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Stainless steel 35-42 °Be FeCl 3 35-55 Mild steel 35-42 °Be FeCl 3 35-55 Beryllium copper 30-42 °Be FeCl 3 or 40-55 ammoniacal copper or 33 °Be acidic CuCl 2 Copper and copper 30-42 °Be FeCl 3 or 40-55 alloys ammoniacal copper or 33 °Be acidic CuCl 2 Inconel and other 38-42 °Be FeCl 3 or 45-55 high nickel alloys conc nitric/conc hydrochloric acid/water 1:1:3 Aluminium 20% NaOH 60-90 or conc hydrochloric 20-65 acid/water 1:4 55 or alkaline potassium ferricyanide Brass 30-42 °Be FeCl 3 or 40-55 ammoniacal copper or 33 °Be acidic CuCl 2 Molybdenum Alkaline potassium 55 ferricyanide 40-55 or 40 °Be Fe(NO 3 ) 3 Titanium 10-50% HF 30-50 (optionally with HNO 3 )*The concentration of etchant (column 2) is measured in Degrees Baume where:°Be = 145 (SG - 1/SG); and SG is the specific gravity of the solution.

表美- 00002表2金属共同腐蚀剂*温度° C的不锈钢35-42 °成为氯化铁三 35-55低碳钢35-42 °成为氯化铁三 35-55铍铜30-42 °成为氯化铁3或40-55氨铜或33 °是酸性CuCl的2铜及铜30-42 °成为氯化铁三或40-55合金氨铜或33 °是酸性CuCl的2镍铬铁合金和其他38-42 °成为三氯化铁3或45-55高镍合金浓硝酸/浓盐酸/水1时01分03秒铝20%的NaOH浓盐酸60-90或20-65酸/水1:4 55或氰化钾铜30-42 °碱性钾成为三氯化铁3或40-55氨铜或33 °是酸性CuCl的二钾55钼碱性铁氰化钾40-55或40 °成为铁Fe(NO 3)3钛10-50%的HF 30-50*的浓度对侵蚀剂(栏2)测量波美度其中:°成为= 145(法兴- 1/SG);和SG是比重。

Object to, resort to, react to, contribute to, look forward to, be accustomed to, be committed to, be exposed to, be subjected to, be devoted to, be dedicated to, be opposed to, be reconciled to, be contrary to, be used to, come close to, get down to, give oneself up to, prefer…to, see to, set to, take to, in addition to, with regard to, with a view to, on the way to


The result shows that: with the expansion of teacher education space, the reform and development of Chinese teacher education is much closer or equal to that of the international teacher education. The transitional stage and education reform in China puts forward a new demand for P. E. talents. The innovation as to education object, specification and curriculum arrangement raised in P. E. Curriculum Arrangement for Chinese Universities with four-year Program published in 2003 meets such a demand, and narrows the gap of education development in high P. E. academy between China and foreign countries. P. E. teachers abroad are usually cultivated by comprehensive universities, the cultivating objectives are verified, and generalists adapted to social development are emphasized. Cultivating mode abroad are various, with "open-type" or "non-directional type" as the main mode, and 4-year program, 5-year program, and 3-year program serve as the main form of education system. Curriculum arrangement abroad stresses general education, with foundationalization, normalization, objectification, optionalization, miniaturization, internationalization and syntheticalization as its characteristics and it employs credit system. The close-typed cultivating mode of P. E. academies in China should be gradually transformed into open-type or multi-type, cultivating generalists instead of specialists, and further constructing a new one with several cultivating types co-existing. Orientation of P.E. teachers in China should follow standard principle, coordination principle, experience principle and resource principle. To improve P.E teacher education in China, the following measures can be taken: relevant laws and regulations should be made for orientation; P.E teachers" training organization should be encouraged to participate in orientation; extension and connotation of P.E. teacher education should be expanded; resources should be optimize; systematic P.E. teachers" orientations should be organized;"Life P.E. Teacher Qualification "should be changed; useful-life should be set for P. E. teacher qualification; P.E. teacher qualification should be regularly authenticated; On-job training of P. E. teachers abroad tends to be systematic, but in China P.E. teachers" on-job training and prevocational training are separated; therefore measures must be taken to change this circumstance and thus speed up the systematic process. Factors concerning constructing a new system of P. E teachers are the following: reconstructing resources, making P.E. teachers" cultivation, orientation and training systematic, establishing a mechanism for encouragement and punishment, making school-based training and college training systematic, and setting up a mechanism combining directional training with non-directional training.


It is embodied concretely:(1) With the adoption of grouting bolts, the cranny in wall rocks can be blocked up, the air can be isolated, the wall rocks can be prevented to be weatherized and make water, the strength of wall rocks can also be avoided to be lowered;(2) The lax broken wall rocks are commentated to a whole by liquid after they were grouted and the rock"s strength is increased, so the wall rocks become a part of the support structure by using itself and become a whole with the original rock, and the roadway is made to keep stable but not easy to be broken;(3) The spray layer wall are filled with liquid after grouting, the stress is avoided to be concentrated because the load could be evenly acted on the spray layer and the support;(4) The pressure acted on the plank can be delivered to the two sidepieces and then to the bottom by reinforcing the sidepiece; At the same time, the concentration degree of loads acted on the motherboard can be weaken because of the enlargement of the combination arch"s thickness, as result, the rock"s stress is lowered and the heaving is alleviated;(5) The common bolt is made to be fixed the whole length after grouting, the layers are connected to a integral whole and bear the weight of loads, so the support structure"s unity is increased.


Dis- Fly away lonely souls into the endless sky so far away When you're all alone Feeling down and lonely Tell me what you see deep inside your soul You only know who you are So don't be afraid Just open your heart to me You will spread your wings like an eagle Learning how to fly in the sky Just like the sun rises after the rain you'll shine in the air Take off your mask and be true to your heart trust yourself and fly away Into the light of joy and truth Where there's a grief there will always be a hope For a place where we can be who we wanna be Your tears may fade away But always keep the faith and live tomorrow Break through the night away into a brand new day Life's just begun Yeah, feelin' the melody of eternity It has the power to set us free Travlin' through the galaxy with only space around Follow the suns peaceful sound It's time for us to end this illusion Fightin' ourselves will only cause confusion Shinin' light is the key of life Let's all get together and make this better I don't know how but there has got to be a way There are times when I Wish I could just disapear Far from this place of pain and hurt If only I could be gone There's something in your eyes Pulls me back from running away Oh, yes it's hard sometimes But now I'm strong enough to tell the sadness goodbye Just like the moon fills the night with the stars I'll dance in the air Seek in the darkness there's nothing to fear I will stand and fly away Into the night I'll find the truth The pain never ends but there's always be a hope To be free eternally in this galaxy To live another day the sun will show the way and I will follow Break through the night away into a brand new day My journey goes on Into the light of joy and truth Where there's a grief there will always be a hope For a place where we can be who we want to be Your tears may fade away But always keep the faith and live tomorrow Break through the night away into a brand new day Your journey's begun

阴间的神-飞孤单的灵魂进入在如此远处的永无止境的天空之远之内当你全部很孤独的时候感觉下来和孤单的告诉我你在你的灵魂里见到起来深的你只知道你是谁如此不害怕仅仅对我开放你的心你将会像一只鹰一样传布你的翅膀学问该如何在天空中飞仅仅在雨之后喜欢太阳上升你将会在空气中发亮脱掉你的假面具而且忠于你的心信赖你自己和飞行之远进入欢喜和事实的光之内哪里总是有伤心事在那里意志是一个希望对于我们能是的一个地方我们想要当谁你的泪滴可能褪色离开但是总是保存信心和活的明天进入商标新的日子之内夜晚之久突破仅仅被开始的生活是的,feelin'永恒的曲子资讯科技有力量释放我们 Travlin'经过银河由于只在附近隔开跟随太阳和平的声音资讯科技是我们结束这一个幻影的时候 Fightin'我们自己只将会引起混乱 Shinin'光是生活的钥匙全部让我们聚在一起而且使这变成更好我不知道如何除了那里之外已经开始是一个方法有时代此时我希望我可以正直的 disapear 离痛苦和伤害的这一个地方很远如果只有我可能不见了某事在你的眼睛中从逃走把我拉回来哦,是的资讯科技努力地有时是但是现在我够强壮来告诉悲哀再见仅仅喜欢,月亮将夜晚装满星我将在空气中跳舞黑暗的找寻没有东西害怕,我将会站而且飞离开进入夜晚之内我将找事实痛苦从不结束但是总是有是一个希望在这银河中是自由地永恒地在另外的一个日子居住太阳将会表示方式而且我将会跟随进入商标新的日子之内夜晚之久突破我的旅程继续进入欢喜和事实的光之内哪里总是有伤心事在那里意志是一个希望对于我们能是的一个地方我们想要当谁你的泪滴可能褪色离开但是总是保存信心和活的明天进入商标新的日子之内夜晚之久突破你的被开始的旅程

Do you still remember,how we used to be Feeling together, believe in whatever My love has said to me Both of us were dreamers Young love in the sun Felt like my Saviour, my spirit I gave you We'd only just begun Hasta, my young girl Always be mine Viva forever, I'll be waiting Everlasting, like the sun Live Forever, for the moment Ever searching for the word Yes I still remember, every whispered word The touch of your skin, giving life from within Like a love song that I'd heard Slipping through your fingers, like the sands of time Promises made, every memory saved Has reflections in my mind Hasta, my young girl Always be mine Viva forever,I'll be waiting Everlasting, like the sun Live Forever, for the moment Ever searching for the word But we're alone now, was it just a dream Feelings untold, they will never be sold And the secret's safe with me Hasta my young girl, Always be mine Viva forever, I'll be waiting Everlasting, like the sun Live Forever,for the moment Ever searching for the word Viva forever, I'll be waiting Everlasting, like the sun Live Forever,for the moment Ever searching for the word Viva forever, I'll be waiting Everlasting, like the sun Live Forever,for the moment Ever searching for the word Viva forever, I'll be waiting Everlasting, like the sun Live Forever,for the moment Ever searching for the word

你仍然记得吗,我们过去一直是的方式一起感觉,相信任何的我的爱已经对我说我们两个都是做梦的人年轻的爱在太阳下感觉像我的救星,我的精神我给予了你我们才开始 Hasta,我的年轻女孩总是我的万岁的欢呼永远地,我将等候永恒的,像太阳永远地住,对于片刻曾经搜索对于字是的我仍然记得,每一耳语字你的皮肤的触觉,提供生活从在喜欢情歌我有听到滑倒过你的手指,像时间的沙子承诺制造,解救的每记忆有我的思想的反映 Hasta,我的年轻女孩总是我的万岁的欢呼永远地,我将等候永恒的,像太阳永远地住,对于片刻曾经搜索对于字但是我们现在很孤独,它只是一个梦感觉不告诉,他们将会无法被卖而且秘密的保险箱由于我 Hasta 我的年轻女孩,总是我的万岁的欢呼永远地,我将等候永恒的,像太阳永远地住,对于片刻曾经搜索对于字万岁的欢呼永远地,我将等候永恒的,像太阳永远地住,对于片刻曾经搜索对于字万岁的欢呼永远地,我将等候永恒的,像太阳永远地住,对于片刻曾经搜索对于字万岁的欢呼永远地,我将等候永恒的,像太阳永远地住,对于片刻曾经搜索对于字

Mosley Im glad youre my maker My Loyalty lies in your hands, youre my breath taker Your body, your kiss is in unknown demand So take command, go Timbo I be the same when it all goes up I be the same when it all goes down Not the first one, open it up I be the last one closin it out Dont know if Ill give you a shot yet Lil Mama Im peepin your style Do I think youre dope enough, yup One way of findin it out The way you came at me, boo Dont care, not afraid Im like Wild Really want it from head to toe Question if she gon let it out Anyway the hour glass go I dont worry anyhow Why dont we see where it go Lets figure it out When the cats come out the bats come out to playy Yeahh In the morning after The dawn is here, be gone be on your wayy Yeahh In the morning after When the cats come out the bats come out to playy Yeahh In the morning after The dawn is here, be gone be on your wayy Yeahh In the morning after Dark Owww, Oooohhh Owww Come on SoShy I got a little secret for ya I never sleep when comes the night But everytime I smack my fingers I switch back into the light My moon belong to your sun Your fire is burning my mind Is it love or is it lust Something that I just cant describe Am I the one and only Cause youre the only one It felt so long and lonely Waiting for you to come Its lookin bright and early Im willing to close my eyes This is the unusual story Timbo and SoShy When the cats come out the bats come out to playy Yeahh In the morning after The dawn is here, be gone be on your wayy Yeahh In the morning after When the cats come out the bats come out to playy Yeahh In the morning after The dawn is here, be gone be on your wayy Yeahh In the morning after Dark Heyy, Heyy, Heyy, Go Nelly!

莫斯利先生您好我很高兴youre进出口公司我的忠诚度掌握在你们手中,youre我的呼吸接受者你的身体,你的吻是在未知的需求因此,接受命令,去廷博俺是相同的时,所有的上涨俺是相同的时,一切都下降不是第一个,打开它俺是最后一次closin出来 Dont知道病患者给你一个镜头还进出口peepin律妈妈你的风格我认为youre涂料不够,烨一个方法是findin出来你的方式来我,嘘 Dont护理,不怕像野生进出口真的想从头到脚它问她是否坤把它放出但无论如何,沙漏去余请勿担心无论如何为什么dont我们看到它去可以让数字出来当猫出来的蝙蝠出来playy Yeahh 在上午的后这里的黎明,消失在您的wayy Yeahh 在上午的后当猫出来的蝙蝠出来playy Yeahh 在上午的后这里的黎明,消失在您的wayy Yeahh 在天黑后早晨 Owww,Oooohhh Owww 来吧SoShy 我得到了亚一个小秘密我从来不睡觉的时候来晚但是,每次我拍击我的手指我转回到光明我属于你的月亮太阳你的火是我心中燃烧是爱还是欲望一些我公正不能描述我是唯一的原因youre唯一的它认为这样漫长而孤独的等着你来它lookin一大早进出口愿意接近我的眼睛这是不寻常的故事廷博和SoShy 当猫出来的蝙蝠出来playy Yeahh 在上午的后这里的黎明,消失在您的wayy Yeahh 在上午的后当猫出来的蝙蝠出来playy Yeahh 在上午的后这里的黎明,消失在您的wayy Yeahh 在天黑后早晨日Heyy,日Heyy,日Heyy,直接耐莉!

Long hair, leather jacket, hole of jeans ……BE also, also not BE; Guitar, the shell department, drum ……BE also, also not BE; Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Nirvana ……BE also, also not BE;The impulse of young freedom, hormone, leave through the Pan way ……BE also, also not BE;Rhythm, lyrics, melody, dream, reality, felling, wild, believe in, strength, cut up rough ……BE also, also not BE;…… In fact these related association of thoughts be mutually just some forms, for the real rock'n roll culture, for hide to hide under these"external appearance"s of"pit", whether you has interest to understand or not?

长头发、皮夹克、破了洞的牛仔裤……也是,也不是;吉他、贝司、鼓……也是,也不是; Elvis Presley、The Beatles、Bob Dylan、Nirvana……也是,也不是;年轻的自由、荷尔蒙的冲动、离经叛道……也是,也不是;节奏、歌词、旋律、梦想、真实、感觉、狂野、信仰、力量、愤怒……也是,也不是;……其实这些相关的联想只是一些表相,对于真正的摇滚文化,对于遮藏在这些&皮相&之下的&核&,你是否有兴趣去了解呢?

You can move along I believe that we're done With whatever we was tryna do Cause you up and did me wrong Cupid got a big gun with a blindfold shoot She gave another brother access To a little black dress You know the one, short silky and backless Dude named oscar, asked if shes an actress I caught him hustlin Pinned to the mattress And now shes lying to my face Eyes burnin up like her words was mase I dont even hear what she tryin to say Song playin in my head irreplacable To the lies im deaf All i can hear is to the left to the left So i say get out and dont touch that jacket Your stuff i already packed it, im bein polite I dont wanna be rude I dont mean to be mean But i dont gotta deal with this mess Tellin me i need you but you know you need me But if thats how you feel you can just Move alone move along move along move along No argument no fight Move alone move along move along move along Im just tryin to be polite And if i seem a bit chill Its because i dont sweat the small Find another girl please believe i will I aint trippin off you at all A boss from the beginning Been there from a minute So me losin you is still me winning Found out bout you sinnin So you wonder why the hell im grinning And now shes lying to my face Eyes burnin up like her words was mase I dont even hear what she tryin to say Song playin in my head irreplacable To the lies im deaf All i can hear is to the left to the left So i say get out and dont touch that jacket Your stuff i already packed it, im bein polite I dont wanna be rude I dont mean to be mean But i dont gotta deal with this mess Tellin me i need you but you know you need me But if thats how you feel you can just Move alone move along move along move along No argument no fight Move alone move along move along move along Im just tryin to be polite Please dont get me wrong Baby understand Im tryna say get gone Thet nicest way i can Cuz im not what you want See i tried to make this work But our love is in the dirt So lets see who calls who first I dont wanna be rude I dont mean to be mean Tellin me i need you but you know you need me Move alone move along move along move along No argument no fight Move alone move along move along move along Im just tryin to be polite I dont wanna be rude I dont mean to be mean But i dont gotta deal with this mess Tellin me i need you but you know you need me But if thats how you feel you can just Move alone move along move along move along No argument no fight Move alone move along move along move along Im just tryin to be polite

你可以沿着我认为,我们就大功告成了随着无论我们做了tryna 原因你和我没有错丘比特带着一个眼罩大枪射击她给了另一个兄弟访问对于一个小黑裙你知道一个短柔滑和露背多德名为奥斯卡,询问畲族女演员我发现他hustlin 别在床垫现在畲族撒谎,我的脸眼睛burnin有如她的话是万世余dont甚至水手都想听听她说宋在我的脑海演奏,不可替代的即时通讯的谎言聋人我只能听到的是向左向左所以我说出去和dont接触的夹克你的东西我已经挤满与否,IM拜因礼貌俺不用想成为粗鲁余dont指的是指但我不gotta处理这个烂摊子泰兰我我需要你,但你知道你需要我但是,如果多数民众赞成你的感觉你可以移动独自沿沿沿移动move 没有理由不打移动独自沿沿沿移动move 进出口只是水手都想要有礼貌如果我似乎有点冷它的汗水,因为我dont小找到另一个女孩,请相信我会俺不是trippin关闭你所有从一开始老板在那里的一分钟所以,我洛辛你仍然是我获胜发现回合你sinnin 所以,你想知道为什么地狱的即时笑嘻嘻现在畲族撒谎,我的脸眼睛burnin有如她的话是万世余dont甚至水手都想听听她说宋在我的脑海演奏,不可替代的即时通讯的谎言聋人我只能听到的是向左向左所以我说出去和dont接触的夹克你的东西我已经挤满与否,IM拜因礼貌俺不用想成为粗鲁余dont指的是指但我不gotta处理这个烂摊子泰兰我我需要你,但你知道你需要我但是,如果多数民众赞成你的感觉你可以移动独自沿沿沿移动move 没有理由不打移动独自沿沿沿移动move 进出口只是水手都想要有礼貌请不要误会我的意思婴儿理解进出口tryna说得到了泰德最好的方法可以让我 Cuz im没你想要的瞧,我努力使这项工作但是,我们的爱情是在土因此让我们看看谁需要谁第一俺不用想成为粗鲁余dont指的是指泰兰我我需要你,但你知道你需要我移动独自沿沿沿移动move 没有理由不打移动独自沿沿沿移动move 进出口只是水手都想要有礼貌俺不用想成为粗鲁余dont指的是指但我不gotta处理这个烂摊子泰兰我我需要你,但你知道你需要我但是,如果多数民众赞成你的感觉你可以移动独自沿沿沿移动move 没有理由不打移动独自沿沿沿移动move 进出口只是水手都想要有礼貌

They Told Him Don't You Ever Come Around Here Don't Wanna See Your Face, You Better Disappear The Fire's In Their Eyes And Their Words Are Really Clear So Beat It, Just Beat It You Better Run, You Better Do What You Can Don't Wanna See No Blood, Don't Be A Macho Man You Wanna Be Tough, Better Do What You Can So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It No One Wants To Be Defeated Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right Just Beat It, Beat It Just Beat It, Beat It Just Beat It, Beat It Just Beat It, Beat It They're Out To Get You, Better Leave While You Can Don't Wanna Be A Boy, You Wanna Be A Man You Wanna Stay Alive, Better Do What You Can So Beat It, Just Beat It You Have To Show Them That You're Really Not Scared You're Playin' With Your Life, This Ain't No Truth Or Dare They'll Kick You, Then They Beat You, Then They'll Tell You It's Fair So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It No One Wants To Be Defeated Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It No One Wants To Be Defeated Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It No One Wants To Be Defeated Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It No One Wants To Be Defeated Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Who's Right Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It No One Wants To Be Defeated Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It No One Wants To Be Defeated Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right Just Beat It, Beat It Beat It, Beat It, Beat It

They告诉他不您来周围 Do不想要看您的面孔,您更好消失在他们的眼睛的The火的和他们的词是真正地清楚 So敲打它,打了它 You改善奔跑,您改善做什么您能 Do不想要看血液,不是一强壮男子的人 You想要是坚韧的,更好做什么您能 So敲打它,但是您想要是坏的 Just敲打它,打了它,打了它,打了它没人想要被击败 Showin质朴强怎么是您的战斗机 It不重要谁是错误或不错 Just敲打它,打了它 Just敲打它,打了它 Just敲打它,打了它 Just敲打它,打了它 They是得到您,更好的事假,当您能时Do不想要是男孩,您想要是一个人 You想要停留活,更好做什么您能 So敲打它,打了它 You必须表示他们,您真正地不是害怕的 You是与您的生活的Playin,这不是没有真相或胆敢 They将踢您,然后他们打您, Then他们将告诉您它是公平的 So敲打它,但是您想要是坏的 Just敲打它,打了它,打了它,打了它没人想要被击败 Showin质朴强怎么是您的战斗机 It不重要谁是错误或不错 Just敲打它,打了它,打了它,打了它没人想要被击败 Showin质朴强怎么是您的战斗机 It不重要谁是错误或不错 Just敲打它,打了它,打了它,打了它,打了它 Beat它,打了它,打了它,打了它没人想要被击败 Showin质朴强怎么是您的战斗机 It不重要谁是错误或不错 Just敲打它,打了它,打了它,打了它没人想要被击败 Showin质朴强怎么是您的战斗机 It不重要谁是错误的或谁是不错 Just敲打它,打了它,打了它,打了它没人想要被击败 Showin质朴强怎么是您的战斗机 It不重要谁是错误或不错 Just敲打它,打了它,打了它,打了它没人想要被击败 Showin质朴强怎么是您的战斗机 It不重要谁是错误或不错 Just敲打它,打了它 Beat它,打了它,打了它

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If Ya Wanna Be Bad Ya Gotta Be Good
To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)
Be What You Be
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)
You Got To Be Ready For Love (If You Wanna Be Mine)
It Must Be Tough ... To Be That Cool
I Know We Could Be So Happy Baby (If We Wanted To Be)
Be And Be Not Afraid
Be What It's Gonna Be
It Has To Be You, It Has To Be Me

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
