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与 bitterness 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And all the ill-will, hatreds, and bitterness that have arisen between us and our people, clergy and laity, from the date of the quarrel, we have completely forgiven and pardoned to everyone.


The phrase 'to take it on the chin' means to accept bad news without bitterness or upset, but when you are an overweight manager you may have to modify the xpression.

短语&to take it on the chin&意为平静地接受坏消息,不过从身体超重的经理口中说出,这句话就得改一改了

I always think:Formerly ten thousand molestation of the sorts I all the ability does joy in the bitterness, at present just some little the distress nature can take the rough with the smooth.


Bitterness binds life; love anoints its eyes.


Dorothy was a sweet girl during filming, but in her later years, she bad-mouthed all of her co-stars...apparently out of groundless bitterness.


The child's own nature had something wrong in it, which continually betokened that she had been born amiss- the effluence of her mother's lawless passion- and often impelled Hester to ask, in bitterness of heart, whether it were for ill or good that the poor little creature had been born at all.


The childs own nature had something wrong in it, which continually betokened that she had been born amiss- the effluence of her mothers lawless passion- and often impelled Hester to ask, in bitterness of heart, whether it were for ill or good that the poor little creature had been born at all.


The child's own nature had something wrong in it, which continually betokened that she had been born amiss- the effluence of her mother's lawless passion- and often impelled Hester to ask, in bitterness of heart, whether it were for ill or good that the poor little creature had been born at all.


The child's own nature had something wrong in it, which continually betokened that she had been born amiss- the effluence of her mother's lawless passion- often impelled Hester to ask, in bitterness of heart, whether it were for ill or good that the poor little creature had been born at all.

孩子的本性中含有欠妥之处,不断 ssbbww.Com 表明她降临到这个 www.8 ttt8。 com 世界上是个错误--是她母亲无视法律的激情的发泄,而且时常迫使海丝特辛酸地扪心自问:这个 www.8 ttt8。 com 可怜的小家伙降生到世上,究竟是祸还是福。

Such is life: there are sweetness and bitterness, and happiness is often companied with


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Bitterness Or Sympathy

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
