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与 bead 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In put on a hammer move bead piece, when the dress that hanging tassel, had better deserve to go up to show the shoe that shows paillette to also be being nailed namely.


A rosary is a circular string of beads used by Roman Catholics for counting prayers. The term is also applied to the prayer beads used by Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims. In the Western church, the rosary commonly consists of 5 (originally 15) decades, or sets of 10 beads, for the recitation of the Hail Mary, separated by a single bead for the recitation of the Our Father (Paternoster, or Lord's Prayer).

玫瑰园是一个圆形的一串珠子用的罗马天主教徒为计数祷告词,也适用于念珠所用的佛教徒,印度教徒和穆斯林在西方教会,念珠常见的包括5 (原15 ) 20年或集10颗珠子,为背诵的冰雹玛丽,隔一个单一的珠子,为背诵的,我们的父亲( paternoster ,或主祷文)。

The importance of studying shrinking of polystyrene pattern for evaporative pattern casting is pointed out in this paper.After studying effects of technological factorsexpandable polystyrene(EPSbead diameter,pre-expansion time,age time of pre-expansion bead,molding steam pressure,storage time and temperature of pattern on shrinking of pattern,it is shown that the stress relaxation of pattern and the escape of pentane and water in pattern are main cause of pattern shrinking.


These are sometimes called pock marks on the bead surface.


Zhu Bai (the agrestic tree that Podocarpus Nagi) is the Fujian Province is planted, seminal bead is big, kind solid oil content 37.22% above, unit area is planted real yield is high, as fuel oil the tree is planted have wide development perspective.


Strongly hydrophobic bead of polystyrene resin.


For example, for a 1.04 μm polystyrene bead trapped in optical tweezers with trapping laser wavelength λ= 1064 nm, focused by a N.A.

例如在雷射波长为1064 nm、光钳功率2 mW的情况下,搭配物镜为N.A。

Vision analysis, as proven in many applications such as polystyrene bead manufacturing, sugar crystal growth, cell growth, and abrasive manufacturing to name a few, provides an extra dimension to process analytics that enables the process engineer to make evaluations based on his own expertise and to use this information to better set software parameters that enable the system to more accurately analyze and control the process.


Ionic attraction between the –SO3- residues on the column and the charged functional groups on the amino acid residues and hydrophobic interactions between amino acid side chains and the strongly hydrophobic bead of polystyrene resin.


In the first part, we report the application of a set of parallel dual tweezers, one stationary and one movable, to trap a polystyrene bead (suspended in de-ionized water) and drag it away from one of the trap centers beyond the linear (Hooke's spring) regime, to probe the nonlinear optical force constants associate with the optical trap.


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Finally, according to market conditions and market products this article paper analyzes the trends in the development of camera technology, and designs a color night vision camera.


Only person height weeds and the fierce looks stone idles were there.


This dramatic range, steeper than the Himalayas, is the upturned rim of the eastern edge of Tibet, a plateau that has risen to 5 km in response to the slow but un stoppable collision of India with Asia that began about 55 million years ago and which continues unabated today.
