英语人>网络例句>bios 相关的网络例句
与 bios 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Your computer's BIOS settings determine whether your computer will first check the hard disk or a floppy disc, CD, DVD or flash memory to start the booting-up process.


For her, politics means the life style of sharing words and deeds as Aristotle said, the bios politikos, based on humans existential conditions of plurality and natality.


ROM BIOS 存于存于ROM的基本输入输出系统的基本输入输出系统 On PC-compatible computers, the set of essential software routines that tests hardware at startup,starts the operating system, and supports the transfer of data among hardware devices.


Therefore, using the BIOS in protected mode is nearly impossible.


Sometimes regular value for any voltagein the biosis the smallest possible.


Check to make sure any newhardware or software is properly installed ,if this is a new installation ,ask your hardware or softuare mamufa cturer for any windows rpdates you might need if preblems continue,diable or remove any newly installed hardware or software ,Disable BIOS memory options such as cathing or shadowing if you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components ,restart your comprter ,press F8to select Advanced star tup options ,and then setect safe mode

检查你的新装的硬件或者软件是否正确安装,如果是最新安装的,那么向你的硬件或者软件制造商要你需要的windows rpdates。卸载或者重装你新安装的硬件或者软件。修改BOIS(基本输入输出系统,开机时按F8就进入页面里了)存储选项,如果你需要进入安全模式来卸载或者重装部件,那么重启你的电脑,按F8按钮选择高级开机选项,然后选择安全模式进入即可。

Potentially dangerous valuefor hardwareguarantee areisolated with red colorin the BIOS.


Number between 00 and FF in hexa, and this drive uses only CHS mode disk

的 00或FF ,并且这个驱动器只使用 CHS 模式的磁盘访问(标准的BIOS int13/AH=02h

Disable BIOS memory options sach as caching or shadowing,If you need to use safe mode to remore or disable compouents ,restant select Advanced startup options ,and then select safe mode Technical information:***STOP:0x40000080 (0x86F5B130,0x86B76698,0x808791E8,0x00000001) Beginning damp of phsical memory phsical meomory damp complete Contact your system admimstautor or technical support goup for futher assistance

如果你使用对再更多的安全模态或使 compouents, restant 挑选出来的先进启始选项失去能力,当做贮藏或遮蔽使基本输出入系统记忆选项 sach 失去能力,然后挑选出来的安全模态技术上的数据:***停止:0 x40000080(0 x862D83E0 , 0 x84E8A00.0x805511FC,0 x00000001) phsical 记忆的初期湿气 phsical meomory 潮湿的完全连络你的系统 admimstautor 或技术上的支持 goup 为 futher 协助

Today and in the next few days, we will share on this blog brief bios and synopses of the five community filmmakers and their films as well stills from their respective film


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
