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black head相关的网络例句

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与 black head 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Eg. I turned my head, and saw Mrs Black.


As investigated, the shape of the fruit was mainly rotundity, and the color of the fruit were red, black, yellow, mauve. Variation coefficient of mineral elements, which revealed wider variation range and rich genetic diversity. Among them, Fe, the content and the variation coefficient of which was the highest(2.12 mg·100g-1 and 26.99%), it has large potential for futher selection. Ripe fruit of 12 wild myrobalan plum seedlings were analyzed using head space-solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed considerable genetic variations in these aspects: The total content of volatile components, the classes and contents of each compounds classes, the segregation ratio, and content of main components. There were 83 compounds in total belonging to 6 classes detected in 12 wild myrobalan plum seedlings, including esters, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, heterocycle and Hydrocarbons. Among them, Formic acid, hexyl ester, the content of which was the highest(4.33 μg·g-1),was important character impact odors.

结果表明,①新疆野生樱桃李实生株系的果实形状主要为圆形,少数为椭圆形、卵圆形、卵形和宽卵形,果实颜色有黄色、红色、紫红色和黑色等4种类型,野生樱桃李果实纵径、横径、单果重、果形指数以及可溶性固形物含量均存在一定程度的变异,遗传多样性较为丰富,其中以单果重的变异系数最大(9.13 %);②新疆野生樱桃李实生株系果肉组织的Zn、Ca、Mg、Mn、Fe及Cu等6种矿质元素含量变异丰富,其中以Fe元素的含量(平均值为2.12 mg·100g-1)和变异系数(26.99%)最高,进一步筛选高铁性状单株的潜力很大;③从新疆野生樱桃李12个实生株系中共鉴定出醇类、醛类、酯类、酮类、烃类及杂环类等6类83种挥发性化合物,各实生株系挥发性化合物总含量、挥发性化合物种类及其含量以及主要挥发性化合物分离比率与含量等存在广泛的遗传变异,遗传多样性较为丰富,其中以甲酸己酯含量最高(平均值为4.33 μg·g-1),是野生樱桃李果实香气形成的重要特征性化合物。

This is a quibble over the body, death and sex between the film, leading actor and actress of the film is a pair of necrophilia, a collection homes in a variety of ugly body organ, every movie, filled with the smell of death And the image, such as the skinning rabbits, the anatomy of the seals and throw rotten black cat, there are two leading man dreams of playing each other throw the head and so on.


The richer the tan the more desirable; Brindle - the base color is gold, red, or orange-brindled with strong black cross stripes; Parti-color - is white with any other color distributed in patches with a white blaze preferred on the head.


The head capsules were red in the full-grown larva, larval abdominal pedes, pronotum, epiproct, and scopulae were black.


Suddenly she saw a dog, that is a pure white beautiful small pekinese dog may be good for a long time, haven't bathe, it has become a white to black hair, WeiXiao didn't look puppies, low head from WeiXiao around ran.


Nesvitsky looked round and saw, fifteen paces away, separated from him by a living mass of moving infantry, the red and black and tousled face of Vaska Denisov with a forage-cap on the back of his head, and a pelisse swung jauntily over his shoulder.


When the studio glass in front of the curtain was opened, I saw the glass door of a happy face, curtain has fallen, and came gently knock on the door, then reached into a head, and then she stops to my side, but then disappeared, and this feeling has always been in control of me, like a pitch-black darkness, like, I will point the lights, quietly slipped into the room to see if he has been asleep.


Breed of terrier known for its superb senses of sight, hearing, and smell while hunting fox, weasel, European polecat, otter, badger, rat, and other small game; medium-length coat is slightly curly, hard, wiry, and dense; it is black and tan and often comes in a saddle pattern; ears are set high on head and fold forward in a V-shape; tail is thick, short, and carried erect; eyes are small, dark, and sparkling; adult stands 22 23 in.(56 58 cm) tall at shoulders and weighs 40 50 lbs (18 23 kg); dutiful and courageous demeanor yet with a sweet disposition toward children and its master; served the Red Cross during World War I and World War II to locate wounded soldiers and carry messages; developed by Yorkshire hunting class to be used on river-valley hunting jaunts


One man looks to be about 60, with a bald head, potbelly and his black T-shirt tucked into high-waisted pants.


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Black Suits Comin' (Nod Ya Head)

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
