英语人>网络例句>be through 相关的网络例句
be through相关的网络例句

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与 be through 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A friend will be the one who can share happiness with you when you are happy,listen to your abreaction when you are heartrending,and give you a hand to help you pull through when you are in need,in fact a friend is the one who can be treated as yourself,and he or she will treat you as himslf or herself.


Through the application to practices, it indicates that demarcation iterative algorithm has a simple principle and can be proved to be absolutely convergent and independent of the modifying method of iteration variables.


By then, a number of important and out of Beijing's main-line trains will be calling at two stations, north-east, Shanghai-bound trains can be changed starting from Beijing West Railway Station, Beijing Railway Station stop, and go to Guangzhou, and Chengdu, the direction of the train may also be replaced by Beijing station of origin or through the Beijing West Railway Station.


through text analysis,this paper examines the syntactic and morphological means typically employed in introducing topics into chinese and english texts and their relations to discourse anaphora.we find that in both chinese and english the most important means for introducing the most important and accessible topics into discourse are the indefinite nps used as objects in existential-presentative sentences,and that the indefinite demonstrative adjective zheme and this can be used as an additional means to emphasize the importance of the entity introduced.however,the two languages differ in that,in english texts,apart from the above-mentioned linguistic devices,definite nps functioning as indirect objects and names functioning as subjects also tend to be used to introduce relatively important topics,and the emphatic one,in contrast to the indefinite article "a",can be used as another linguistic means to give additional emphasis on the relative importance of the topic introduced.

摘 要:本文以民间故事为语料,分析和研究了英汉篇章中话题引入的句法和形态手段及其与篇章回指的关系。我们发现,两种语言的主要相似之处为:1用作存现宾语的无定名词短语是引入篇章中最为重要和最为可及话题的主要手段;2英汉无定指示形容词this和&这么&可用于进一步强调所引入话题的重要性。两种语言最主要的差别是:1在汉语中,存现结构中的无定名词短语似乎是引入重要篇章话题的唯一形态句法手段;而在英语中,除此之外,用作间接宾语的有定名词短语和用作主语的专有名词也可以用于引入一个相对重要的篇章话题。2在英语篇章中,另有一个标示重要话题的附加手段,即以one代替a,以便进一步强调所引入话题的重要性。

These finding are consistent with the opinions mode by jurisconsults. Thus, the quality of trial and the number of caseloads may be improved through changing the characteristics of cases and adjusting the content of judgement. The findings can be used to help administrators in making the policy or framing the legal draft or making the judgment. The result from the building model can be used to forecast criminal caseloads of the supreme court.


This paper discloses the poor ability of man's prevention from fire conflagrations through the analysis of man's quality , behavior and dynamic role, pointing out that man's quality has to be improved, his behavior to be regulated and his dynamic role to be exerted in order to develop in accordance with nature, reduce fire conflagrations.


There are private records, is said to Saffron's court is filtered through secret contraception, said that if the emperor did not like being a lady-in-waiting of patronize, they will let this palace eunuch upside down, with her lower body cleansing liquid saffron, is said to be Lady-in-waiting of semen in the body wash, there are a number of unofficial history, the emperor said before patronize Feizi, if we stay, eunuchs would be that woman massage to help ensure that the emperor's sperm can not stay in the body that woman, this can be played Contraception.


Now if we compare the prodigious diversity of upbringings and of ways of life which prevail among the different classes in the civil state with the simplicity and uniformity of animal and savarage life, where everyone eats the same foods, live in the same style and does exactly the same things, it will be understood how much less the difference between man and man must be in the state of nature than it is in society, and how much natural inequality must be increased in the human species through the effects of instituted inequality.


B.P.M.- Catwalk To Heaven The catwalk to your soul The catwalk to heaven I'm ready to rumble - rappin'rollin' the show Take the power of basskit everywhere you will go I don't make the same like you I make it better alone Will be paying the price to enter my dangerzone Will be loaded by myself into your heart and your brain With some full double speed before you lose it again Welcome to my place don't go out through the door B.P. explode - the rhythmbomb on the floor Time is now I will go on the catwalk to your soul Don't you know my heart is out of control And could it be love?


Be the one to show me who you are will you gide me through the nights be my ever shining light will you be my lucky star?


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I Will Never Be Through With You

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
