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The indication of anus preserved operation should be chosen according to clinical stage and biological characteristic of rectal malignancy; eversion and pull-through anus preserved colorectal anastomosis through anus is a better anus preserved operation for low rectal cancer.


All index proved that the P5776 cDNA library constructed in this research had high quanlity and could be used for further ESTs sequencing and analyzing. The amplified library of P5776 was screened on white-blue plates, and more than 5,000 white-clones were selected to culture in 96-well plates, then the high quanlity plasmids of white-clones were extracted by traditioal alkaline-lysis method using the Vitagene?96-easy plasmid extract kit. Through PCR primered by T3( the vector has T3 RNA polymerase promoter ), the target fragments of inserts were get. Then the inserts were taged by four different fluorescence-dye, and fractionated by capillary in ABI Prism? sequencer. More than 5,000 5′-ESTs had been sequenced and through rough selecting, 4,747 ESTs were remained for further research. Among the remained ESTs, more than 90% have longer lenth than 500bp, and there are less than 5% unable-read bases in every sequence.

将扩增好的P5776 cDNA文库铺布蓝白斑筛选平板,挑取其中的白斑经活化培养后,运用Vitagene 96-easy质粒DNA制备试剂盒以碱裂解法共提取出58 板(96孔板),即5,000 余个重组子克隆的高质量质粒DNA;提取好的质粒以T3(连接载体上具有该引物RNA聚合酶启动子)为引物经PCR(Polymerase Chain Reaction,聚合酶链式反应)扩增出重组子插入片段,标记上荧光染料后在ABI Prism 3100 测序仪上经毛细管电泳完成了5,000 余条5′端EST 序列的测定工作,初步筛选出4,747 条质量较好的EST序列,经筛选得到的EST中90%以上具有大于500bp 的可读序列,每一EST序列中不可读碱基数小于5%。

After going through the shrinking package line, the goods will be well-sealed into a see-through and nice pack that works against moisture, dust, and makes storage and transport jobs easier.


Impeller rotates clockwise, the right part of the space between two blades is gradually increasing, in confined conditions, with the air volume increases, pressure decreases, the formation of vacuum pumps and air through the pipeline suction tube into the vacuum pump the right side of the crescent-shaped shell inspiratory mouth to be sucked into vacuum pump, vacuum pump impeller left some space between the two blades is gradually reduced, so the air is compressed, the pressure then increased, and finally through the vacuum pump shell crescent-shaped exhaust port from the left side of vacuum pumps, gas separator into the water box, so that was taken out after the separation of the recycled water reuse.


Through discussing further the reflective and refractive coefficients of line boundary, the features of line boundary are as follows: the attenuation of high frequency band (especially in band of line trap) of transient components generated by fault through line boundary is obvious, whereas the low frequency band (1~10kHz) components are hardly influenced. Moreover, the transient components below 100kHz should be adopted in purpose of outstanding the line boundary and weakening the transmission influence of transmission line.


The next decade will see almost a reinvention of television --not through improved programs, as many might wish, but through the melding of TV, the computer and the telephone into something almost entirely new .Children of the 21st century will likely be surprised to hear that there were once computers that didn't plug into telephone lines, telephones without video screens and television sets that merely showed programs without viewer interaction.


This paper presents conductive polymer molecular materials with insulating powder, mixed into the deployment of surge suppressors for low capacitance of paste, while the component design concept is based on the field of passive components, manufacturing process to make the basic theory to design the protective components, the main use of the existing ceramic substrate for the component body structure design, screen design in the body through the structure of the gap at the top of the printing layer of a different conductors, and then to learning to know the printing process technologies approach the low capacitance of the surge suppressor paste cover the gap in the two conductors, and by the resistance of plastic burning process technology, the temperature of sintering parts made of electrostatic protection element, and this protection through the external ESD components in bombardment tests, measurement of capacitance electrostatic discharge after bombardment, Trigger voltage and leakage current data, and the volume measured by the results of future discussion of the layout of this different style of work in the same area, different clearance, solid content and temperature than the next, for the attainment of performance components, a low capacitance ESD protection devices with low breakdown voltage requirements and to chip-based protection devices can be designed to integrate with the advanced Integrated Circuits or used independent of the electrostatic protection element in the system.

本文提出高分子导电分子材料搭配绝缘粉末,调配混合成适用於低电容突波抑制器之PASTE,而元件设计概念是以被动元件制程领域作基础理论去设计此防护元件,主体利用现有陶瓷基板为元件本体结构设计,在经由网版设计在本体结构上方印刷一层不同的间隙导体,再以习知印刷制程技术方式,将低电容突波抑制器之PASTE覆盖在两导体的间隙内,并经由电阻制程习知塑烧技术,将元件烧结适当温度制成静电防护元件;而此防护元件在经外加静电放电轰击测试后,量测静电放电轰击后的电容、Trigger voltage及漏电流相关数据,并藉由测结果讨此同的布局样式,在相同工作区面积、不同间隙、固含量与温度比下,对於元件效能是否达到静电防护元件低电容与低崩溃电压的需求,并藉此晶片型防护元件可设计整合於先进积体电或应用於独系统的静电防护元件中。

In order to control the steam temperature at the outlet of the primary superheater of a 1000 t/h once-through boiler, the start up condition is analyzed in accordance with the concept of " isenthalpic switchover" and it is suggested that the ratio of fuel feed to steam flow through the primary superheater before the switchover during cold startup be used as the criterion for judgement.


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In order to coordinate with the model experiment of rotor, three rotor temperature measurement systems are developed in the paper. System No.1 transfers temperature signal through slip rings. Multi-channel switch circuit is installed on the rotor and changes multi-channel input into one-channel output, thus multi–channel temperature signal can be transferred through less slip rings than the common solution.


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I Will Never Be Through With You

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
