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biholomorphic mapping相关的网络例句

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与 biholomorphic mapping 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And CORBA IDL, COSS , so it necessary to find a mapping method in management.


Carried out a robot with high-precision cycloidal reducer of the mapping studies and design work, its special understanding of the cycloid shape of the mesh repair have a certain understanding.


Quantitative chromosome mapping is a new developed molecular cytogenetic technique in recent years.


To fine mapping the resistance gene, STS markers weredesigned using some RFLP probes and ESTs mapped on the long arm of chromsome 5ALto densify markers on the chromosome region surrounding mlm404, and the STS markermore closely linked to mlm404, MAG1493, was identified.

为了精细定位该基因,我们用5AL的RFLP探针和EST开发的STS标记丰富了mlm404附近的标记密度,发现了与其更为紧密连锁的STS标记MAG1493.mlm404与大麦抗白粉病基因Mlo直系同源基因TmMlo紧密连锁,遗传距离为1.0 cM。

Regarding to QTL analysis with single locus, segregation distortion would not affect QTL mapping, but regarding to analysis of digenic interactions for epistasis, the fewer distortion markers and larger size population would be needed.


Regarding to QTL analysis with single locus,segregation distortion woul d not affect QTL mapping,but regarding to analysis of digenic interactions for epistasis,the fewer distortion markers and larger size population would be needed.


ANOVA, Interval mapping and digenic interaction wereused to analyze the QTLs associated with disease resistance, seed total glucosinolate content and itscomponents.


Asymmetric over-introgression of the indica alleles on chromosome 7 and many specific regions on other chromosomes in the japonica genetic background is consistent with the general trend observed in the RIL and F_2 populations of the same cross, suggesting a high genetic load in the japonica gene pool, and japonica genome experienced a very severe bottleneck by artificial domestication.2 Genetic background effect on QTL expression of grain weight and its related traitsGenetic background effect on main-effect QTL and digenic epistatic QTL mapping for GWT and its related traits including GL, GW and GT was dissected by a large set of reciprocal introgression lines and recombinant inbred lines derived from Lemont and Teqing in Beijing environment.


PVC Card - Business card printing 】Starting stage: toddlerwho Chinese modern business card printing and membership card technology has remained backward state, and the reforms and opening up huge domestic market demand, makes it possible for a large number of business card printing and membership card-making machinery manufacturing enterprise attention the " business card printing and membership card to make a fast, simple, flexible small initial investment," mechanical structure is relatively straightforward, as a result of small offset printing press from abroad or related technologies such as surveying and mapping of imitation, a group of home-made small offset printing press finally emerged on the market, although it is still a lack of quality, performance bugs such as too, but small offset printing press did meet the cultural Office and entry-level commercial business card printing and membership card industry a lot of business card printing and membership card making machine due to a shortage of market demand, for a time, and that a number of small DependsOn… an offset printing press manufacturer drivage won the first gold of the barrel.


This will require adding an ISAPI extension mapping for .dum to the appropriate code handler (asp.dll in this case).

这将需要在ISAPI 扩展名映射增加一个映射。dum到特定的代码处理器(在这种情况下是改变到&asp.dll&代码处理器)。

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The Soundtrack
Paint Or Pollen
The Land Of Do What You're Told
The Grace
Just The Way It Is
On An Island
A Clean Pair Of Eyes
Cast Away
Never 2 Far
Going Back To Rehab

The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!


LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
