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Gudrun, who was mayor in a neighbour village until the end of the GDR. The collapse of the GDR was very hard for her to cope with, for it meant the end of everything she believed in.


Even Stalin, no guileless observer, believed in and, to his later regret, protected Mao.


They told me I was gullible, and I believed them.


They believed in you , not because they were gullible, but because they were loyal.


The name is believed to have originated from the Welsh "pen gwyn" which means white head.

人们认为他们的名字起源于威尔士语中的"pen gwyn",意思是白色的头。

Teacher Geoff Walden said he believed the centre at Gympie State High School was the first of its kind in the world.


First, the Calvinist Puritanism had deeply engraved in his ideology through his living condition and experience. So, he firmly believed the so-called "Original Sin" was the source of evil, which would present all kinds of crimes in the human lives.


They were still young and it was possible for them to realize their ideals so long as they chose to respect themselves and believed they hade a bright future.


He copied with his own hand a vast number of documents relating to church history in general, and to hagiography in particular, and found in the old texts contained in the manuscripts coming under his observation quite a different flavour from that of the revisions to which many editors, notably Lippomano and Surius, then the latest and most celebrated, had believed it necessary to subject them.

他抄了他自己的手大量文件有关教会的历史一般,并hagiography ,尤其是发现在旧文本包含在手稿未来根据他的观察,一个截然不同的味道,从表示,在该订正案,其中很多编辑,尤其是lippomano和surius ,然后提供最新和最有名的,曾认为,有必要使他们受到的。

Asked if he believed the allegations against him originated at the Hague tribunal, Schook said he did not know, but added:"I suspect there may be other agencies involved in this."


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I Almost Believed You
You Believed
She Believed (Never In Herself)
I Believed In God
You First Believed
You Always Believed
If Nobody Believed In You
I Believed You
I Believed In You Darlin'
I Believed In You

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
