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与 bench 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Often bench mark A surveyor's mark made on a stationary object of previously determined position and elevation and used as a reference point in tidal observations and surveys.

常作 bench mark 水准点:在事先确定了位置和高度的固定物体上的测量标记,用作潮汐观察与测量的参照点v.tr。

Company production of various kinds of power tools, woodworking machinery 14 "CUT - OFFSAW CS-355R, CS-355M, 10" BENCH TABLE SAWBTS-10B, such as matching plastic accessories; cut all kinds of gardening

公司现生产各类电动工具、木工机械14"CUT--OFFSAW CS-355R、CS-355M、10"BENCH TABLE SAWBTS-10B等配套的塑料配件;各种园艺剪

If you are a Bench Warmer, you cannot upload torrents, all other userclasses are able to do so. If you are not a Bench Warmer and you have follo ...

Bench Warmer 应该是指"游客",也就是说那种没有在论坛注册的或者是注册了而没有交钱(应该是那种收费的~~网站)的用户

Like the Quaestiones, the Courts of Queen''s Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer were all theoretical emanations from a higher authority, and each entertained a special class of cases supposed to be committed to it by the fountain of its jurisdiction; but then the Roman Quaestiones were many more than three in number, and it was infinitely less easy to discriminate the acts which fell under the cognisance of each Quaestio, than to distinguish between the provinces of the three Courts in Westminster Hall.

正和"审问处"一样,后座法院(Court of Queen''s Bench)、民事高等法院和理财法院在理论上都是从一个较高的权威分出来的机关,并且每一个机关都分别主管一类特种案件,这类案件被假定是由其管辖权的泉源委托给它的;不过当时罗马"审问处"在数量上远不止三个,如要把分属于每一个"审问处"审判权的各种行为加以区别,远不及把韦斯敏斯德三种法院的范围加以划分那样便当。

Court - Court Queen's Bench ( Court of King's Bench ), Civil Procedure Law Court and the Justice Court Court ...

法庭——王座法庭(Court of King's Bench)、民诉法院和大法官法院

This report is to generate a set of earthquake response data of bench-mark model of a five-story steel structure though a shaking table test. Test data is issuable in the data base on web site of NCREE and will be provided for structural system identification research.

中文摘要:本研究旨在以进行振动台试验的方法,建立一1/2缩尺五层楼钢结构建筑之原始模型(bench-mark model),将此一钢结构建筑於动态行为下的反应资料整理后,将完整地置於本中心网站上对外开放的资料库之内,以提供国内外相关学术领域进行结构物系统识别研究之用。

The bench-scale equipment of numerical control simulates, the high-performance number electricity mold electricity bench-scale equipment, PLC programs laboratory bench, air operated PLC controls laboratory bench, the microcomputer control central air conditioning laboratory bench, the sensor engineering laboratory equipment; Automobile teaching equipment: PASSAT entire vehicle model, program control showing board, military cross-country vehicle teaching aid series, automobile driving analogous system; multimedia electricity-teaching room, multimedia language sound chamber, entire digital language sound chamber, language study system, teaching VCD series; machinery exhibition cabinet series, hydraulic transmission demonstration, electrical machinery electricity laboratory, project charting laboratory; the electrical machinery controls the laboratory bench, the electron bench-scale equipment, the electrician bench-scale equipment, counts the electricity, the mold electricity laboratory, the micro electricity connection laboratory, the electric power drives laboratory, the microcomputer test installation; central air-conditioning test installation, refrigeration system hot test installation, electrical appliances synthesis test installation; teaching wall map series, teaching blackboard series; The finance and accounting simulates laboratory, simulates the bank laboratory; medicine teaching model; transparent elevator laboratory bench, transparent electrical machinery model, transparent lathe engine bed; universities specialized laboratory bench, physics bench-scale equipment, chemical laboratory equipment, biology bench-scale equipment, middle school necessary instrument.....


St.David's Bench Vineyard combines an excellent microclimate,the finest vitis vinifera grape varieties and advanced viticultural techniques to produce rich wine of concentration and superior varietal character.chateau des charmes Merlot, St.

St.David's Bench葡萄园有着得天独厚的小气候环境,加上精心栽培的优质酿造葡萄配合先进的栽培技术,使得出品的葡萄酒具有香醇浓郁的极品特性。

Its origins have been traced back to 1178 when Abbot Benedict of Peterborough recorded that Henry II ordered five judges of the curia regis to sit permanently to hear complaints from his subjects. In 1268 King's Bench was appointed its first chief justice.

王座法院(Court of King's Bench)是英国历史上的一个法院体系,主要审理刑事案件;后与历史上的普通诉讼法院、理财法院合并成为高等法院的一个庭,即后座庭(Queen's Bench Division),如果执政君主为男性则称为&王座庭&(King's Bench Division)。

FPC Bench is a java benchmark to test and compare the performance of a phone wITh others phones.

FPC Bench是一款很棒的用来对比你的手机和其它手机性能的测试软件。

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Silverado Bench Seat
Bench Warmer (Skit)

When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
