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Arterial blood pressure, coronary blood flow, resistance in coronary artery, total peripheral resistance, work of left artrium and oxygen consumption index of the cardiac muscles were observed in anaesthetic dogs.


Result: The series of Muskone decreased arterial blood pressure significantly, dilated coronary artery and peripheral arteries significantly, increased coronary blood flow, decreased resistance in coronary artery, improved the work of left artrium, the oxygen availability of cardiac muscles and the complaisance of arteries in cardiac muscles.


The drugs include Rehannia glutinosa Libosh, Forsythia suspense Vabhl, Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort, Pheretima aspergillum, etc. The mice in group B~D started to be treated with blood-cooling and blood flow-promoting drugs by gastrogavage once daily from 1 week before radiation.


Results The levels of IgE,IL-4and histamine in sera and the number of acidophilic cells in blood were all in-creased;The asphyxiant sign,the congestion and edema of the epiglottis,a large amount of the lightish yellow mucous fluid with some blood-filaments in the tracheae,pneumochysis,scattered petechiae on the inside surfaces and the bot-toms of both lung lobes were found;cerebromeningeal haemorrhage and cerebral edema were observed under microso-cope.

结果 检血中IgE、IL-4、组胺含量和嗜酸粒细胞数量均显著增加。死者呈窒息征象;气管喉头充血水肿,气管内有大量淡黄色夹有血丝的粘性液体,肺水肿,肺叶间及肺底部散在点状出血;脑膜出血和脑水肿。

B-to hospital, indicating there is a shadow of the womb, but doctors are not sure is the congestion or scar, let me go home observation, after returning home from a blood clot soybean freshman. Also on the 21st to the hospital to review the B-show without any impurities womb, doctors said the figure may be uterine atony, opened off particles flow, I took a day and a half still did not improve, there are two small pieces from a blood clot, abdominal pain . lumbago. hemorrhage.


In this way 'the overrating of blood relations is to the underrating of the blood relations as the attempt to eacape autochthony is to the impossibility to succeed in it.


- Became assistant to Karl Landsteiner at the Rockefeller Institute, New York, USA1935 - Worked as a bacteriologist and serologist at Newark Beth Israel Hospital, New Jersey, USA1944 - Levine started a centre for blood group research at the Ortho Research Foundation, Raritan, New Jersey1946 - Albert Lasker Award for clinical research awarded to Levine jointly with Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener for their work on the Rhesus factor , HDN and blood transfusion1969 - The American Society of Clinical Pathologists started an award for clinical research and named it the Philip Levine Award.

1923年-任康奈尔大学的医学博士; 1925年-在美国纽约洛克菲勒研究所成为病理学家卡尔兰德坦纳的助理; 1932年-在威斯康星大学从事噬菌体研究工作——麦迪逊; 1935年-在美国新州纽获克以色列医院作为细菌学家和血清学家; 1944年-在新泽西州拉里坦的奥索研究基金会开始了一个血型研究; 1946年-因为他们对Rh因子,新生儿溶血病和输血中的研究工作,拉斯克临床研究奖一并颁发给菲利普列文,卡尔兰德坦纳,亚历山大维纳; 1969年-美国临床病例协会开始了一项临床研究的奖励,并命名为菲利普列文奖。

Blood samples from 23 Huacaya alpacas ,3 males and 20 females ,were used to study chromosome karyotype ,so as to provide some effective cytogenetics basis for the selectioiymprovement by crossing and disease diagnosis of alpacas ,and genetic mechanisms of sex determination. Peripheral blood lymphocyte culture was used to prepare chromosome. Methods of trypsase-EDTA and BSG (Barium hydroxide / Saline / Giemsa)were used for G-banding and C-banding respectively . The results showed as follows:Firstly , the number of diploid chromosomes was in the alpacas 2n=74,with the karyotype 74, XY and 74, XX for males and females respectively.

为了从选种、杂交改良、疾病诊断以及性别决定的遗传机制等方面为羊驼的繁育与推广提供更为有效的细胞遗传学资料,本试验采用外周血淋巴细胞培养法制备染色体,分析了23只胡阿基亚型羊驼(Huacaya alpaca,雌20只,雄3只)的染色体及其核型,并通过BSG法(Barium hydroxide/Saline/Giemsa,氢氧化钡-盐溶液-吉姆萨,也即Sumner BSG法)与胰酶-EDTA法分别对羊驼的C-分带和G-分带进行分析,结果表明:(1)羊驼二倍体染色体数目为2n=74,雄性羊驼核型为74,XY;雌性羊驼核型为74,XX。

Establish a quantitative detection method in micro level of blood on the base of reagent box for detecting the TC, TG, and HDL-C in ordinary amount of blood .


There is significant effect of decreasing blood pressure by comprehensive rehabilitation,and comprehensive rehabilitation is basie therapy for decreasing blood pressure.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
