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I believed that my uncle, Abner Moore, would take care of me, which is why I came to this town of Goshen to search for him.


The brainchild of Philip Henry Gosse, an English naturalist, the London Fish House unveiled in 1859 four seahorses, long believed to be mythical creatures.


The granddaddy of sequoias is General Sherman--a tree believed to be the largest single living thing on the planet .


Zhang : The nature is a great mystery indeed. I used to be an antitheist and always believed in determinism, which states the nature has its own rules and such rules are graspable.

张: 自然界确实是很神秘的,以前我是一个无神论者,相信决定论,相信自然界是有规律的,这个规律是可以被人认识的。

Down in the grass, like the snake she believed she was.


Elizabeth Jennings believed writing a poem was "like mystical experience,a gratuitous gift" and confessed that she wrote "in order to know,to discover,to get things clear."


This is a process that was believed to be happening at Venus, but this is the first time we measured it, said Magda Delva, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz, who leads the investigation.

我们一直相信这样的事会发生在金星上,但这是第一次测量到。格拉茨奥地利科学院Magda Delva说。Magda Delva调查中的负责人。

The Dervise, absolutely persuaded(3) that four men, coming from four several directions, could not all be deceived, verily believed that the grazier who had sold him the sheep was a conjurer, and had bewitched his sight; inasmuch that, no longer giving credit to his Own eyes,(4) he began to be firmly convinced that the sheep he was leading was a dog.


My great-grandparents believed that, and my grandparents, and so do I.


If he flunks the test, he will have more in common with Greaves than he ever believed.


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I Almost Believed You
You Believed
She Believed (Never In Herself)
I Believed In God
You First Believed
You Always Believed
If Nobody Believed In You
I Believed You
I Believed In You Darlin'
I Believed In You

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
