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The definition and stability criterion of resonant operating points in a CPT system have been described. A Poincarémapping model has been built up and its Jacobian matrix has been derived with the implicit function derivative rule and chain rule. Then the stability of the fixed points can be determined according to the eigenvalues of the the Jacobian matrix. It has been used to study an example push-pull CPT system with three resonant operating points.


I observ'd, that the two who swam, were yet more than twice as long swimming over the Creek, as the Fellow was, that fled from them: It came now very warmly upon my Thoughts, and indeed irresistibly, that now was my Time to get me a Servant, and perhaps a Companion, or Assistant; and that I was call'd plainly by Providence to save this poor Creature's Life; I immediately run down the Ladders with all possible Expedition, fetches my two Guns, for they were both but at the Foot of the Ladders, as I observ'd above; and getting up again, with the same haste, to the Top of the Hill, I cross'd toward the Sea; and having a very short Cut, and all down Hill, clapp'd my self in the way, between the Pursuers, and the Pursu'd; hallowing aloud to him that fled, who looking back, was at first perhaps as much frighted at me, as at them; but I beckon'd with my Hand to him, to come back; and in the mean time, I slowly advanc'd towards the two that follow'd; then rushing at once upon the foremost, I knock'd him down with the Stock of my Piece I was loath to fire, because 1 would not have the rest hear; though at that distance, it would not have been easily heard, and being out of Sight of the Smoke too, they wou'd not have easily known what to make of it: Having knock'd this Fellow down, the other who pursu'd with him stopp'd, as if he had been frighted; and I advanc'd a-pace towards him; but as I came nearer, I perceiv'd presently, he had a Bow and Arrow, and was fitting it to shoot at me; so I was then necessitated to shoot at him first, which I did, and kill'd him at the first Shoot; the poor Savage who fled, but had stopp'd; though he saw both his Enemies fallen, and kill'd, as he thought; yet was so frighted with the Fire, and Noise of my Piece, that he stood Stock still, and neither came forward or went backward, tho' he seem'd rather enclin'd to fly still, than to come on; I hollow'd again to him, and made Signs to come forward, which he easily understood, and came a little way, then stopp'd again, and then a little further, and stopp'd again, and I cou'd then perceive that he stood trembling, as if he had been taken Prisoner, and had just been to be kill'd, as his two Enemies were; I beckon'd him again to come to me, and gave him all the Signs of Encouragement that I could think of, and he came nearer and nearer, kneeling down every Ten or Twelve steps in token of acknowledgement for my saving his Life: I smil'd at him, and look'd pleasantly, and beckon'd to him to come still nearer; at length he came close to me, and then he kneel'd down again, kiss'd the Ground, and laid his Head upon the Ground, and taking me by the Foot, set my Foot upon his Head; this it seems was in token of swearing to be my Slave for ever; I took him up, and made much of him, and encourag'd him all I could.


Based on the variable separation method, the governing equations for the film thickness problem have been solved. A reasonable consistent condition of the momentum equations has been found and solved. Based on the methods ofmathematical physics, series expansion solution of the velocity filed in the film has been derived. A boundary condition at the boundary of the spray area was given and the velocity slip phenomenon has been considered.

基于电子器件喷雾冷却技术的研究现状和研究热点,本文对喷雾在热源表面形成的冲击液膜流动及厚度模型、基于CHF(Critical Heat Flux,临界热流密度)准则的倾斜喷射喷嘴轨迹、喷嘴距热源换热最优时的高度、倾斜喷射实验以及针对动态喷射的电磁驱动器件的吸合问题等方面进行了研究:针对圆锥形轴对称喷雾冷却系统,在对喷雾区域进行划分的基础上,引入滑流边界条件,在提出圆锥状喷雾假设的基础上,建立了喷雾区域雾滴密度连续介质等效模型。

Consequently the diathermancy was strengthened, the effect of heat transfer was improved and the flow and combustion process in the boiler has become much better. First, in this thesis the burn characteristic of the rubbish and the process of combustion in the chain boiler has been studied. A series of mathematic model has been given. This thesis carefully introduced the principle and formula of the turbulent flow model、two-equation model、radiation model、dispersed phase model and standard wall function method. The software FLUENT has been applied to simulate the temperature、pressure、velocity and mass fraction of species in the boiler furnace and stokehole. The analysis and the comparison have been done. The calculation results indicate agreement with the fact and the studies both here and abroad.


It is the change that virtual technology gives birth to a great influence on the human's cognitive activities. First of all, virtual technology has caused obvious change of cognitive relation between subject and object, which includes the change of interaction between subject and object, digitization of cognitive resonance and scene of cognitive model, etc. secondly, virtual technology has improved the subject's cognitive ability and level: the ability of esthesia of the subject has been strengthened, the change of the cognitive structure and the way to obtain information of the subject has been caused and the regulation and control ability of the subject has been improved by virtual technology. Initiative and creativity has been highlighted in the cognitive activity. Lastly, virtual technology has expanded subject's cognitive field, that is to say it has expanded the cognitive space of the subject, and enriched the cognitive source of the subject The appearance of virtual technology leads to great changes of mankind's practices.


The model of circuit fault propagation based on CA has been applied into grid circuit, in which CA fault model has been studied, and the process of fault propagation has been illustrated according to the evolving rules, the effectiveness of this model has been validated by simulating results as well.


But the black kitten had been finished with earlier in the afternoon, and ao, while Alice was sitting curled up in a corner of the gradt armchair, half talking to herself and half asleep, the kitten had been hacing a grand game of romps with the ball of worsted Alice had been trying to wind up, and had been rolling it up and down till it had all come undone again; and there it was, spread over the hearth-rug, all knots and tangles, with the kitten running after its own tail in the middle.


Accordingly, the sowing time of sesame has been postponed. Unlike cotton and peanuts that their price has been declined from the high point of last year to lower than the price level of 2007, the price level of sesame has retained relatively high and stable. So the farmers' enthusiasm of producing sesame has been increased, and the planted area has been enlarged comparing with last year.


The principles of forming toroidal gear have been studied and the trajectories of the machining tools have been obtained. Then, the generating method for manufacturing of the internal toroidal gear by using the envelope method has been proposed. Further, spatial meshing profile normal theory is applied to design the profile of the proposed hobber, and the fix angles of the hobbing cutter have been confirmed.


The main research contents are stated asfollow: 1. Simplified analysis method of space grids structuresDouble-layer space grids have been assumed as sandwich plate, and are analyzed bythe nontraditional theory of plate with consideration of shear deformation and threegeneralized displacements. Using the theory of energy variation, simplified methodsfor bending, stability and vibration analysis of double-layer space grids have been putforward based upon the idea of split rigidity. The formulas for calculating internalforces, displacements, critical load and natural frequency have been given out. Set thestable cables and bearing cables in hyperbolic paraboloid cable nets are all replaced bytruss-cable to form truss-cable nets structures. Natural vibration analysis method fortruss-cable nets structures has been put forward using the energy variation method andRayleigh method.

主要内容包括: 1、空间网格结构静动力简化分析方法把网架结构简化为夹层板,采用考虑剪切变形的具有三个广义位移的平板弯曲理论进行分析,基于分解刚度思想利用能量变分原理提出了网架结构弯曲、稳定与振动分析的简化计算方法,给出了位移、内力、屈曲临界荷载和固有频率的计算公式;将双曲抛物面索网中的稳定索与承重索均用劲性索代替形成劲性索网结构,基于能量变分法和Rayleigh法给出了劲性索网结构固有振动分析的简化计算公式。

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Thinking Of You
Been On
Secret To The End
I Been Around
Been Did It
So Good
Coulda Been
Mr. Carter
New Low
It Must've Been My Boy

"Organisations' plans need to be based on a prioritisation of applications and data," says David Luff, senior vice-president for software engineering at vendor CA.


At noon the following day we joined Jarrett and his daughter Jami, 37, on horseback.


This course embraces several different aspects of psychology.
