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be world-weary相关的网络例句

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与 be world-weary 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main viewpoints are:(1) The space of the regional cooperation will be expanded and the level be promoted; The regional economy will more open and fasten the multipolar trend of the world which advantaging to strengthen the relationship between the developed and developing countries, meanwhile promoting the level of the competition and the regulation in the world.


When Ayato "tunes the world," he attunes himself to the world by proclaiming his individuality and announcing to the world that he will live and be happy and love who he wants to love.


In a word, the world from now on must be a world that belongs to the people, with the people of each country governing themselves, and definitely not a world where imperialism and its lackeys can continue to ride roughshod


Welcome real globle enterprise and financial group that like to contribute to mankind, with good credit-standing and with considerable scale to establish long term relationship with UN World Fortune Union Financial Group, trust each other. We believe only afte we focus our strength on doing real useful work, can we be rewarded, and improve our world to be more marvelous.


If supercars are supposed to be manic pinnacles of man's ability to engineer speed, awe and drama into the humble world of personal transport, then Lamborghini has to be one of the world's best exponents of the craft.


Article 2 The primary candidates of high academic level overseas personnel shoaled abroad that this Municipality is to introduce are: senior engineers and technicians and senior operation and management personnel much needed for the field of high and new technology, pillar industries, major engineering, new industry and so forth; bellwethers in a certain world's field of a certain discipline or technology; personnel possessing patent, invention or know-how of world's leading level or being a gap science and technology of our country which is in urgent need of being filled; personnel necessary to the administrative departments and suitable to be advisers or to be engaged in consulting work; personnel having earned a doctor's degree in the field of urgently wanting specialty.

第二条 本市引进海外高层次留学人员的重点对象是:高新技术、支柱产业、重大工程、新兴产业等领域所急需的高级工程技术人员和高级经营管理人员;在国际某一学科或技术领域内的带头人;拥有专利、发明或专有技术并属国际领先水平或填补国内急需填补的空白项目的人员;为行政管理部门所需,适宜担任顾问或从事咨询工作的人员;在紧缺专业领域取得博士学位的人员等。

In most cases, it is depicted as a mythical colossal living tree that connects multiple worlds and realities. Its branches reach far into the heavens, its trunk runs through the middle world, and its roots extend into the underworld; creating a mirror image. As is the "world tree", the World Tree Co-Op seeks to be a dynamic entity with many branches and roots transecting and connecting worlds.


Has not launched a four-year Korean works of Song, Hyun-bin cooperation with the recent performances "They live in a world",despite the new play in two of his desperately Chuangxi, engage in intimate, but there has been "box office poison" of thetitle of the two , The notorious yet having the wash,"They live in a world," the ratings not only in last place, with thenews story "On air" high similarity, are the subject of ridicule in the entertainment business around the dark inside, butboth The ratings can be said to be in far worse days.

已四年没有推出韩剧作品的宋慧乔,近来与玄彬合作演出《他们生活的世界》,尽管在新戏中两人拼命演床戏、搞亲热,但曾经都有&票房毒药&称号的两人,这次仍然无缘洗刷恶名,《他们生活的世界》收视率不仅敬陪末座,更传出剧情与《On air》相似度高,主题都是围绕在嘲讽娱乐圈的黑暗内幕,但两者收视率却可说是天差地远。

Despite having climbed only four years, Chis may very well be the best sport climber in the world. Recently, Chris astounded the climbing establishment with a second place finish at the World Championships, possibly the single most prestigious climbing event in the world. In the month previous to the event, Chris completed the hardest boulder problem on American soil,"Crown of Aragon"(V13), climbed two 5.14a's in a day, and onsighted

虽然只有四年的经验,Chris 很可能是世界上最棒的攀登著,最近他让人吃惊的在世界锦标赛拿到第二名,可能是世界上最有威望的事迹,在之前的一个月,Chris完成美国境内最难的抱石路线&Grown of Argon&(V13),一天爬两条5.14a的路线(几乎是onsighting第一条,onsighted程度

"Fen Ling Macrobrachium source" glycol water quality, fresh, Shanxi benefit the earth; hundred million times the original forest, green drips, forest birds and animals added to boundless vitality; magical ice cave can be said of the years of the world's wonders products; was built in the Tang Dynasty absolutely breathtaking cliff path along the cliff, more than 10 Department Tianchi group formed alpine lakes, such as mirror-like mosaic in the 2000 meters high mountain top; in North China's largest sub-alpine grassland grass-year-Cameron:" vast gray field day with low wind and see grass and sheep ";qing ren gu elegant and romantic as the world fairyland; North HANGING COFFIN Shihmen rare left the track through the ages; dangerous Luyashan magic to make the world embrace; spectacular beautiful paintings constitute a source picture area of the Shanxi Fen land of the shining pearl.


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This Could Be Anywhere In The World
...And Soon The World Will Cease To Be
There Must Be A Better World Somewhere
It's Hard To Be A Diamond In A Rhine Stone World
Someday, In The Event That Mankind Actually Figures Out What It Is That This World Revolves Around, Thousands Of People Are Going To Be Shocked...
What Kind Of World Would This World Be
The World Could Be Yours
This May Not Be The End Of The World
The World Is Our Playground And We Will Always Be Home

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。