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In this thesis, we take the delay r as a bifurcation parameter to investigate the Hopf bifurcation phenomenon in system (1). By analyzing the associated characteristic transcendental equation of system (2), and using the Hopf bifurcation theorem, we obtain one condition for the existence of Hopf bifurcation in system (1). Furthermore, based on the center manifold theorem and the method of normal form, some interesting results about the properties of Hopf bifurcation are obtained, including the direction of Hopf bifurcation and stability of Hopf bifurcating periodic solutions.


By local bifurcation theory and perturbation theory,the existence of local bifurcating solution and its stability are obtained.


Moreover, in the parameter plane determined by some two parameters,we discuss codimension two bifurcations caused by the intersections of two bifurcating curves.


First we use the method of multiple scales tostudy local bifurcations of this system and obtain transition sets and bifurcating responsecurves.Then we use theory of normal form and universal unfolding and Melnikov'smethod to study further degenerate bifurcations of codimension two and globalbifurcations.


The integrability conditions and coefficient conditions for the appearance of 5 and 6 limit cycles from the neighborhood of the equator are obtained. An example of cubic system with 6 limit cycles bifurcating from the equator is given for the first time.


The first part presents develops of predator-prey systems and gives the model that is investigated in our paper; Chapter 2 presents the results on boundedness of solutions and permanence of system; In chapter 3, we explicitly derive a domain of attraction for the positive equilibrium of system by using Liapunov method; The local stability and the conditions that Hopf bifurcation occurs are obtained in chapter 4; In chapter 5, some explicit fomulae of the direction of Hopf bifurcation and the stability of bifurcating periodic solutions on the center manifold are determined,using normal form and center manifold introduced by Hassard et al; In chapter 6, some numerical simulations are performed to illustrate the analytical results found; Our paper ends with a brief conclusion.


The present situation in flood-control and waterlog-drain are analyzed, and the present problems are pointed out.2 The causes and characteristics of the floods in Linyi are summarized, and the flood-control project and the waterlog-drain system in Linyi are also introduced.3 On the basis of summarizing the reconnaissance data of engineering geology, the engineering geology conditions of flood-control projects in the city of Linyi are studied, including the floodway project ,the hinge project, the Ge-Jiu Road Bridge project, the No.327 national highway road bridge project, the E-Huang Road Bridge project, and the Xiaogezhuang's chief inverted siphon project in the project of "Bifurcating the Su River to the Beng River".4 Seepage FEM analyses are carried out on the flood-control projects of Yi River, Beng River and Xiaosu River, respectively.

总结了临沂市洪灾成因及洪水特性,介绍了临沂市城市防洪工程和排涝工程。 3、在综合工程地质勘察资料基础上,分析了临沂市城市防洪工程的工程地质条件,包括:"分涑入祊"分洪道工程地质条件分析、"分涑入祊"枢纽工程地质条件分析、"分涑入祊"葛九公路桥工程地质条件分析、"分涑入祊"327国道公路桥工程地质条件分析、"分涑入祊"鹅黄公路桥工程地质条件分析、"分涑入祊"小葛庄总干倒虹吸工程地质条件分析。

First of all, the method of Fredholm alternative is used to obtain the approximate solution of the first order for the bifurcating periodic solutions of a nonlinear system with delayed velocity feedback. The bifurcation direction and the stability of the bifurcating periodic solution are also determined.


We also refer to the center manifold theorem and normal form theory, and list two calculation formulas which reflect the stability with Hop bifurcating periodic sollution, bifurcating direction.Thus provide a basis for numerical simulation calculation.


It is shown that the direction of bifurcation and the stability of the bifurcating periodic solutions of the Euler methods are the same as the direction of bifurcation and the stability of the bifurcating periodic solutions of the original delay differential equation when the stepsize is small enough.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
