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biholomorphic mapping相关的网络例句

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与 biholomorphic mapping 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, the mapping of ferriferous minerals and the information extraction of iron anomalies play an important role in oil and gas remote sensing exploration.


Fine Mapping and Genetic analysis of Dwarf and Brittle culm Rice Mutant dwb1 ABSTRACT1 The plant cell wall is a strong fibrillar network...


Through dynamic and critical exchange with contributors and participants, this inaugural Congress begins mapping the artistic and theoretical developments surrounding the problematic of the "formerness" of the West, and charts the practices in art through which we can identify and engage with the post-1989 landscape and its impact on cultural production.


Based on analyzing product design and its process,using a theory and method of aggregating and mapping,models of product design,process of product design ,process of conceptual design of product were constructed,a frame of network arithmetic of a process of conceptual design of product was presented,its flow of decomposition and integration was particularly defined,a good base for modeling and ruling of process of product design was foun...


Based on this mapping, the processing of visual information is separated into foveal and peripheral channel, or what and where channel, which mainly relates to the tasks of interesting object recognition and fixation point movement respectively.


The data obtained indicated the presence of putative tumor suppressor geneat chromosome 1p and was valuable for fine mapping,cloning or candidate identification o...


The distribution of genotypic composition was normal.The population is ideal for gentic mapping and other genomic research


Originally, GPS was used as a tool of establishing the precision class of geodetically networks and various of controlling networks .With the development of GPS techniques, great changes have taken in every fields of surveying and mapping.


Geomorphological Mapping has long been a major field in geomorphological research, since it is utterly necessary for research achievements to be put into application.


On the basis of China 1:1,000,000 geomorphological mapping of remote sensing, the features of Taiwan's geomorphological environment was selected, and the basic principles, methods and processes of remote sensing interpretation of 1:1,000,000 land digital geomorphology were explored.


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The Soundtrack
Paint Or Pollen
The Land Of Do What You're Told
The Grace
Just The Way It Is
On An Island
A Clean Pair Of Eyes
Cast Away
Never 2 Far
Going Back To Rehab

The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!


LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
