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be through相关的网络例句

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与 be through 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order that they may not be able to make this excuse, we have taken measures for a comprehensive safe-conduct to be granted and conveyed to them by the Genoans, through whose territory they can travel in safety to the Roman curia, so that they may be able to bring forward the views which they may wish to present in defence of this Pragmatic Sanction .

以使他们可能无法使这个藉口,我们已采取措施进行全面安全行为给予并转达给他们的Genoans ,通过其领土前往他们能够在安全的罗马教廷,使他们可以提出他们的意见,不妨在捍卫这种务实的制裁。

From emulation fact check can see, through be based on a search mechanism density gets together kind supportive vector preelection is taken, training example number can reduce 2/3 above, rate of training of linear disjunctive data can be accelerated 12 times the left and right sides, nonlinear rate of disjunctive data training can be accelerated 5 times the left and right sides.


They may be competing for promotions or accounts, or be fighting a rearguard action against planned redundancies, or they could be probing through simple curiosity.


The program is good be about to begin to come true after my website, through the effort of a week, the structure of whole website came out, repass the test of period of time, basic function was finished, in April 20 I registered a domain name.cn, but the domain name that people says Cn does not use SEO to search (those who hear, do not know to whether be true), be in then in April 24 I registered a new domain name.com again, original plan buys a good space, but still hate to part with, after all fund is limited, but I am quite lucky still, sought a cheap space, and rate is quite good, also knowing because of me the space is speed also can affect a website to rank.


Article 50 Where an agricultural product sold by an enterprise engaging in production of agricultural products or a professional peasant cooperative economic organization is under any of the circumstances enumerated in Items (1) through (3) or Item (5) of Article 33 of the present Law, the said enterprise shall be ordered to stop selling the product, replevy the sold agricultural products, and make innocuous treatment of or supervise the destruction of the illegally sold agricultural products, meanwhile, its illegal proceeds shall be confiscated, and it shall be fined 2,000 Yuan up to 20,000 Yuan, in addition.


By projecting a laser marker onto the object in the environment, such object therefore can be identified through trigonometric calculation. Finally, the color information of such object can be taken as the color model for tracking. This color model will be updated by the light source at each moment of sampling, which helps enhance the stability of detection system.


Methods At first, the relationship of linear or non-linear between dependent X and independent Y in original data can be distinguished by scatter diagram which can be made through Excel software. The scatter diagram of log- arithmic transformation between dependent X and / or independent Y decides which curve to be fitted.


Robert Semler, the pharmacy manager at Divine Mercy Care Pharmacy is excited about being able to practice his faith, even through his work,"I am grateful to be able to practice where my conscience will never be violated and my faith does not have to be checked at the door each morning."


We can easily stumble through life without considering how our lack of manners and sloppiness affect others. To be elegant is not to be snobbish, but rather to be polished, charitable and discreet.


A new kind of magnesium alloys has been synthesized by high energy ball-milling of Mg and Fe mixed powders.Due to the high corrosion speed and reacting efficiency,the alloys are generally called super-corroding alloys.A SCA bulk is fabricated through cold-pressing and sintering the mechanically alloyed Mg-Fe powders.The chemical reaction of SCA with seawater rapidly releases heat and hydrogen gas,which may play very important roles in many ocean applications.For example,the reaction heat can be used to keep diver clothes warm;SCA corrosive links with the function of self-destruction can be utilized to control the sinking and floating of sonobuoy, and to salvage the training torpedo or other instruments.In addition,the reaction heat of SCA can be applied to heat food,machinery and ice or snow,which is thus very helpful for mountaineers.


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I Will Never Be Through With You

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
