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beyond doubt相关的网络例句

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与 beyond doubt 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Water margin,that a work dedicated to masculine has always been highly appreciated.yet,it is beyond any doubt that the book presents a biased and even unjust feature of the feminine .there are few women personages in water margin which can be divided into two kinds briefly: namely "lady of easy virtue" and "heroine".novel go on two extremes overly that women'figure was denied impersonal role maid image mould either "bad" or reach "manlike " so that they cant cross to two description of woman these because the writer was intended or involuntary to describe them these.consequently the women' figure maked untrue exceedingly as to the lady of easy virtue write it to the limit excessively ruthlessly poisonously ; as for heroine write its walk chivalrous and loyal to the limit that the woman wasn't defeated by men.the female extreme image was pointed out that the intention of author come from the influence of the super male consciousness to a certain extent and it is inevitability because of masculine being in charge of linguistical power ,in fact, the appearance of women was just only minor role in order that the hero world need to regard man as the centre too.in a word womens destiny in water margin is a miserable foregone!


Nevertheless, with the self-questioning furthering, there comes a deeper understanding: Is man's masterhood on the earth really beyond any doubt?


If the accused does not willingly plead guilty, all the essential elements of guilt must be proven to a jury, and they must be proven "beyond a reasonable doubt."


For example, in a murder case, the State must establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant proximately caused the victim's death.


It was in this period that the Protestants accepted the invitation to come to the council--an incident which merely showed beyond all doubt that the new doctrines were not reconcilable with the old.


While sometraits peculiar to the shadow can be recognized without too much difficulty as one's own personal qualities, in this case both insight and good will are unavailing because the cause of the emotion appears to lie, beyond all possibility of doubt, in the other person.


But beyond that, he is so unrelentingly dedicated that he earns the benefit of the doubt with his work ethic.


And when the servant appeared with the Prince's present and message, she took the cup un blenching ly, and having lifted the lid, and seen the heart, and apprehended the meaning of the words, and that the heart was beyond a doubt Guiscardo's, she raised her head, and looking straight at the servant, said


The 28S rDNA molecular phylogenetic trees showed: 1 entoprocts and phylactolaemate ectoprocts constituted a sister group, strenghthening the opinion that entoprocts should be reunited into phylum Bryozoa; 2 the cheilostome gymnolaemates was obviously non-monophyletic; 3 bryozoans itself was polyphyletic beyond any doubt, its main lineages were scattered in different positions of the lophotrochozoan trees; 4 to our great interests, the phylogenetic position of cheilostomes was between the diploblastic and the triploblastic, indicating they may play an important role during the evolution route from the diplobastic to the triploblastic animals.

28S rDNA分子系统树显示,内肛动物和被唇类外肛动物聚在一起并互为姐妹群,支持将内肛动物重新归入苔藓动物门的结论;唇口目裸唇类外肛动物绝非单系发生;苔藓动物本身也不是单系发生的,其主要类群分别位于触手冠担轮动物系统树的不同位置,特别是,唇口目苔藓动物的系统地位介于二胚层动物和其它三胚层动物之间,可能是二胚层动物向三胚层动物演化过程中的一个关键类群。

There now follows a selection of affirmative statements on the reality of the Buddha-dhatu- Tathagatagarbha from the key Tathagatagarbha sutras themselves, which show beyond reasonable doubt, I think (except perhaps to those persons with a penchant for sophistry and distortionism), that there truly does exist (in an ultimately supra-samsaric modus) an immanent and transcendental Buddhic Principle within all beings and creatures which nothing can destroy and which no one should deny, without grave consequences being attendant upon such denial.


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Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
