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be through相关的网络例句

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与 be through 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But if you must be joined, be about to check through: Abstinency 3 weeks.


The direct incorporation of U-13C glucose was estimated by the intensity increase of m/z to F(F was parent fragment, and n was the carbon number in the fragment), while the total isotope incorporation from the added 13C could be calculated according to the abundance ratio increment summation from m/z (Fa+1) through (Fa was the fragment containing all original skeleton carbons, and T was the carbon number in the amino acid molecule). The 13C enrichment in the target compound was expressed as atom percentage excess, and that of D-amino acid needed to be corrected by the coefficient of hydrolysis-induced racemization. The 13C enrichment reflected the carbon turnover velocity of individual amino acid enantiomers, and was powerful to investigate the dynamics of soil amino acids.


Diffusion through carbon steel is too high to be practical, but may be acceptably low for metals such as aluminium, or even stainless steel.


Eventually we'll be extinct anyway, but it would be so much nicer if we phased ourselves out through natural attrition," Knight told me affably."


Agaric mycelium can be produced through artificial ferment; thereby it can be used in the exploitation of new medicines instead of fruiting body in order to reduce exploitation cost.


Through the con- dition of the then Soviet Union, according to his Balance theory, ByxapNH emphasized that socialist eceomic construction should be in progress under social balance, that the dialectical relations should be dealt with correctly between the state - owned economy and the private sector of the economy, industry and agriculture, heavy industry and light industry, amassment and consumption, planned economy and mark...


Through amplification experiment, it would be provided to be the basis of the industrialization in the future.


Under regulation , the rights that namely owned by the nation will wane through public domain , which will make the late period of the society to be anarchical , and it will also change the direction of cultural evolution , as a result , the knowledge accumulated in society will be of rent - seeking instead of being productive


Expertise can be shared world wide through teleconferencing, and problems in dispute can be settled without the participants leaving their homes andor jobs to travel to a distant conference site.


And for obtaining the common counsel of the kingdom anent the assessing of an aid (except in the three cases aforesaid) or of a scutage, we will cause to be summoned the archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls, and greater barons, severally by our letters; and we will moveover cause to be summoned generally, through our sheriffs and bailiffs, and others who hold of us in chief, for a fixed date, namely, after the expiry of at least forty days, and at a fixed place; and in all letters of such summons we will specify the reason of the summons.


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I Will Never Be Through With You

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
