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black pudding相关的网络例句

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与 black pudding 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The same is true of Belfast -- The Hotel Conway on the city's outskirts is a great of mine and they always serve black pudding.


The honey roasted quail with stronoway black pudding is quite a favourite here.


One of the most popular is certainly the "botifarre", or black pudding, seasoned with garlic, oregano and cinnamon.


Choose from bacon, sausage, eggs, haggis, black pudding, kippers or porridge.

选择腊肉,香肠,鸡蛋,哈吉斯,黑布丁, kippers或稀饭。

The full English breakfast also includes tomatoes, mushrooms, beans, black pudding, crumpets, porridge, and fish.


Whilst all of that is going on in our shed, we kids sit around the huge fire that my father built to cook with and we laugh about how funny my aunties sound as they argue in Italian over whether or not the meat is cooked or if my Nonno's black pudding has enough pepper in it.


Black pudding is connected in people's minds with the North of England, where it is popular, especially with working-class people.


The less expensive places often produce options based on local favourites such as pie and chips or faggot and chips in England and white or black pudding and chips or even fried Mars bars in Scotland.


Other prominent meals include fish and chips and the full English breakfast—consisting of bacon, grilled tomatoes, fried bread, black pudding, baked beans, fried mushrooms, sausages and eggs.


Breakfast The complete standard English breakfast include the following foods: bacon, eggs, fried mushrooms, fried tomatoes, fried sausage, black pudding and sometimes fries and ketchup soybeans, of course, will have coffee or tea table.

英式的 早餐标准的完全英式早餐主要包括以下几种食品:熏肉、煎蛋、炸蘑菇、炸番茄、煎肉肠、黑布丁有时还有炸薯条和茄汁黄豆,当然还会有咖啡或茶佐餐。

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In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
