英语人>网络例句>bios 相关的网络例句
与 bios 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, we study the difference and affiliation, between ROM and BIOS.


It is based on the code AMI and it resembles to BIOS of notebooks.


Chinese BIOS means Basic Input Output System.

详细说明: BIOS中文意思就是基本输入输出系统。

If the boot block detects that the main BIOS is corrupt, then it will typically boot to a floppy so that the user can try flashing again, hopefully with a better image.

一部份主机板会在确定 BIOS 已损坏后自动搜寻软碟机看看有没有完整的 BIOS 档案。

Clicking on this checkbox will disable DMI BIOS detection function in BIOS Agent.


A CPU over-frequency method and system is composed of CPU, set module with BIOS ROM and CMOS RAM, control module of peripheral unit, storage module and time clock generation module. CPU over-frquency processing is completed automatically by executing CPU over-frequency program stored in BIOS ROM, meanwhile the highest FSB frequency value of CPU is obtained, and the system and peripheral unit can run at it. A testing for system stability is added to process of CPU over-frequency processing in order to ensure that the FSB frequency is applicable to the operation of CPU and peripheral unit.

一种CPU超频方法以及系统,包括CPU、具BIOS ROM及CMOSRAM的设定模块、外围装置控制模块、存贮器模块以及时钟产生模块组成,经过执行储存于BIOS ROM中的CPU超频程序后,自动完成CPU超频处理,并取得可供系统与外围装置稳定运作的最高的CPU的FSB频率值,于CPU超频处理的过程中,自动加入系统稳定性的测试,确保该FSB频率值适用于CPU与外围装置运作,使系统运作在超频状态下,亦能稳定地工作。

Any special drivers, such as the ones for small computer system interface adapters, are loaded from the adapter, and the BIOS displays the information. The BIOS then looks at the sequence of storage devices identified as boot devices in the CMOS Setup.


Fourth, BIOS system bootstrap program to start the completion of self-POST after, ROM BIOS in accordance with the system settings in the CMOS boot sequence search of soft and hard disk drives CDROM, network server, such as a valid boot drive, read the operating system boot record, and then system control to the boot record, boot record from the start to complete the system.

四、 BIOS系统启动自举程序在完成POST自检后,ROM BIOS将按照系统CMOS设置中的启动顺序搜寻软硬盘驱动器及CDROM、网络服务器等有效的启动驱动器,读入操作系统引导记录,然后将系统控制权交给引导记录,由引导记录完成系统的启动。

For those that have been plagued by the same issues as I with their SN25P barebone, there's now a beta BIOS that might fix these issues.

对于那些像我一样被他们的SN25P barebone准系统的问题所累的人,这里为大家提供一个beta版的BIOS,这个版本的BIOS已经将我们碰到的问题解决了。

If the power-on self test screen prompts during the CMOS checksum error-Defauits laded, and this time the procedure must be to enter the BIOS settings to load the default BIOS boot parameters to normal, usually because the motherboard is responsible for the CMOS battery voltage less than power.

如果开机自检过程中屏幕提示 CMOS checksum error-Defauits laded ,并且此时必须必须进入BIOS程序加载默认的BIOS设置参数才能正常开机,通常是因为主板上负责给CMOS供电的电池电压不足。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
