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与 be 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Weather question company thinks, be like a gentleman indemonstrable oneself are " wind is blown toward where "; To the website, weather question company just is accepted entrust manage for you, management; ID " wind is blown toward where " be " stationmaster " those who delete, not be the behavior of weather question company, oneself should not delete user ID be related to be in charge of.


It is proposed that the runner location should be first to be selected to ensure molten metal filling along the die wall in order to reduce melt flow resistance and then ingate should be located in the heavy section of the workpiece to which the melt would be filled at the beginning. As a result, the applied pressure could be transmitted fluently to avoid shrinkage cavity and to ensure castings quality.


It may be doubted whether, in the circumstances supposed, the form of capture would, in a great number of cases, be bequeathed to more peaceful and friendly generations, even in the case of intertribal marriages — in which only the form could be expected to appear ; and at any rate these, when first made subjects of friendly compact, would be too infrequent for their ceremonies to override those which were indigenous, and to be transferred into the general marriage law.


In tranquil night I in stares at to look at sky star view month circle content perhaps in this Christmas day I did not look that snowflake actually may feel same cool perhaps in this Christmas day I did not look that family member actually may feel same kind perhaps in this Christmas day my hear laughter actually may feel same happy perhaps in this Christmas day I do not hear comfort actually to be possible to feel same warm joyful I dark to see society happy equally has also liked with mine both eyes retaining I like feeling which celebrates liking my today's feeling offering for friend of mine listen ........................ that tune tune music to resound in the sky to look ........................ that star, in the clouds see pace back and forth Christmas day in we to be possible to see lovers connecting rod waited for together in the sky the snowflake falls gently Christmas day in we to be possible to hear the friends to wait for hoped together in the time vainly hopes for realizes I to want well to use my this blessing heart to open better smoother which front you path enables you to be possible to walkI good want to use heart which my this double feels grateful to lead you to realize vainly hoped for that enables you to be possible live each US more joyful Christmas day's today I for your these my life in friend to pray hoped in the new year safe joyful happy Christmas day's today I pray for heavenly blessing for your these my life's in friend to hope in the new holiday happy beautiful intoxicant.


There were days When we used to lounge Hangin out in my car Till the sun went down When Id call youd pick up the phone Tell me how much and you were alone Lets get deep If I ever broke down gave you what I felt now Would you still hang around Are we crazy for feeling this way You used to laugh until you cried You and I keeping the world at bay Wed sit around all day Lets get deep If I ever broke down gave you what I felt now Would you still hang around Closer and closer every time we turn around youll never be lonely Ill keep you beside me Deeper and deeper Ill never go away Sun falls torrential you highness Im thinkin about the days we left behind us Sunshine and rain and misery Ill lookin at you beside me here now I dont know how you came into my life wonderin will you be my wife spend a day or two in Spain or France in the rain well dance Your heart next to mine beatin in the rain let me explain Let me do my thing and tell you how I feel this love is for real Summers finally found us, the children playing in the sun baby cant you see our time has come turning on my radio I hear the song, and see your face cause you are the one I cant replace Lets get deep I would give in learn to depend That Ill be there until the end There were days When we used to lounge Hangin out in my car Till the sun went down When Id call youd pick up the phone Tell me how much and you were alone Lets get deep I would give in learn to depend That I'll be there until the end Closer and closer everytime we turn around youll never be lonely I'll keep you beside me Deeper and deeper Ill never go away

有天 当我们用休息室 Hangin在我的车直到太阳下山当ID已调用 youd拿起电话告诉我多少而你独自可以让得到深如果我破裂给你我现在感觉你是否仍然徘徊我们是疯了这种感觉你用你笑到哭你和我保持在海湾世界周三整天坐在可以让得到深如果我破裂给你我现在感觉你是否仍然徘徊密切我们每次转身你永远都不会孤独生病让你我身边加深生病从来没有消失孙瀑布山洪你殿下进出口thinkin有关的日子,我们告终阳光和雨水和痛苦我旁边的病态lookin这里你现在我不知道如何你来到我的生活wonderin你愿意做我的妻子花一两天在西班牙或法国在雨中舞你的心我的旁边beatin 在雨中,让我解释让我做我的事情,告诉你,我的感觉这是真正的爱萨默斯终于找到了我们,孩子们在游玩婴儿cannot你看到我们的时机已经成熟把我的电台我听到这首歌,看看你的脸原因你是一个I cannot取代可以让得到深我会在学会依赖这种病态在那里到最后有天当我们用休息室 Hangin在我的车直到太阳下山当ID已调用 youd拿起电话告诉我多少而你独自可以让得到深我会在学会依赖我将在那里到最后密切每次我们转身你永远都不会孤独我来帮你我身边加深生病从来没有消失

To owe his life to a malefactor, to accept that debt and to repay it; to be, in spite of himself, on a level with a fugitive from justice, and to repay his service with another service; to allow it to be said to him,"Go," and to say to the latter in his turn:"Be free"; to sacrifice to personal motives duty, that general obligation, and to be conscious, in those personal motives, of something that was also general, and, perchance, superior, to betray society in order to remain true to his conscience; that all these absurdities should be realized and should accumulate upon him,--this was what overwhelmed him.


As a whole,the notable characteristic of primary productivity in size-fractioned structure was that nanoplankton occupied comparatively significant advantage in Beibu Gulf.Nanoplankton has the largest contribution to gross primary productivity,and picoplankton was the secondary contributor,while microplankton the least.The contribution of microplankton for primary productivity in the north Gulf was more than that in the other waters.Nanoplankton and picoplankton contribute more to the gross primary productivity in offshore deep waters than in inshore shallow waters3.The Beibu Gulf can be divided into three ecoregions:Region-Ⅰis the ecoregion in inshore shallow waters of the north Gulf.In average,the water depth is 18m,DIN is 1.88μmol/L,DIP is 0.20μmol/L,N:P is 9.4:1,dissolved silicate is 5.17μmol/L,the Chl a conentration in surface layer is 2.27mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index in surface layer is 3.80mg/,the primary productivity is 198.78mgC/(m~2·d), and potential fishery production is estimated to be 0.24gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity.The ecoregion is mainly affected by the northern coastal water systems,and may be fit for aquaculture;Region-Ⅱis the ecoregion in offshore deep waters of the north Gulf and the coastal shallow waters to the west Hainan Island.In average,the water depth is 35m,DIN is 2.01μmol/L,DIP is 0.18μmol/L,N:P is 11.2:1,disovled silicate is 4.23μmol/L,the chlorophyll a of surface layer concentration is 1.45mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index of surface layer is 4.12 mg/,the primary productivity is 276.60mgC/(m~2·d),and the estimated potential fishery production is 0.34gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity. The ecoregion was mainly influenced by ocean current from the South China Sea, rivers in the west coast of Hainan Island and the water from Qiongzhou Strait.It may be fit for aquaculture and fishery;Region-Ⅲis the ecoregion in offshore deep waters of the mid and south Gulf.In average,the water depth is 75m,DIN is 0.77μmol/L, DIP is 0.15μmol/L,N:P is 5.1:1,disovled silicate is 3.05μmol/L,the chlorophyll a of surface layer concentration is 0.70mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index of surface layer averaged is 3.69mg/,the primary productivity is 350.89mgC/(m~2·d),and the estimated potential fishery production is 0.43gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity.The ecoregion was mainly affected by the circulation inside Beibu Gulf, and may be fit for fishery.

初级生产力的粒级结构的一个显著特点是总体上微型浮游生物在全调查海区均占较明显优势,对总初级生产力的平均贡献最大;微微型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献次之;小型浮游生物对总初级生产力的平均贡献最小;湾北部小型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献高于湾中部和湾南部,而湾中部和湾南部微型和微微型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献高于湾北部,远岸深水区高于近岸浅水区。3、北部湾可以分为三个生态区:湾北部近岸浅水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深19m,DIN浓度平均值为1.88μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.20μmol/L,N:P为9.4:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为5.17μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值高达2.27 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为3.80 mg/,初级生产力平均值198.78mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.24 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受湾北部沿岸水系影响,适合作为水产养殖区;湾北部深水区和海南岛西部沿岸浅水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深35m,DIN浓度平均值为2.01μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.18μmol/L,N:P为11.2:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为4.23μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值1.45 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为4.12mg/,初级生产力平均值276.60 mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.34 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受南部湾口区海流向湾内延伸,沿岸海南岛河流注入湾内和琼州海峡过道水的影响,适合作为渔业作业区和水产养殖区;湾中部和南部远岸深水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深75m,DIN浓度平均值为0.77μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.15μmol/L,N:P为5.1:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为3.05μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值0.70 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为3.69 mg/,初级生产力平均值350.89 mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.43 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受北部湾环流影响,适合作为渔业作业区。

And when the farmer has got his house, he may not be the richer but the poorer for it, and it be the house that has got him. As I understand it, that was a valid objection urged by Momus against the house which Minerva made, that she "had not made it movable, by which means a bad neighborhood might be avoided"; and it may still be urged, for our houses are such unwieldy property that we are often imprisoned rather than housed in them; and the bad neighborhood to be avoided is our own scurvy selves.


It can be colored, it can be colorless, it can be monochromatic, it can be multi-colored and can be transparent, translucent or opaque.


"In this study, antepartum dental radiography in pregnant women was associated with an increased risk for a LBW infant, especially a TLBW infant," the authors write."Since women may not always be aware of their pregnancy status, it may not be possible to eliminate all dental radiography during pregnancy, but if this goal could be achieved and if the identified association is causal, the prevalence of TLBW infants could be reduced by up to 5%.... The notion that very low-dose radiation exposures to nonreproductive organs in expectant mothers are safe needs to be investigated further."


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If Ya Wanna Be Bad Ya Gotta Be Good
To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)
Be What You Be
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)
You Got To Be Ready For Love (If You Wanna Be Mine)
It Must Be Tough ... To Be That Cool
I Know We Could Be So Happy Baby (If We Wanted To Be)
Be And Be Not Afraid
Be What It's Gonna Be
It Has To Be You, It Has To Be Me

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
