with HOTAS controls, larger drop tanks, provision for 25 mm Aden 25 cannon in place of the elderly 30 mm weapons, and possibly a Plessey missile-approach warning system.


I said, the sky is blue. Because the sea is blue, the


Reality, the sky is blue, the sea is blue.


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Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
Screw You And Your Deep Blue Sea
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
Between The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
Big Tree Blue Sea
Blue Velvet Sea

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
