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It has been attacked as a mixture of "narcissism" and "nihilism" by former United States vice-president Al Gore; it has been defined as the triumph of the spectacle by French Marxist theorist Guy Debord; it has been lamented as the abolition of reality by simulacra in the works of philosopher Jean Baudrillard; and it has been defended as the liberation of communication from hegemonic narratives by the philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard; and so on and so on.

美国前副总统Al Gore讥之为「自恋」与「虚无」的结合;法国马克思理论家Guy Debord则赞扬它代表了「景象」的巨大成就;Jean Baudrillard的哲学作品中则感叹后现代主义的「拟象」消除了真实;哲学家Jean-Francois Lyortard则为它辩护,认为后现代主义解构霸权论述,是一种沟通的解放。

M/s. The following dimensionless relationships were obtained: Sh=2+0.073Re〓Sc〓〓〓 The desulphurization process by powder injection and blowing in RH refining of molten steel and its mechanism have been considered and analyzed. Based on the tworesistance mass transfer theory and the mass balance of sulphur in the system, a kinetic model for the process has been developed. The related parameters of the model have been reasonably determined. Modeling and calculations for the process by injecting and blowing the lime based powder flux under the assumed operating modes in a RH degasser of 300t capacity have been carried out using the model.

考虑颗粒与液流的相对速度,RH—PTB条件下熔池传质特性可由下式表征: Sh=2+0.073Re〓Sc〓考虑紊流中脉动速度引起的能量耗散,RH—PTB条件下熔池传质过程服从如下关系:〓将粉剂颗粒与钢液间的传质当作刚性的气泡与钢液间的传质处理,对RH—PTB过程有:〓考察和分析了RH喷粉脱硫过程及机理,基于双重阻力传质理论和体系内硫的质量衡算,建立了RH喷粉脱硫过程的动力学模型,确定了模型各有关参数,包括各传质系数和脱硫处理过程中钢液内参与脱硫反应的粉剂量等。

But I was not content with this Discovery; but having now more Courage, and consequently more Curiosity, I takes my Man Friday with me, giving him the Sword in his Hand, with the Bow and Arrows at his Back, which I found he could use very dextrously, making him carry one Gun for me, and I two for my self, and away we march'd to the Place, where these Creatures had been; for I had a Mind now to get some fuller Intelligence of them: When I came to the Place, my very Blood ran chill in my Veins, and my Heart sunk within me, at the Horror of the Spectacle: indeed it was a dreadful Sight, at least it was so to me; though Friday made nothing of it: The Place was cover'd with humane Bones, the Ground dy'd with their Blood, great Pieces of Flesh left here and there, half eaten, mangl'd and scorch'd; and in short, all the Tokens of the triumphant Feast they had been making there, after a Victory over their Enemies; I saw three Skulls, five Hands, and the Bones of three or four Legs and Feet, and abundance of other Parts of the Bodies; and Friday, by his Signs, made me under stand, that they brought over four Prisoners to feast upon; that three of them were eaten up, and that he, pointing to himself, was the fourth: That there had been a great Battle between them, and their next King, whose Subjects it seems he had been one of; and that they had taken a great Number of Prisoners, all which were carry'd to several Places by those that had taken them in the Fight, in order to feast upon them, as was done here by these Wretches upon those they brought hither.


But I was not content with this Discovery; but having now more Courage, and consequently more Curiosity, I takes my Man Friday with me, giving him the Sword in his Hand, with the Bow and Arrows at his Back, which I found he could use very dextrously, making him carry one Gun for me, and I two for my self, and away we march'd to the Place, where these Creatures had been; for I had a Mind now to get some fuller Intelligence of them: When I came to the Place, my very Blood ran chill in my Veins, and my Heart sunk within me, at the Horror of the Spectacle: indeed it was a dreadful Sight, at least it was so to me; though Friday made nothing of it: The Place was cover'd with humane Bones, the Ground dy'd with their Blood, great Pieces of Flesh left here and there, half eaten, mangl'd and scorch'd; and in short, all the Tokens of the triumphant Feast they had been making there, after a Victory over their Enemies; I saw three Skulls, five Hands, and the Bones of three or four Legs and Feet, and abundance of other Parts of the Bodies; and Friday, by his Signs, made me under stand, that they brought over four Prisoners to feast upon; that three of them were eaten up, and that he, pointing to himself, was the fourth: That there had been a great Battle between them, and their next King, whose Subjects it seems he had been one of; and that they had taken a great Number of Prisoners, all which were carry'd to several Places by those that had taken them in the Fight, in order to feast upon them, as was done here by these Wretches upon those they brought hither.


Through the project research and didactical practice, interactive environment in class has been realized, students' awareness and ability of taking an active part in study has been increased, students' integrative diathesis of Life Science has been upgraded, and thus the teaching ideas have been changed and the relationship between students and teachers can be successfully built. What's more, the teaching designing programme and the case is used for a model of further the reform of Life Science and an accumulation of experience and information to be drawn in the future.


The historical process of transition between cultivation and pasture animal husbandry and its ecological impact has been analyzed by demonstration to explore the large-scale laws.(2). The driving process has been analyzed and behavior mechanism of local people was also construed.(3) The new interpretation of desertification causes has been made to search root of estrepement, overgrazing and excessive firewood gathering.(4) The comparison and selection have been made to explore new changing direction of integrated land desertification control strategy.


The Kologarn encounter has received the following changes: The damage of Stone Grip has been reduced, the amount of time to break someone out from the right hand has been increased, the radius and damage of Rumble has been reduced, and the damage of Focused Eyebeam has been reduced.


Some theory problems of interaction synthesis under the conditions of interaction restrains have been investigated, the concepts and definitions of interaction controllability and interaction fixed modes have been introduced; the definition and algorithm of sluggish modes, which reflect the controllable extent of interactions, has been established; a feasibleness theorem of progressive interaction design and some other propositions have been given and proved also.


I have been fond of there very much , I have maybe been to your habitancy city God has arranged us to meet each other , this has maybe exactly been host's decree , has been also one kind of preordained relationship!


Has also been considered during the revision.More than 1,100 specimens from 11 herbaria worldwide have been examined. After having studied the characteristics, phenology and ecological habit, we have gotten the morphological figures of each species. The characteristics of the disputed species have been studied in detail and have been quantitatively analyzed though scatter-map.


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Thinking Of You
Been On
Secret To The End
I Been Around
Been Did It
So Good
Coulda Been
Mr. Carter
New Low
It Must've Been My Boy

Evan: I know how you feel.


Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry ; interfacial derivatization ; organic acid ; wine


Such stippling may also appear with severe anemia, such as a megaloblastic anemia.

另外, 这样的点彩在其他几种贫血症也可见,如巨幼红细胞贫血症。