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与 be through 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The tutor program is coming from my Uni study, I found I can understand much better if I had discussion with my classmates that time,( as that time, no matter how many times I asked my lecture, I still cannot totally master his points),- This is why I offer previous students to be a tutor as I know there are too many information within the class, this is why I offer my previous students to review the topics with me together in the class - relisten all the topics again through reviewing all the topics with Nicole together in the class and also they can solve the ambiguous through re-listening and also apply what they learn from me to my student's study'.

Firstly, I am here to thank for my tutor's great work,谢谢你们的无私的分享和奉献。我很高兴看到我个人的精神带动了我团队的力量。因为我知道我课的容量大,广度和深度也大,所以我提供给曾花很多功夫的学生重新免费来听一次课,这次是带着问题来听课了,把以前听课的疑问通过第二次听课,这时你自然而然就解决了,而且你理解度和你第一听课完全不一样。学生要真正吃透我的讲课精髓,学生不但通过在家一定要反复地咀嚼以求达到消化,同时通过与TUTOR 讨论来巩固,理清思路。

It can be performed through a lower abdominal incision (radical retropubic prostatectomy) or through the perineum.


This can be achieved through close analysis of how small groups of participants co-construct shared meanings and sustain joint activities through the sequentiality and relatedness of their situated contributions and their social participation.


The modernization and Sinicization of philosophy can not be finished through book, it must through practice.


Through the study of the engineering geology conditions and properties of the landslide about the left bank of Xiao Dong River Electric Station in the Lei River, through the analysis of the causes of landslide, and by using STAB procedure about limit balance method and famous Finite elements ANSYS software to analyze the landslide stability, a conclusion is made that when the water level of reservoir is 150 metres, the safe coefficient of landslide body stability under the statured status is 0.97, and the slope may be wriggled or slid, which is consistent with the result of the author using fuzzy analysis.


This project for 53 dwellings between party walls can be described through its tectonic (Roca Port Aventura in the stereotomic plinth of the two first floors of housing, plus buildings that, resting on the former, are rounded off with canvas roofs with silkscreen-printed tiles), or through its virtues of "non-extrusion" and "non-metaphor".


Most conventional methods for the extraction of substrate network were based on the use of frequency behavior of Y22 + Y21. However, we found that the feedback signal through the internal circuit elements makes the conductance of the substrate network underestimated while makes the susceptance of the substrate network overestimated. If conventional methods are directly performed on large area SiGe HBTs, a negative effective substrate resistance will be extracted. In the first part of the thesis, a new extraction method for the substrate network parameters of SiGe HBTs is proposed. When extracting the substrate network parameters, the feedback signal through internal circuit elements is considered. All the circuit elements of substrate network are extracted from Ysub instead of Y22 + Y21. The extracted substrate network parameters show a different bias dependence as compared to the conventional methods. By using a simple n+-p junction, we successfully explained the extracted bias dependent substrate network parameters. We developed a series linear regression equation to extracted the intrinsic circuit elements from the ABCD parameters. Compared with the conventional methods which extracted the circuit elements from Y-parameters or Z-parameters, the proposed method is much simple and easy to implement in the computer programs.

传统方法在萃取基板网路参数时,常常由所量得的Y22 + Y21来著手,但我们的研究发现,利用Y22 + Y21的频率关系来萃取基板参数时,基板网路的电导会被低估而基板网路的电纳则会被高估,另外传统基板网路参数萃取方法在萃取大尺寸元件基板网路参数时会得到负值基板等效电阻,以上的非理想效应皆因忽略部份信号会经由本质参数对基板网路做回授的影响,因此本论文中提出一个新的基板网路参数萃取方法,在萃取基板网路参数时考虑了由本质参数所回授的信号,并且由Ysub而非Y22 + Y21萃取基板等效电阻、基板等效电容及基板与集极空乏电容,成功的解决上述的一些非理想效应,所得到的基板网路参数与集极偏压的关系与传统方法所得的趋势相异,经由一个简单的模型成功的解释了所萃取得到的基板网路参数与偏压的关系,在萃取本质参数时,我们舍弃传统萃取方法中常用的Y参数或Z参数萃取方程式,而改用ABCD参数,并提出一系列的线性回归方程式,萃取所有的本质参数,与传统方法比较起来,比较简单而且容易建立在使用者的参数萃取软体中。

Through calculating the longest suppositional traverse model, when using grade E GPS to lay the near shaft point and electronic tacheometer (SET22D) to lay 7′′traverse under the shaft, the following results can be drawn: under the same or similar conditions, this design can meet the need of the 8300m longest mine holing through survey distance (the underground traverse is not more than 4300m), or the need of the long tunnels such as 1300m roads and railways.


It makes customer a moving expense process from marketing to localization, document planning to execution, symbol design to terminal image inducts through the manner, the specialty, the service and satisfication; it is a process makes brand grow out of nothing and construction through the concept of brand should be implemented; It also an overall integration interfaces the Tanger Eyeshot team with resources providing the integrated system service for the customer.


Here the Divine action is distinguished from the human actions of touching or speaking, though it uses them, but through this close connexion the word theandric is not out of place for the whole complex act, while the Divine action as exercised through the human may be called formally theandric, or divino-human.

在这里,神圣的行动是区别於人类活动的触摸或者说,尽管利用它们,而是通过这种密切联系一词theandric是并不过分的地方,整个复杂的行为,而神圣的行动,通过行使人权可所谓的正式theandric ,或迪维努人。

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I Will Never Be Through With You

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
