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与 beggar 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The most successful were "A scene from the Beggar' s Opera", illustrating John Gay's famous work:" A Harlot' s Progress"; and "Marriage a la Mode", 1743--1745, whose opening-episode is signing the Contract.


The Dusties pay a nice bit of copper for the deaders I bring 'em, and Pharod don't take so much off the top that it leaves me a beggar, so he's not so bad, I s'pose.


Inside the 4th Ring Road is actually the area within which the character carries out activities in a so called metropolis. Of course a beggar should find someone who gives. Without almsgiver, there would be no beggar. So Inside the 4th Ring Road would provide a suitable environment.


The beggar, also in disguise cadges, have a beggar's mood.


When the surrounding mm discovered beggar strange movements, several as jades mm and they stood to my side and it seems to behind the tell beggar me and the intimate relationship between them.


The beggar asked. The haughty man shooed the beggar away and shouted,"If I gave grapes to every beggar, I would have nothing left."


About five minutes later, the scene appeared. The boy beside me told me to pause the video there, at a frame where all you could see was a side view of the motionless beggar boy. Then he told me to select and enlarge that part of the screen, so that the beggar 's profile was crystal clear.


On December 15, a video was posted at RedNet about the most beautiful "female Lei Feng" who gave her overcoat to an elderly beggar. These elements -- pretty girl, elderly beggar, snowy weather, the gift of the overcoast -- caused many netizens to suspect that this was yet another staged performance. Other netizens said that they were moved by this Lei Feng-like action. Traditional media even published the essay .


Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" cruelly satirised Walpole's regime while John Gay's "The Beggar's Opera" delighted its huge audiences with its irreverent commentary on his cynical corruption. Alexander Pope and Henry Fielding also had much to say on Walpole's administration.

乔纳森斯·威夫特的《小人国历险记》( Gulliver's Travels )中不留情面地讽刺了他沃波尔的政府;而约翰·盖依的《乞丐歌剧》( The Beggar's Opera )则不想干地评论了下他的严重腐败,以此娱乐读者;亚历山大·蒲伯和亨利·菲尔丁也就沃波尔的管理说了不少。

In this study, I used kidney bean to rear L. trifolii stock at 24.5 ± 1C, 70 ± 10% R.H., photoperiod 12L : 12D and offered beggar-tick, kidney bean, rape, and tomato as foods for females to test their host preference. The results showed that females exhibited significantly feeding and ovipositional preference on beggar-tick, and larvae ate in kidney bean have highest pupal weight, survivorship and emergence rates.

本研究以菜豆做为维持非洲菊斑潜蝇母族群的寄主植物,在24.5 ± 1C, 70 ± 10% R.H。, 12L : 12D的环境下,让非洲菊斑潜蝇对大花咸丰草、菜豆、油菜、番茄这四种寄主植物进行产卵及取食偏好性测试,发现雌虫对大花咸丰草存有显著的取食及产卵偏好,而在菜豆上取食的幼虫具有最高的蛹重、存活率及羽化率。

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A Beggar
Beggar's Prayer
Beggar's Farm
Beggar On The Street Of Love
Beggar's Blues
Ramblings Of A Beggar
A Beggar On A Beach Of Gold
The Beggar
Beggar's Table Legs
Choosy Beggar

When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
