英语人>网络例句>beer 相关的网络例句
与 beer 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The concentration of triethaolamine is proportional to absorbance in accordance with the Beer-Lambert absorption law.


The absorption obeys the Beer law when the content of A is in the range of 0—2; 00 μg/10 ml.


Optimum conditions for the developmentof colouration, wavelength of maximum absorption, Beer's law foroptimal concentration range as well as applications of the methodsare listed in tables for each method.


His doctor told him to abstain from beer.


In terms of public health relevance, it may be therefore important to focus on beer abstention to maintain body weight.


The beer flavor also is influenced by the production of small amounts of glycerol and acetic acid.


Finally, the trace iron of tap water, river, beer and adzuki bean was determined.


There was winos in the hallways, and the entire place smelled like stale beer Then she won a scholarship at the Alvin Ailey Dance Theatre, where she spent two years working hard at her classes during the day and even harder at night, holding down a succession of part-time jobs in fast food restaurants to make a little extra money.

走廊里有酒鬼,整个场所散发着尿味儿。后来,她获得了Alvin Ailey舞剧院的奖学金,在那里,她夜以继日地苦读了两年,在快餐店里找到了一份杂工,挣点补贴钱。

Matching facilities: Bed furniture coal gas broadband networks cable TV television refrigerator air conditioning water heater washer microwave oven furniture: Bed, cabinet, cabinet complete repair situation: Fine repair environment: On Taitung beer street nearby nuptial dress street traffic condition: Good communications each place Che Duyou.

个人 配套设施:床家具煤气宽带网有线电视电视冰箱空调热水器洗衣机微波炉家具:床,橱,柜子齐全装修情况:精装修周围环境:台东啤酒街上婚纱街附近交通状况:交通便利到各处的车都有。

The times change, in the past warehouse after transformed massively changed beyond recognition, was born the appearance brand-new compound commercial facilities "the hakodate history building", the import grocery shopping center "Jin Sen the ocean hall" as well as the dining room, the factory direct sale beer dining room "the hakodate alehouse" and so on, and set up as an attachment other each kind of facility.


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Hold My Beer
Beer Bottle Up
Cold Coffee And Hot Beer
Beer On A Boat
Look What I Found In My Beer
Crystal Clear (Beer)
Grab A Beer
Pretty Good At Drinkin' Beer
Blood, Sweat And Beer
Hooray For Beer

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
