英语人>网络例句>black-headed 相关的网络例句

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与 black-headed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Though I did not see this individual, it is reminiscent of a bird I saw in Chi Gu in 2001, which I felt was a small warbler somewhere in the Yellow-browed/Pallas's kind of size range (and fed almost exclusively on trunks and on dead branches like a Black-and-White Warbler).

虽然我没有看到这只个体,它让我想起 2001 年在七股看到的一只鸟,我觉得是一只小型的莺,大小在黄眉/黄腰柳莺之类的范围(而且像黑白苔莺 Black-and-White Warbler 般专门在树干和枯枝上觅食)。

He seriously considered summoning his wand and hexing the bastard, until Black squeezed his prick in a rippling motion and ran the pad of his thumb over the head, making Snape feel as though the top of his head could blow off at any moment.


Black, a strict constructionist, declared that "I like my privacy as well as the next one, but I am nevertheless compelled to admit that government has a right to invade it unless prohibited by some specific constitutional provision."


We can arch the black for the front and back, while the sides would be flushed and straight across with the arch.

我们能把黑色xxx(我不知道这是什么 black应该是个形容词)向前后弯曲,当两边笔直地穿过把手。

Black Icedelivers not just songs called Rock 'N' Roll Dream and She Likes Rock 'N Roll, but one called Rock 'N Roll Train as well: a veritable bumper harvest.

Black Ice不但有两首叫做「Rock 'N' Roll Dream」和「She Likes Rock 'N Roll」的歌,甚至还有一首「Rock 'N Roll Train」,可称得上是大丰收。

In this paper, image fusion method based on a sort of non-separable wavelet (Red-Black Wavelet) was proposed.

利用Geert Uytterhoeven提出的一种非张量积小波(Red-Black小波)来进行图像融合。

For the retailers as a whole this might be the biggest Black Friday in history, he said.

因为总体上对于零售商来说这一天将是史上规模最大的Black Friday。

Second,it promotes the KMV model and calculates the Black-Scholes formula,the distance to default and the expected default frequency when the company\s assets on the Jump-diffusion process,it expands the application of the model.

扩散过程时相对应的Black-Scholes 公式和违约距离和预期违约率,具有一定的新意和应用价值,但摘要不能较好地反映文章的内容和结论,英文摘要包括单位的英译都存在明显的语法和用词问题。

Extensive use of the Black/Sholes model is used to calculate implied volatility and can be reversed to investigate hypothetical changes in stock price, time until expiration and volatility.


Using Basket warrants transaction data on TSEC from September 4, 1997 to June 25, 2001, the combination of four volatility models classical history volatility,Parkinson's(1980 high, low history volatility model,Garman and Klass's(1980) high, low, opening, closing history volatility model,Trippi's(1977) equal weights implied volatility model with two pricing models Black and Sholes's(1973 option pricing model, henceforth BS pricing model,Chen and Cheng's(2000) basket option pricing model, henceforth CC pricing model are discussed on valuation performance to obtain superior basket warrant pricing model.

摘要本文利用1997年9月4日至2001年6月26日间在台湾证券交易所发行且已到期的组合型认购权证,使用四种波动性估计模型历史波动性模型,Parkinson(1980的最高,最低价历史波动性模型,Garman and Klass(1980)的最高,最低,开盘,收盘价历史波动性模型,Trippi(1977)的等加权平均隐含波动性模型与Black and Sholes(1973)选择权评价模式,陈松男与郑翔尹(2000)的组合型权证评价模式配对成八种评价模式,并比较其评价绩效,冀期能得到一较佳的组合型认购权证评价模式。

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Black Hole
Black Room Boy
Black Lodge (Black Strings Mix)
Black Is Black
Black Isn't Black
Black Black Heart
Black On Black
Black On Black II
Black On Black
Black Is Black

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
