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与 be 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, with the approval of the sacred Lateran council, by apostolic authority and fullness of power, we approve and renew, and order to be observed and maintained in their totality and without change, the said letter together with each and every statute, ordinance, decree, explanation, agreement, compact, promise, wish, penalty, restraint and clause contained in it; especially the clause by which it was our will that if the said king of France does not approve and ratify the aforesaid letter, and each and every thing contained in it, within six months from the date of this present letter, and does not arrange for the contents to be read, published, sworn to and registered, like all other royal constitutions in his kingdom and in all other places and lordships of the said kingdom, for all future time without limit, by all the prelates and other ecclesiastical persons and courts of parlements, and if he does not convey to us, within the said six months, letters patent or authentic written documents concerning each and all of the aforesaid matters about the acceptance, reading, publication, oath and registration referred to, or does not deliver them to our nuncio attached to the king, in order to be passed on by him to us, and does not subsequently arrange for the letter to be read each year and effectively observed without alteration exactly as other binding constitutions and ordinances of the king of France have to be observed, then the letter itself and whatever follows from it are null and void and of no force or value .

因此,在徵得安理会的神圣拉特兰,由使徒的权威和充实力量,我们赞成和更新,并以得到遵守和维护他们的整体,没有变化,该信连同每一个章程,条例,法令解释,协议,契约,承诺,希望,罚款,限制和条款,载於它;特别是其中的条款,这是我们的意志,如果说法国国王不同意和批准上述信件,和每一个事载於它,在6个月内之日起的本信,并没有安排的内容来阅读,出版,发誓要和登记,象所有其他王国的宪法,他在英国和其他所有的地方和lordships英国的说,今后所有的时间没有限制,所有的主教和其他教会人员和法院parlements ,如果他不转达给我们,在上述6个月,英皇制诰或真实的书面文件和所有的每一个上述事项的接受,阅读,出版,宣誓和注册提到,或者没有交给我们的大使重视国王,以便通过他给我们,并没有随后安排信每年读和有效地观察到完全没有改变的其他具有约束力的宪法和法令的法国国王都必须遵守,那麼,这封信本身,无论从它是无效的,没有武力或价值。

Firstly, the system and mechanism should be reformed; thereby the mineral resources could be exploited onerously and efficiently. Secondly, the current resources tax law should be revised so that price lever could promote the resources economy. Finally, investment should be increased both in geological prospecting and the mining industry; laws and policies should be improved as well.


Wherefore they which be endued with so excellent a benefit of God be called according to God's purpose by His Spirit working in due season; they through grace obey the calling; they be justified freely; they be made sons of God by adoption; they be made like the image of His only-begotten Son Jesus Christ; they walk religiously in good works; and at length by God's mercy they attain to everlasting felicity.


If necessary,key errors may be corrected;words,sentences,paragraphs,or pages may be added or deleted ; margins can be established; page length can be defined; and many other functions that involve the manipulation of the written word can be performed.


Who is right before eye of Baidu settle on, with respect to a simple page, apparently what to see be done not have, ah, the someone emerged a certain number of billionaire overnight. The thing of content of such a bit technology does not have Hao123, be distained to be considered by a lot of technology personages, can be euqally successful, so, so, once you have an idea to must put into practice, paranoiac ability will be successful!


A big wood can be used as a girder, a thin wood can be used as a square rafter, a small wood can be used as a pendentive, a stout wood can be used as a door-hinge pit, and a wedge can be used as a door bar.

大的木材能被同样地用一个桁,瘦的木材能被同样地用一个正直的椽,小的木材能被当作 pendentive 使用,强壮的木材能被当作一个门-铰链深坑使用,而且一片楔子能被当作一扇门使用除之外。

The result showed that the optimal condition of inorgano-absorbent manufacture as following: concentration of vitriol is 15%, the bentonite carrier must be soaked in the 0.4% La(superscript 3+) solution, the pH is 10, microwave radiation power is 340 W for 5 min. The optimal condition of organo-absorbent manufacture process as following: concentration of CTMA is 5%. The rate of wave must 166 W and the time of radiation is 6 mi In addition, the experimental results showed that with inorgano-absorbent the pH number is 3~6 and the reaction time is 45 min, the removal efficiency of phosphor will be up to 99% and the amount of adsorption will be up to 41 mg/g. And with organo-absorbent the pH number is 3~4 and the reaction time is 45 min, the removal efficiency of phosphor is more 30% than that of inorgano-absorbent. The removal efficiency of phosphor will be up to 99% and the number of adsorption will be up to 60 mg/g.

实验表明:①制备无机稀土吸附剂的适宜条件为:硫酸浓度15%,镧浓度0.4%,浸渍pH值10,微波功率340 W,辐射时间为5 min;②制备有机稀土吸附剂的适宜条件为:表面活性剂浸泡浓度为5%,微波功率为166 W,微波辐射时间为6 min;③无机稀土吸附剂当溶液的pH值为3~6,振荡时间为45 min时,对磷去除率为99%以上,吸附量达到了41 mg/g以上,有机稀土吸附剂当溶液的pH为3~4,振荡时间为45 min时,其效果比原来镧改性的无机吸附剂吸附量提高了30%,磷去除率为99%以上,吸附量达到了60 mg/g以上。

This can take some practice because you also have to look at where the light will not be falling. Photographing a canyon, for example, you might see that the west wall will be beautifully lit in the early morning, if the canyon is deep, however, the east wall will be in such complete shadow that your camera will be capable of rendering it only as a great black blob. Unless this is the effect you want, you'll either have to modify your composition, shoot it later in the day, or plan to return on an overcast day when both sides will be photographable.


How to choose strategies of handing traditional culture down is an unavoidable subject in the new situation. The author of the article thinks that clothing, which is believed to be the visiting card of a people, should be simple with symbolization, pictorialization, totems and commercialization. Handing down of the living culture should be combined with ecosystem environments and places of interest to develop its content step by step. One cultural item should be exploited in one place to keep it alive forever. We should make good use of educational, research and translating organizations, media and the Internet to propagandize old and new characters and works. Some museums should be built up to protect metallic and stone relics. Setting up ecological museums or cultural villages and parks is an effective method. We should find out a new way in which key points about the understanding of the culture are explained clearly, core advantages are developed and cutlural labour force and propaganda work are revived The most important thing is to make complete use of the laws and policies on minority self-rule to find out the best way to keep Yi's traditional culture alive.


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第37/100页 首页 < ... 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ... > 尾页
If Ya Wanna Be Bad Ya Gotta Be Good
To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)
Be What You Be
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)
You Got To Be Ready For Love (If You Wanna Be Mine)
It Must Be Tough ... To Be That Cool
I Know We Could Be So Happy Baby (If We Wanted To Be)
Be And Be Not Afraid
Be What It's Gonna Be
It Has To Be You, It Has To Be Me

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
