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与 be through 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Through the heat recovery between the absorber and the generator the COP can be increased and the performance of the absorption system can be improved.


It can be worked into almost any shape, and its properties can be further improved through heat treatment.


In theory, every problem of involving morphological analysis and examination can be solved with digital image processing technology. Because there are irregular form structures, uncertain space positions and impure samples of the human helminth eggs, digital application and research is underdeveloped in parasitology. The recognition and analysis of human helminth eggs is unable to be performed by means of automatic instrument as blood cell. As a result, they have been observed and distinguished under the microscope through the naked eye for a long time.


This article advances a new method through analyzing the braking system of the mine hoist and the available testing methods of parameters. This method can be used to test the parameters of braking system by means of turning off power, applying the brake, detecting the distance and the hodograph of run after it, and basing on the effect of applying the brake. The parameters can be tested and displayed by using the system consisting of PC and TMS320F240 DSP produced by TI company.

本文通过对提升机闸控系统及其现有闸控参数检测方法的分析,提出了一种在提升机低速运行时,通过切断电源、施加制动闸,检测施闸后的行程和速度图,依据提升机制动效果,测试出提升机闸控系统参数的方法,并采用TI公司生产的TMS320F240 DSP和PC机组成的两级计算机系统来实现参数的检测和显示。

First, an initial projection matrix is obtained through homography between an image and a scene plane. The homograph matrix between two images, i. e., the image plane and the scene plane, can then be calculated from matching points of these two images. Thus the projection matrix of every next frame can be calculated from homograph matrix between the current image plane and the previous one. Registration of virtual objects is finally completed.


These results indicated that a well structured anatase TiO2 was obtained by impregnation method under 500℃. Flow rate, in the activity test, could be neglected for mass transfer effects. As a matter of fact, relative humidity played the most important role in this reaction. The highest removal efficiency was obtained while relative humidify of 56.8%. Water molecules are sources of ; however, excessive water molecules could inhibit reactions by competing activity sites with organic containments. In the regeneration test, photocatalyst could be reactivated through a running water vapor with UV light illumination process.


The paper puts forward the measures that should be taken and several relationships that should be solved through introducing the imperativeness for making fast structural adjustment of environmental protection industry during the eleventh five-year plan.


The paper puts forward the measures that should be taken and several relationships that should be solved through introducing the imperativeness for making fast structural adjustment of environmental protection industry during the eleventh five-year plan .


The effect of pipe grouting that can be confirmed through situ-testing and laboratory, testing can be represented by the impermeability and intension of surrounding-rock.


We both believe that through vigilance and strength , in your words , a war can be postponed , and incan be avoided.


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I Will Never Be Through With You

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
